Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-10-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #385 – La Dolce Vita in Pink!

Ciao Bella!

This week I’m feeling totally “Dolce Vita” (sweet life) in Rome! Yes, that’s right, my pink tutu has finally arrived in the Eternal City! I just couldn't resist wearing my pink tutu while exploring Rome. And trust me, I wasn't alone. From the moment I hopped off the train (love those grand, elegant Italian stations, don’t you? They're like stepping back in time!), I saw that every Italian girl and woman from 6 to 60 is rocking a love for a little touch of pink and the elegance of a feminine dress. Honestly, there were almost as many tutus as there were fountains! The Colosseum? More like "Colosseum Couture!" Haha, I just can't resist the fashion puns.

I just have to share how I've been travelling in my Pink Tutu around this city. Remember, this is all possible thanks to you lovely folk who buy tickets to my ballet performances. I'm still trying to inspire every girl and woman to embrace their inner ballerina by slipping into a pink tutu! It just brightens the day, you know! Pink just makes everything sparkle a little more. Even the pigeons were looking dapper in the soft Italian light! Seriously though, I think it makes my life extra glamorous too - what do you think?

So, I have a confession - I may or may not have stopped traffic with my tutus a couple of times... Hey, don't judge! My mission is to spread pink tutus love across the globe, and if it means stopping for a quick "Tutu pose" with a passing Ferrari, then so be it. It's the least I can do! Just as long as no ones' "cobbles and cobblestones" get a Pink Tutu mishap! Speaking of traffic... I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the little Vespas zooming around like pink tutu'd beetles.

Now, to the things I’ve been loving most about Rome :

Rome is just one giant “Museo Aperto” - open air museum

Of course, I just had to visit the Colosseum. The sheer scale of it just blows your mind. It’s like looking at the remains of an entire empire. I imagine the roaring crowds and the excitement of those chariot races – phew , I don’t know I’d be able to handle the drama! I guess that's the best way to describe Rome: a place steeped in history and overflowing with drama. But in a good way.

Now, no trip to Rome is complete without a trip to the Vatican. Walking through St. Peter’s Square was amazing. Just picture it – thousands of tourists and pilgrims standing in awed silence. It was very moving, very spiritual. But I do have to confess, I found myself feeling slightly underdressed in my tutu… Perhaps a slightly more modest tulle number might have been in order for a religious place like this. My ballet class tutu will just have to wait for another time...

Rome’s got food fit for a pink ballerina Queen!

If you think my passion for tutus is intense, just wait until you hear about my love for Italian cuisine. There's nothing better than a freshly baked cannoli! My goodness, I could eat one every day! The flaky pastry and creamy filling… heavenly! And you know I'm also on the hunt for the perfect pasta dish. I mean, every restaurant in Rome claims to serve the best spaghetti in the world! And honestly, it’s tough to disagree.

I’ve also tried delicious things like “ Saltimbocca ” – veal, prosciutto and sage… divine! My new challenge is finding a restaurant with a ballet-themed menu – “Tutu-friendly Treats?” Now there’s a name I'd want to see!

Every day’s an exciting performance… just walk!

From cobbled streets to piazzas filled with life and laughter, Rome just keeps throwing you new scenes. The other day, I stumbled upon a group of young girls, maybe 10 years old, performing a ballet routine on a street corner. I have to tell you I just stopped and stared! My heart melted. They were so talented, so joyful and so unapologetic about their love for dance, and they were rocking it right there in the middle of Rome. I saw some men staring at me thinking “What on earth is she doing?" But you know what? I don’t care, it made me so happy. It confirmed for me what I already know.

The world needs more pink tutus. Dance makes everything better!

This city is a real playground of imagination – from the historic buildings to the quirky street art and all those cute shops tucked away in secret alleys. My fashion heart was truly happy this week. From antique shops to designer boutiques, I've had my fill of exploring. And it was so exciting – every corner I turned, there was another fabulous find. I even found the most amazing pink hat with a feather on top! My shopping journey’s an ongoing adventure. Just yesterday, I found a vintage pink feather boa! Now, what to do with this magnificent beauty…?

You guys need to know the “pink tutu” shopping rules here!

1) Start with coffee in a beautiful little café with a view – I’ve found the best coffee is usually tucked in tiny spots you might miss. It's part of the "Slow Travel" experience... and coffee gives you energy for those sales and those high heeled struts around town!

2) Next, pick out a cute shopping outfit, your tutu always comes in handy – remember I do a Pink Tutu wardrobe change at every new destination. It's part of the fun!

3) Then, allow time for all the little souvenir stalls and market squares – those handmade crafts! I picked up a stunning, hand-painted fan – it was a must-have for a girl on a mission to discover Italy's creative spirit.

4) Be prepared for all those cute “boutiques” selling everything from scarves and shoes to beautiful home ware – it’s all just so Italian and full of life and colour.

5) Don’t be afraid to ask for a good price and don’t forget to “**Bargain Bella”!! This is a skill every woman needs to master, especially when there's so much fashion and treasure to be discovered!

I don't want to give away all my best finds, because they’re worth the hunt – but I will say this: if you are looking for that unique pink tutu – you will find it here in Rome. It almost felt as if the city itself was dressing up in a gorgeous tulle number for my visit.

* Wednesday Night Performances! *

As the sun starts to dip towards the horizon and Rome gets ready for an evening out in its many piazzas and streets, I have been catching some fantastic ballet performances. You know what? It's never been easy to find the kind of ballet performances that truly resonate with me and my pink tutu. But this week has been something special. I discovered this little theater near the Trastevere district – you know how much I love finding hidden gems! The walls were adorned with beautiful prints of classic ballet scenes. I've even noticed they were painting one of me! Now, what’s a “Pink Tutu” girl to do – only go and join the show, of course! I have to confess that I’ve always been a little shy about performing for big audiences - but seeing those smiling faces, I got completely swept away in the moment!

One last tip before I leave you. Be prepared for those gorgeous Roman sunsets. Every day there’s a different display of golden and pink light. So be sure to take some time to just stand still, admire the view and just breathe.

I've really loved sharing these adventures with you – and I’ll be back next week with another post from Rome – lots more to discover.

Remember, follow me on Pink Tutu – The Ballet Life for updates – and tell me what you think about my adventures in the comments.

* Until next Wednesday!
Emma **

Follow me on my Social media: @PinkTutuEmma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-10-23 exploring Rome Italy