Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-10-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #33

Hello lovelies! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome blog post! I'm writing to you from a sunny spot in Rome, a city bursting with ancient history and romantic charm, just like me! (Haha!). And let me tell you, Rome is every bit as fabulous as everyone says. It's just like a dream come true.

So let me tell you all about it! Rome has really stolen my heart. The first thing that struck me was the sense of history that hangs in the air. It's like you can feel the ghosts of ancient Romans whispering tales of battles and emperors. Then, there are the stunning buildings. Walking around, I'm constantly stopping to gaze up at these magnificent cathedrals and basilicas. And of course, the food is incredible. The creamy gelato, the hearty pasta, the juicy pizzas – I'm in foodie heaven!

But my journey started even before I reached the Eternal City. The journey to Rome itself was such an adventure. It always brings me a certain type of excitement to travel by train, there’s such an atmosphere and character. My trusty pink tutu got its fair share of attention on the journey, so of course I felt totally comfortable and at home in my pinkness. The trip was packed full of romance – my fellow passengers and the views were so beautiful – everything is a bit more colourful when you're wearing pink!

I've been in Rome for a few days now and have already explored so much! I love a good itinerary – but don't you worry I’m making room for a bit of fashion exploration, as always, and will let you know my must-have finds! I’ve made sure my pink tutu makes its way to each location. As always, it’s all about finding the perfect photo spot with just the right amount of light, so that when I show off my ballerina moves, I’m sparkling!

My first port of call was the Colosseum. It was even more impressive in person than I had imagined, like stepping straight into a gladiatorial movie set! Of course, my pink tutu added a touch of whimsy to this ancient site.

After that, I was off to the Roman Forum to soak up the ancient ruins. There’s nothing quite like the scent of the old stones on a balmy evening – it’s enough to make you feel ancient yourself, with a twirl or two. There’s nothing quite like a full-on twirl in the sunset light to feel in tune with the magic of history!

No trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to the Vatican City. It was a real sight to behold. I couldn't believe how stunning St. Peter's Basilica is. The detail and scale of it just leave you breathless. I made sure I got the perfect photo of my pink tutu in front of the Basilica – a picture to be cherished!

One of the highlights of my trip so far was seeing the Trevi Fountain. It’s all about a perfect photo when you’re wearing your pink tutu so we waited patiently (but happily) to get the right spot in front of this iconic monument. We had a real good giggle with the tourists! Then, it was time to follow the old Roman tradition and throw in a coin! I'm holding onto that good luck all the way through the rest of my travels. You never know what a girl like me will find along the way, do you?

In the evenings, I love to lose myself in the narrow, winding streets of Trastevere. The charm is all in the tiny shops, cute bars and delicious smells! This district feels so alive, with its local feel. I found myself lost in the little squares where families gather to talk over wine and enjoy delicious homemade meals.

Oh! And ballet. Let’s not forget ballet. After a whole day of twirling around Rome’s streets, it’s good to make it to the theatre for a proper ballet performance. On the second night, I saw Romeo and Juliet, a story that has always inspired my pink tulle! The dancing was sublime, and I just couldn’t resist twirling in the foyer as we left the show!

Shopping is also something I can't leave out. Every time I go shopping, I feel the need to grab something to jazz up my ballerina wardrobe. Rome is full of amazing vintage shops - It’s the perfect way to find something really special, for a pink price. (Don't worry, you'll see my finds on Instagram soon, lovelies!). I’m also starting to think a beautiful Roman scarf might be an absolute must!

I've already made so many new friends here, who seem to love my Pink Tutu energy just as much as I do! There is so much that I haven't seen yet but it's been wonderful experiencing just how full of magic Rome is. I really can't wait to see what else it holds.

This trip has really confirmed that I am a true pink-tutu loving ballerina who just loves life and all it offers! And of course, I am bringing back my own special Italian fashion finds, so you can expect some exciting posts in the coming days! It really is a joy to share all these moments with you – thank you for always sticking with me on this amazing adventure, my loves!

That's all for today, loves!

Until next week, stay sparkly!


Emma xoxo

P.S. Make sure you check out my latest Pink Tutu Instagram story. You can find me at @PinkTutuEmma. And you know it’s important to follow my Facebook page too! PinkTutu: An Inspirational Guide - Don’t miss any news from my world of travel and pink!

This is post #33 on, Emma’s blog all about travelling and wearing a pink tutu, posted every Wednesday

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-10-03 exploring Rome Italy