
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-06-18 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #419: A Whirlwind of Romance & Roman Ruins!

Ciao bella! It's your girl Emma, back from the Eternal City with a suitcase full of fabulous memories and a head buzzing with the echoes of laughter, music, and the gentle rustle of pink tutus. This week's Pink Tutu travel adventure takes us to the heart of Rome, a place where ancient history collides with modern-day magic, and every street corner whispers secrets of a thousand years ago.

Rome. Oh, Rome! I felt like I was walking into a Renaissance painting come to life, every cobblestone and ancient archway echoing with the footsteps of emperors and artists, lovers and dreamers. The air was thick with the aroma of espresso and fresh pastries, a symphony of chatter and laughter filling the vibrant piazzas.

I arrived by train, naturally! Nothing beats the romance of a European train journey, the rhythm of the rails and the ever-changing landscapes. This time, I chose the sleek, silver bullet of the Eurostar, sinking into my plush seat with a glass of bubbly and a well-worn copy of "Roman Holiday" ā€“ my perfect travelling companions.

This Wednesday's adventure took me straight to the Trevi Fountain, a masterpiece of Baroque splendor. You already know I love my pink, and let me tell you, the Trevi fountain practically begged for a touch of pink! Itā€™s rumoured that tossing a coin into the fountain ensures your return to Rome ā€“ I, of course, tossed three, a tribute to the three pink tutus I packed for the trip! As I watched the sunlight play on the shimmering water, I knew this was going to be a week filled with enchantment and wonder.

Now, what's a trip to Rome without indulging in some of that delicious Italian fashion? My first stop was the Piazza di Spagna, a shopping paradise overflowing with boutiques and designer brands. I knew exactly where I wanted to start - Cartier, because every pink-loving girl needs a diamond necklace, right? I was like a little girl in a candy store, swooning over the elegant displays and delicate pieces, and ā€¦well, letā€™s just say thereā€™s a brand new diamond and pink sapphire bracelet coming to my collection, thanks to my latest ballet performance!

But Rome wasnā€™t just about shopping and dreaming, it was about exploring the secrets whispered by history. The next day, I stood in awe of the Colosseum, the colossal amphitheatre that echoed with the cheers of ancient Romeā€™s gladiatorial combats. I envisioned the emperors and empresses, the roaring crowds, and the courageous warriors. And wouldn't you know it, the sheer scale of the Colosseum reminded me of another favourite passion of mine - the ballet stage! Both share the power of storytelling and transporting us to another world, just like a good pair of pink tutus can!

The Roman Forum was next, and what better way to see the ancient ruins than by a whimsical tour in a bright pink carriage pulled by two dapper grey horses! Just imagine the scene: pink tutu twirling, sun beaming, the Forumā€™s grand columns framing a view like no other. We posed with a cheeky Roman gladiator, captured some fabulous pics for the #PinkTutuRome gram, and my day was already a success!

Then there were the museums! The Galleria Borghese, bursting with Renaissance masterpieces, left me speechless with its beauty. My heart melted for Bernini's exquisite sculptures, and my inner ballerina longed to swirl like the graceful marble figures. As always, a dash of pink was needed to elevate the elegance of the setting - imagine me waltzing through the Borghese Gardens in my signature pink tutu, twirling amongst the sculpted gods and goddesses, all bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. Oh, to have been caught in that moment!

My travels wouldn't have been complete without a visit to the Pantheon. This awe-inspiring temple with its perfect dome reminded me of the vastness of the universe, a timeless structure with a story whispered through the centuries. I closed my eyes and imagined the celestial dancers gracefully swirling under its dome, each twirl echoing the endless circles of time. Oh, what a magnificent setting for a Pink Tutu performance!

The evenings in Rome were just as enchanting. One night, I treated myself to an opera at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. It was "La Traviata", the poignant tale of love, loss, and sacrifice, a story beautifully mirrored in the world of ballet, my favourite. As the final curtain fell, I was swept away by the power of art, its ability to transcend time and touch our souls. The entire city seemed to hum with the spirit of creativity and passion.

The days flew by in a whirlwind of delicious Italian food, steaming cups of cappuccino, laughter in cafes, and vibrant city walks. But my most cherished moment came one sunny afternoon as I strolled along the Tiber River, watching the sunlight dance on the water. As I stopped to admire the view, I noticed a group of street performers gathering, their music rising from the cobblestones, creating a joyful atmosphere. Then, the music shifted to a more classical style, and to my delight, I saw two talented ballet dancers performing a breathtaking routine on a small makeshift stage. The street buzzed with applause, the melody drifting through the air, creating a perfect little piece of theatre for passersby like me. My feet itched to join them! As always, my heart brimmed with admiration for their talent and passion - two qualities I aim to embrace with my Pink Tutu ventures.

My week in Rome was a dream, filled with laughter, love, and a whole lot of pink. Every day was a whirlwind of discoveries, each turn bringing a new surprise. As I boarded the train home, I knew I was leaving a part of my heart in this magical city. But I left with a promise to return, to discover more of its hidden gems and maybe even bring a touch of pink to some of its iconic streets.

And what better way to celebrate this trip than with a special blog giveaway? For one lucky reader, Iā€™m giving away a pink tutu from my personal collection ā€“ the one that made me twirl under the Trevi fountain, just a reminder of all the magic we created together.

To enter, simply follow me on social media @PinkTutuEmma, like this blog post, and share your favourite Roman memory in the comments below. You can also head over to www.pink-tutu.com for more information on this competition!

And finally, a little reminder to my fellow pink tutu lovers - donā€™t let anyone ever tell you to ā€œtone it down.ā€ Itā€™s time to let our colours shine and embrace our own individuality. Lifeā€™s too short for boring fashion, and thereā€™s a whole world of magic out there waiting for us to discover ā€“ all you have to do is take a leap, twirl with confidence, and don your Pink Tutu!

See you next Wednesday for a new Pink Tutu Adventure!

Ciao Bella,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-06-18 exploring Rome Italy