Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-07-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! 🩰🇮🇹 (Post #370)

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome adventure! This week, I'm whisking you away to the Eternal City, where the cobbled streets, ancient ruins, and oh-so-delicious gelato have me utterly enchanted!

Before we dive into the Italian delights, let me tell you a little bit about my journey. Remember my big ballet performance in Florence last weekend? It was a roaring success! The applause was deafening, the flowers were plentiful, and my tutu twirled perfectly, sending a flurry of pink petals through the air! That performance was my ticket to Rome, my lovely! I do love the thrill of travelling by train, all that clattering and chugging while watching the countryside whizz past.

Speaking of which, have you ever been to Italy? I must tell you, the train ride was absolutely glorious. Green hills with vineyards creeping down the slopes, fields of sunflowers that stretched as far as the eye could see, and, oh, the architecture! Imagine my delight when the majestic peaks of Rome appeared, the Coliseum a proud giant rising from the city. This, my dears, is truly a city of romance, history, and let's face it, a fabulous feast for the senses!

Now, back to my little Italian escapade. My hotel is divine. Pink walls! Pink pillows! You know me, always looking for that touch of pink! There's a charming balcony, perfect for sipping Italian espresso and soaking in the Roman sun. You won't be surprised to hear that I've already discovered a fantastic little boutique, just a short walk from the hotel, packed full of stunning vintage frocks, perfect for my Rome wardrobe. I simply couldn't resist adding a beautiful crimson red maxi dress to my suitcase. The shopkeeper even promised to show me her secret stash of delicate silk scarves. Now, a good scarf is an essential accessory for a Pink Tutu traveller, so I'll be sure to report back next week!

But onto the day's activities!

The Coliseum: This iconic structure has a timeless grandeur that had me speechless. Imagine gladiators battling, lions roaring, the roar of the crowd - history truly does come alive here! I tried to picture all those amazing, fearless men in their leather armor, swords clanging, fighting for the entertainment of the masses. The stories, the bravery, the power. Just magnificent! I felt like a little pink ballerina lost in a giant fairytale.

The Pantheon: You have to see this place. Absolutely breath-taking. I stood in the middle, beneath the open dome, looking up at the endless sky, a perfect circle, letting the cool air wash over me. It is truly awe-inspiring. A bit of Roman history and a reminder that no matter where we are, we are all under the same sky. Perfect!

Food, Glorious Food: Did I mention the gelato? You'll find delicious scoops of creamy vanilla, berry, and chocolate gelato on every corner, a veritable explosion of Italian taste sensations! Today I indulged in a heavenly concoction of hazelnut and fig gelato with a dash of dark chocolate, all swirled into one perfect, pink-tinted masterpiece. It was simply sublime! I promise to share more about my gelato discoveries next week, darling!

And let’s not forget the Pasta! Spaghetti carbonara, creamy and rich, gnocchi with pesto, light and flavorful, pizza with all the delicious toppings you can imagine! My goodness, every single bite of Italian food is an absolute symphony of flavor.

The Trevi Fountain: This evening, I found myself under the starry Italian sky at the Trevi Fountain. A dazzling spectacle of flickering lights, bubbling water, and a dramatic facade. They say you must throw a coin into the fountain for good luck and to guarantee a return trip to Rome! Now, how could I resist that?! I tossed a sparkling little coin, made a wish, and, with a sweet little curtsy to the magic of Rome, strolled off.

A Little Bit of Culture: Tomorrow, I'm planning a day at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, which translates to, The Rome Opera House. Fancy! It seems there's an exquisite performance of ‘Swan Lake’ lined up! Can you imagine?! This elegant spectacle promises to be a real highlight of my Italian adventure. You know me, darling, I always go for a pink feather boa, a beautiful silk scarf, and my very finest tulle. Oh, I'm practically purring with excitement! I can't wait to report back on all the stunning costumes and the beautiful dancing, perhaps some exquisite dance photography. It’s going to be heavenly.

You see, I’ve learnt something this week: A touch of pink can really elevate the Italian experience, making it all the more magical and fun! It's just a reminder that there’s always room for a bit of sparkle, no matter where we are in the world. And if you happen to be in Rome, you better believe you'll see this Pink Tutu ballerina gliding around, catching all the sunshine and making the most of every single gelato opportunity!

Until next Wednesday, my lovelies, stay fabulous, wear your tutus with pride, and, most importantly, remember to enjoy every moment!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-07-10 exploring Rome Italy