Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-04-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #464 - Ciao Bella!

Well hello there, darlings! Emma here, back from my fabulous travels around the Eternal City. This week, I'm sharing all about my whirlwind trip to Rome, a place I've dreamt of visiting since I was a little girl.

You see, I've always been obsessed with history and culture, and there's nowhere in the world that embodies those things quite like Rome. From the Colosseum to the Vatican City, this city is practically bursting at the seams with stories, and let's be honest, I couldn't wait to get lost in its magical beauty.

Now, some of you might be wondering how this little Derbyshire girl ended up in Rome. Well, after all, it’s a little further than a jaunt down to the local shop. And you're right, it is a little bit of a trek. Luckily for me, ballet is a wonderfully rewarding profession – financially rewarding, that is. (And no, I don’t mean I earn a gazillion pounds per week; more like I can actually afford to buy enough coffee to get me through the day!) So, I save up all the little bits I earn from dancing, combine it with some savings from birthday money from the aunts, and then – boom! - I’m off to Italy.

I've been in Rome for the past week, and it's been a dream come true. We (yes, you heard correctly - 'we' - because the tutu is always a travelling companion!) have been enjoying every second, soaking up the sunshine and discovering the city's incredible sights.

Let’s get down to business: Firstly, fashion! You guys know that clothes shopping is a pretty major passion of mine (well, besides ballet, tutus, and travelling!), and this city is a dream come true for any fashionista. Oh, and a very special shout out to my new favourite accessory – the little gelato stand next door to my favourite designer shop on Via Condotti - this is a little secret, just between you and me - I had a divine raspberry gelato in between all the fabulous, fancy Italian fashions!

So, before we get onto what's been happening here in Rome, I want you all to know that you must have the confidence to wear whatever you feel fabulous in. We don't need labels, designers or any old trends, my darlings. You're beautiful and confident and that's all that matters. Remember this whenever you find yourselves in an intimidating, or ‘high fashion’, environment!

Speaking of feeling confident, we all know a fabulous pink tutu is the key to owning your personal style. And what better place to strut your stuff in your best pink tutu than Rome?

The Romans have a great sense of style, and they're definitely not afraid to express themselves through their clothes. I saw so many fabulous outfits on my travels around the city - ladies in floral dresses, men in chic linen shirts and of course, so many stylish tourists rocking the latest trends! But it wasn’t just the Italians and the visitors that were getting a style injection: the shop windows are dazzling and the colours on display are fantastic. In fact, let's be honest, this fashion scene really got me feeling super inspired – like, can you imagine how divine your own tutu will look next to the Italian sunset?! Or with a background of the Vatican? Think about it! And just like the great designers, who would stop at nothing to see their pieces in Vogue or on the catwalk, I have the same dream, only with the world’s population rocking the tutu look! #MakeTutuGreatAgain #PinkTutuNation

The Art of Dance: Okay, I know it’s not just about the pink tutus and the fashion in my world. Ballet is my life and soul. When you're as obsessed with ballet as I am, a trip to Rome just wouldn't be complete without seeing a performance. Thankfully, the Eternal City is brimming with world-class ballet talent, and I was lucky enough to see two magnificent performances.

The first was at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, where the most famous ballet company in Italy (yes, the world!) The Opera Roma Ballet are resident dancers. It was a breathtaking performance, featuring classic ballet and contemporary choreography, plus, can we talk about the costume designs?! Divine, I say, divine!

The second was at a smaller theatre, the Teatro Argentina, which hosted an amazing contemporary ballet performance - absolutely stunning and beautiful and oh so graceful! The stage was incredibly minimalist – just white walls with these stunning shadows creating magical effects - so evocative and so atmospheric. The dancers were simply wonderful, their moves captivating and intricate and their passion just oozed into the whole performance. Oh, how I wish I was out there dancing!

There is also something pretty special about going to ballet with the Roman public. You'd think people might go just for the show. But no! They're so sophisticated – you can see the history of their love of ballet woven into the evening. I could hear the coughs, the sighs and, occasionally, a polite, very British, clap at the right moments! It’s like everyone was a true connoisseur, really getting lost in the movement of the dance and enjoying the overall ambiance.

Travel Tales: I'm a huge fan of travelling by train – much more enjoyable than flying in my opinion. And believe me, I'm not one to complain – unless, that is, I'm stuck at an airport with hordes of people waiting to check their baggage. Anyway, I’ve been in love with trains since I was small (probably partly because it meant I was going to a ballet show!). The sights just seem to fly past!

And Rome, my darlings, is perfectly located for an Italian train journey! It was a stunning journey on the fast train down from Florence (remember my blog post a few weeks ago on my Florentine fashion? – maybe I'll just go over there for another peek…) The scenery was amazing: green rolling hills and the sun bouncing off the Arno River - how wonderfully dreamy!

And once you arrive in Rome? Wow, that's another level of breathtaking. Seeing the Roman Colosseum is one thing. Seeing it from a train as it emerges from behind the houses in Rome – magic!

I am, obviously, talking about Rome being pretty, darling. It's not the fastest place for travelling about the city itself. And by fastest, I mean that it's not as easy to travel around quickly compared to other countries in Europe (perhaps Germany?). I was finding that things just took that bit longer here, maybe that was part of the charming appeal, I don't know. Anyway, it didn’t deter my Italian fashion hunt, I assure you!

Pizza Time: What is a trip to Rome without a little bit of indulgence?! You might think a fashion blogger could be obsessed with beautiful food but that's not true. It's all about quality over quantity! And where in the world could you possibly get the very best pizza than Rome?! The ingredients are just the best quality, especially the cheese, mozzarella! And did I mention that everything seemed to be baked in huge wood-burning ovens?! Now that's good for your tastebuds, isn't it? I had the best carbonara at a traditional Roman restaurant near the Piazza Navona (again, top secret!). But if you're after something super-quick, the fast food outlets serving pizza - you know, the type that gets done in two minutes - it’s quite addictive and tastes incredible! (Okay, I’m not going to pretend that it’s a health-giving, sustainable thing - I will admit I ate way more than I probably should have but hey, Rome was calling. What am I supposed to do, not enjoy myself!

Rome truly captivated me - a magical and vibrant mix of culture, beauty, and history! You simply can't ignore its magic. Every corner holds a treasure waiting to be discovered - like, my hidden gelato shop - so why not embrace your inner ballerina and visit for yourself? I’ll be back soon, my darlings, I need another dose of Italy’s magic… but until then…

Until next Wednesday, stay pink and stay sparkly!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-04-28 exploring Rome Italy