Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-08-07 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Ciao Bella! A Tutu-ful Day in Eternal Rome - Post #374

Ciao, darling! Emma here, your #PinkTutu girl, writing to you live from the most incredible city – Rome, Italy! Yes, this pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed lass has swapped Derbyshire for the cobblestones of the Eternal City, and let me tell you, it's truly bellissimo!

This is post #374, my weekly Wednesday update from my Italian adventure, landing on your screens hot off the Roman presses, like a freshly-baked, flaky, gluten-free, almond-topped, perfectly pink, mini-croissant from the fabulous local bakery I discovered (more on that later!)

This week has been a whirlwind of tutus, tiaras, and triumph – but, as always, I wouldn't be a proper #PinkTutu blogger without my trusty pink tutu. You just can’t travel the world and visit ancient ruins in anything else, right? It just sets the tone, you know what I mean?

The Train, The City, and My First Ballet Surprise!

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? The train journey from my lovely home in Derbyshire, England, was an absolute delight. I managed to snag a window seat, which always makes me feel like a glamorous princess on a grand adventure (perhaps inspired by those beautiful fairy tales I read as a child!). The carriages, filled with the soft, gentle chatter of fellow travellers, were full of charm, and even the old, creaky carriages had a romantic air that filled me with a sense of excitement.

I confess I spent most of the journey planning my pink tutu wardrobe for the week, as I had to carefully choose from my massive collection (I just can’t seem to help myself, and I know you wouldn't have it any other way, darling!). Every outfit needs the perfect tutu, just as a good cuppa needs milk and sugar! I finally settled on my favourite baby pink number, the one that perfectly matches the beautiful blooms I bought in Derby market, with a little touch of sparkling sequins for some added "oomph!"

Stepping off the train at Termini station, the vibrant atmosphere of Rome instantly enveloped me. The smell of delicious food wafting from little trattorias, the constant buzz of people talking in a language that sounded like a melodic song, and the breathtaking view of the Colosseum from afar... It was all so magical. I felt like I was in a dream!

As soon as I settled into my quaint little guesthouse in the Trastevere neighbourhood, a feeling of pure happiness and joy filled me. I quickly hung up my pink tutu for everyone to admire (it’s such a perfect focal point, isn’t it?!), took in the stunning view of the city from the little balcony, and popped a celebratory bottle of Prosecco. What’s a girl to do when she's in Rome?

A Roman Ballet Bonanza: The Splendor of Teatro dell'Opera di Roma!

I’d booked a special treat for myself: tickets to the grand Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Oh, the grandeur of it all, darlings! The theatre, steeped in history and bursting with architectural splendour, felt like something out of a storybook, and I was simply swooning! The majestic, ornate interior, filled with glittering chandeliers and plush red velvet seats, added a touch of Hollywood glamour. The excitement was palpable in the air, with a whisper of anticipation swirling among the elegantly dressed audience.

Tonight's show was a rendition of 'Giselle', a tragic, beautiful love story ballet. I could barely hold back my tears as the incredible dancers moved gracefully through their roles, telling a powerful story using their bodies and emotions. It was mesmerising to watch, and left me feeling deeply inspired. I'd heard so much about this opera house, and it exceeded all my expectations. It's no wonder why the world-famous "Three Tenors" held their concert here!

Pink Tutu Sightseeing: A Walk Through History

After my magical ballet night, it was time to explore the incredible sights of Rome, of course. Every turn brought me face-to-face with stunning architecture, historical monuments, and charming piazzas that looked like they'd sprung straight from the pages of an Italian travel book!

First, a morning stroll through the iconic Colosseum, with my pink tutu proudly swaying beneath the imposing archways. I had to do my signature twirl! After all, it's practically a ballet pose. Can’t you just see a scene from "The Phantom of the Opera" set in the Colosseum? This iconic Roman structure, a symbol of resilience and grandeur, seemed to radiate a captivating aura of history, inspiring a quiet sense of awe within me.

I also visited the breathtaking Pantheon, where sunlight poured in through the perfectly-placed "eye" at the top of the dome, illuminating the breathtaking artwork inside. The Forum, a reminder of a great empire that spanned the world, fascinated me. I imagined the streets bustling with people going about their daily lives centuries ago. History truly does come alive when you stand among these grand ruins.

Rome is such a perfect mix of ancient history and modern vibrancy, and each corner feels like a scene out of a cinematic masterpiece. Everywhere I go, I see glimpses of classic Roman art, from the iconic Roman busts to the magnificent statues at the Galleria Borghese, where Bernini's sculptures, like Apollo and Daphne, captivated me with their exquisite details. I must admit, even though I am an avid dancer, I was truly inspired by the way these sculptures moved, almost coming to life before my eyes!

The Shopping Experience: Fashion & Tutu Adventures in Rome

It wouldn't be a proper #PinkTutuRome adventure without a little indulgence in the delights of shopping, would it? The city’s chic fashion houses and quaint boutiques were brimming with the latest trends, and I was positively giddy with the prospect of adding some Roman flair to my already-vast collection of tutus.

A special shout-out to my favourite discovery this week: a tiny, hidden gem in Trastevere that sells the most gorgeous array of tutus I've ever seen. It's like a haven for pink tutu lovers like myself! We're talking fluffy tulle, sequinned delights, and even tutus adorned with charming, delicate flowers, oh, my! The shop's owner, a sweet woman with twinkling eyes and a genuine passion for her art, personally helped me choose the perfect, most magnificent tutu for my Roman outings. She even helped me pick out the most beautiful accessories: a tiny, pink fascinator adorned with sparkly pearls, perfect for a chic luncheon in the Piazza Navona, and a delicate, floral-print scarf for the evenings. Oh, it was bliss!

Of course, I can't resist a bit of exploring the local shops. I snagged a couple of authentic Roman souvenirs – a charming little ceramic plate decorated with a playful ballet ballerina in a bright pink tutu and a pair of colourful, hand-painted fans, just perfect for fanning myself in the Roman heat.

Pink Tutu Performances: The Passion of Street Theatre in Rome

No trip to Rome would be complete without immersing myself in the city’s captivating art scene, which seems to seep out into every alleyway, every piazza.

I happened upon a local group of performers in the Piazza di Spagna. They were putting on a vibrant show with stunning costumes, graceful movements, and beautiful music, leaving the audience spellbound. This vibrant street theatre captivated me with its passion and storytelling. They spoke no English, but their emotions and incredible performance language spoke volumes. I found myself swaying to their tunes, tapping my toes, and, of course, giving them my loudest, most heartfelt applause. They were brilliant!

This week, I've learned that Romans, despite being surrounded by so much historical grandeur, find beauty and expression in the smallest details: a charming cafe's simple coffee art, a florist's carefully arranged bouquet of blooms, a group of children playing a spirited game of tag in a little piazza, It's all about savouring every moment, appreciating the everyday things, and embracing a sense of pure joy! And Rome truly lives and breathes that philosophy!

Pasta, Gelato, and the Best-Kept Secret:

Of course, no visit to Italy would be complete without indulging in some mouth-watering culinary delights! Rome truly embraces a delicious combination of comfort and culture through its food.

I have been enjoying the tastiest pizza, the most delicious pasta dishes, and, of course, indulging in copious amounts of the most creamy, dreamy gelato – the flavours! The choices are simply endless, and each one, more tempting than the last. But what really stood out for me this week was discovering a little secret: a local bakery called "Dolci Di Vita" nestled amongst the shops on Via dei Coronari. The owner, a kind lady named Carla, told me she started her little bakery after she discovered a forgotten recipe for "Panettone alla Rosa", a special rose-flavoured, light-as-air bread that has been passed down through generations in her family. Oh my goodness, it's incredible! The delicately pink bread, adorned with delicate sugar crystals and fragrant with rosewater, melted in my mouth with every bite. It truly reminded me of a fairytale come to life – a taste of sweet, delicate perfection. Carla was happy to share the recipe with me!

Rome is an amazing mix of old and new, history and contemporary flair, It's like a giant stage where the city's stories unfold, like a captivating dance performance – enchanting, intriguing, and utterly beautiful. And guess what? I'll be sharing my tips and tricks for bringing a touch of Roman charm into your everyday lives on my blog, #PinkTutuRome. Just stay tuned.

Until next week, my darling friends, keep shining, and don’t forget, there's a little pink tutu inside each and every one of us waiting to twirl out!

Ciao for now,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-08-07 exploring Rome Italy