Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-10-31 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: A Dance Through the Eternal City (Post #334)

Ciao Bella! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu wearing ballerina, and I'm here, bursting with excitement, straight from the heart of Rome! I'm feeling a little bit like a princess in this incredible city, where history meets culture, and the cobbled streets whisper secrets of emperors and gladiators. But let's be honest, I'm just here for the gelato, the sunshine, and, of course, the amazing ballet opportunities this place has to offer!

This week, I decided to pack my pink tulle tutu (obviously), some of my favourite pink-tinted dresses and my trusty pink ballet shoes for my Italian escapade. It's been a whirlwind of sights, smells and sensations - all of which I’m desperate to share with you lovely lot!

A Roman Journey Begins…

As always, my adventure started on the train. I adore the romance of the iron carriages speeding through the countryside, watching the world roll past, and for once, not having to be on stage for hours at a time. It gives me time to reflect and to be inspired. You know, all those ballet ideas, outfits, and the overall artistic feel for this incredible trip, it’s all dreamed up on the train!

Landing in Rome, my pink tutu trailing behind me like a playful cloud of blush, was a sensory overload. I was struck by the bustling streets, the aroma of freshly baked bread, the sound of chattering Italian locals. I practically felt the energy buzzing in the air – you know, that “Ciao Bella” energy. It was fantastic!

The first place I made a beeline for was, of course, my hotel. The decor was oh-so-pink with beautiful fluffy pillows, soft silk sheets and the most dazzling chandelier I've ever seen! This time, it's not just about my clothes and me!

I couldn't resist a trip to the Colosseum immediately – this incredible structure of the past stood defiant, even through a light drizzle that only added a romantic haze to the air. The whole city felt as ancient as the Colosseum – all crumbling arches and mysterious hidden corners that begged to be explored. I was truly stepping back in time, even with my sparkly, vibrant tutu and feather boa, making a dash of colour to such a historic place.

Dancing and Dreams…

Of course, this being a Pink Tutu trip, ballet was high on my agenda! The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma is truly a breathtaking venue, and it boasts a repertoire that could only be dreamed of! The very idea of stepping onto their hallowed stage sent chills down my spine.

On 31st October (Happy Halloween!), I saw the most stunning rendition of ‘La Traviata’ you’ve ever seen! The set was beautiful, the orchestra played with a symphony of passion, and the ballet company’s performance was truly divine. Their strength and fluidity, combined with the rich costumes and vibrant atmosphere, just brought me to tears – tears of happiness, I mean. This, this is the magic of ballet, at its absolute best.

The next day, after the incredible “La Traviata,” I hit a local dance school to get some practice. I found myself with some lovely girls, and even the most intimidating “passé” moves felt easy under the expert tutelage of the resident dance instructor. Even though I didn't quite get my grande jeté just right, my pink tutu still swished beautifully in the afternoon sunlight pouring through the studio’s windows.

Fashion and Gelato…

You’d be right to think Rome was a haven for the fashion-obsessed! I fell in love with a beautiful boutique nestled in one of the city's charming squares, full of silks, satins, and lace - perfect for a bit of tutu inspiration!

Oh, and the gelato, darling! From classic chocolate to vibrant pistachio, every lick was a journey through Italian flavour heaven! You see, sometimes life is simply about indulging yourself, whether that be with ballet or ice cream, because I think every delicious moment is a little victory!

Pink Tutu Magic

This is the thing about the Pink Tutu: It allows me to bring colour and joy to any corner of the world, even in the most historically steeped cities.

For me, it’s about bringing people together, inspiring people to move, to twirl and to appreciate life's small victories, all in the spirit of pink. In my view, life's best moments should always be served with a dash of pink, and who’s to disagree with that?

So what have I learnt this week?

That Rome is a place where history meets vibrancy, where fashion is a second language, and where ballet simply sings from the rooftops! It's a city that leaves an indelible mark, one I will definitely carry with me, and, perhaps, that's a hint for where I’ll be headed next…

Now, excuse me, my dear readers, the city of Rome awaits! Ciao!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-10-31 exploring Rome Italy