Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-01-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #451 - Ciao Bella!

Wednesday 2004-01-28

Buongiorno bella! It’s Emma from your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, and I’m bursting with excitement because… I’m in Rome! It’s a dream come true, a pink tutu princess in the Eternal City.

For those who are new to my little corner of the internet (welcome!), my name is Emma and I'm a ballerina from the charming county of Derbyshire. I travel the world in my beloved pink tutus, sharing my passion for ballet, fashion, and of course, all things pink. Every Wednesday I bring you a new blog post, detailing my adventures, filled with photos and maybe a dash of glitter, because why not?

This week, I’m delighted to be taking you with me on a pink tutu tour of Rome. My flight landed yesterday and as soon as I set foot in this glorious city, I felt a burst of inspiration. Rome is an intoxicating mix of history, art, and beauty. Imagine the cobblestone streets, ancient ruins, and incredible food. It’s all like something out of a movie!

But before we delve into all the exciting Roman adventures I have planned, I must tell you about my journey here. This trip, I chose to travel by train from my hometown, Derbyshire, right through the heart of Europe, passing through beautiful countryside and buzzing cities, finally ending up here in Rome. For me, there’s something so romantic and charming about train travel, a feeling of timeless elegance and wonder.

Speaking of elegance and wonder, my journey has already been infused with it. You won’t believe what happened at Paris’ Gare du Nord. I was getting coffee from the platform kiosk, admiring the magnificent station, when I heard the most incredible music. It was a lone violinist playing Vivaldi’s ‘Spring’, with such artistry and passion, it was magical. I swear, even the Parisian pigeons stopped in awe!

Of course, I couldn’t resist adding a touch of pink tutu magic. As the violin echoed through the station, I pulled my pink tutu out of my travel bag (always carry your pink tutu, ladies, you never know when it will be needed!) and danced to the music, just a little twirl, just to add some joy to the world. The violinist’s eyes widened in appreciation and even a stern looking ticket inspector smiled at me. It was such a beautiful moment.

This, dear readers, is what makes my adventures so special. The impromptu dance in a busy train station, the kindness of strangers, the discovery of beautiful music, it's all part of the grand adventure.

But back to Rome! My hotel is just off Piazza Navona, a gorgeous square buzzing with artists, musicians, and performers. There are fountains, cafes, and so much colour and laughter. My little room has a balcony overlooking a hidden courtyard, with the most lovely scent of lemon trees filling the air. Pure bliss!

So, let’s dive into this Roman adventure! Today’s agenda is packed with pink-tutu delights:

  • First stop, The Colosseum! I’m excited to explore this magnificent arena and soak in the atmosphere. Perhaps, I’ll even find inspiration for a new ballet sequence?

  • Lunch with a view! It wouldn't be a Rome trip without some incredible pasta. I hear there’s a fantastic rooftop restaurant near the Pantheon.

  • A Roman evening: Later this evening, I'm seeing a performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. I’m looking forward to the elegance and grandeur of a Roman opera performance!

  • Shopping spree: Of course, I wouldn’t be Emma from Pink Tutu if I didn't indulge in a little retail therapy. I hear the Via Condotti is lined with beautiful shops. My pink-tutu wardrobe needs an upgrade!

And tomorrow… Well, we’ll just have to see what the city of Rome has in store for us! I’ll keep you posted with all my adventures. Follow me on social media and join me at to see my updates!

Stay pink, beautiful!

Yours in twirls, Emma from Pink Tutu Rome

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-01-28 exploring Rome Italy