Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-03-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday, 13th March 2002 - Ciao Bella! 🩰🇮🇹

Welcome back, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Rome! This week I'm absolutely buzzing, because I'm finally here! In Rome, darling! The Eternal City! And yes, I am sporting my pinkest, fluffiest tutu (naturally). After a gloriously scenic train journey from Derbyshire (where else?), I've landed in the heart of Italy, ready to soak up all the romance, history, and oh-so-fashionable vibes that this city has to offer.

This is post number 353 in my travelogue, so you know I've got this travel blog thing down pat! It's been a long, glorious journey, full of pink tulle, perfect pirouettes, and stunning stage performances – all funded, of course, by the magic of my ballet. Remember, darlings, life's a stage, and with a bit of twirling and imagination, anything is possible. And remember, always choose pink. Always. 😉

So, let's dive into my adventures in Rome, shall we?

A Stroll through Time: Colosseum & The Forum

Today, my darlings, we travelled back in time. Literally! This morning, we stood awestruck by the Colosseum, a masterpiece of Roman architecture. It's the largest amphitheatre ever built, a testament to the power of the Roman Empire, and just the most magnificent sight to behold. We spent a couple of hours wandering around, picturing the gladiatorial battles and public spectacles that once graced this magnificent arena.

Then, we ambled over to the Roman Forum, a sprawling complex of ruins where the Romans once debated, traded, and lived their daily lives. I confess, I was utterly enchanted! There were temples, marketplaces, and basilicas galore, all whispering tales of a glorious past. It’s truly mind-boggling to imagine the sheer scale of Roman life. It was a history lesson and a magical journey rolled into one!

Pizza Paradise: Delicious Discoveries

After a long, fascinating morning, our bellies began to rumble, so we set out to find a decent pizza place. We found one tucked away on a quaint street with an outdoor patio perfect for soaking up the afternoon sun. And darling, the pizza was divine! A perfect thin crust, tangy tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella – sheer pizza bliss! The way they cook pizzas here is a whole different art form!

Pink Tutu Finds: Roman Shopping Spree

Now, you all know how I love a good shopping spree! And this one didn’t disappoint! After lunch, we hit the Via Condotti, Rome’s most famous shopping street. High fashion is abundant here! My eyes were practically popping out of my head! We strolled through designer boutiques, window-shopped to our hearts' content, and, naturally, I couldn’t resist adding a couple of very fabulous accessories to my Pink Tutu collection – a pair of delicate pink earrings and a stunning silk scarf with a floral motif. You see, darling, one can never have too many pink accessories! I think it’s simply a matter of balancing your love for a particular shade of pink, to fit into the outfit and the season. It's not easy, you know? It's like choosing between chocolate and strawberries, so difficult! 😉

Evening Enchantment: La Scala in the Sky

No trip to Rome would be complete without a night at the opera. And oh my, this opera house is the stuff of dreams. A truly regal affair, darling! Tonight, we were mesmerized by La Traviata, set in the heart of 19th-century Paris. We sat nestled in the plush red velvet seats of the theatre, transported by the melodies and emotions of the performers. Even though we didn't speak Italian, the story unfolded right before our eyes – a captivating love story tinged with tragedy.

Afterward, we went to a traditional trattoria, tucked away on a charming side street. The atmosphere was electric, fuelled by animated conversations and hearty laughter. It felt so romantic and authentic. It's the perfect end to a long day of exploring and appreciating all the beauty that Rome offers.

Fashion Focus: Romantic Florals & Tailored Tulle

Let's talk about fashion, shall we? This city, darling, is a true inspiration! My pink tutu finds in Rome? Oh, it’s just too much! From vibrant floral prints and breezy linen fabrics to exquisite silk scarves and glamorous evening dresses, the city’s sartorial charm had me absolutely swooning! And, of course, the Roman men, are, as always, beautifully dressed in tailored suits. All those Italian men look so dashing! So dashing, they should just make me faint. It's like they were sculpted from marble and styled by the gods!

One thing I’ve noticed here, darling, is how fashion blends effortlessly with daily life. Everyone, from street vendors to stylish shoppers, possesses a unique and undeniable flair. It's like an open-air runway show every day, and I'm living for it!

A Night Under the Roman Sky

It’s been an incredible day, and this night, is looking even more special! With the city bathed in a gentle, golden light, I decided to explore a bit more. There is something magical about wandering through the narrow cobbled streets, past fountains, and historical landmarks. The scent of jasmine fills the air, and it's as if Rome whispers its secrets only to those who venture out after dark. And it was during a quiet stroll down the Appian Way, that I felt utterly at peace in this ancient city.

I truly hope you've enjoyed joining me for this magical Pink Tutu adventure! Remember, life is all about embracing colour and twirling your way through each new experience. Keep an eye on my Pink Tutu Rome blog, every Wednesday. I'll keep you updated on all my adventures and share some fab fashion finds! Now, I think it's time to indulge in some gelato, and admire the beauty of this city under a star-filled sky!

Ciao, darlings, and keep twirling! 💫

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-03-13 exploring Rome Italy