Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-05-12 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #466: Roman Holiday in a Tutu!

Wednesday 12th May 2004

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Emma, your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, and today we're waltzing right into the heart of Rome! This week's #PinkTutuRome adventure sees me shimmying through the Eternal City, a kaleidoscope of history, culture, and gelato that's left me absolutely spellbound.

Remember that fab pink tulle tutu I bought in Paris? It’s been the perfect accessory for exploring cobblestone streets and soaking up the Roman sunshine! It twirls so beautifully, even in the tightest alleyways (and yes, I’ve tested that!). Speaking of sunshine, have you ever seen such vibrant colours? Rome’s architecture, with its terracotta roofs and ochre walls, is truly a masterpiece. I swear, I could spend hours just gazing at the Colosseum, mesmerized by its grandeur and ancient stories.

Let’s talk about fashion, shall we? My trip to Rome has been a sartorial dream! The Italian style is simply divine, from the chic women in their flowing sundresses to the elegant gentlemen with their impeccably tailored suits. I’ve picked up a few beautiful silk scarves, and my latest splurge is a stunning emerald green leather handbag, the perfect companion to my pink tutu, naturally.

But it's not just about the fashion; the food here is heavenly! From freshly made pasta and the juiciest, sweetest fruit to creamy, frothy cappuccinos (in pink mugs, of course!), I’m utterly indulging in all things Roman. Speaking of indulging, I can't resist a trip to one of Rome’s gorgeous pastry shops. The pastries are divine, like edible works of art. I bought a selection to take back to my little apartment; it's tucked away in a quaint little side street.

Train Travels & Tutu Twirls

I travelled to Rome from Derbyshire on the Eurostar – the journey was delightful! Watching the scenery unfold from my window as the train sped through the countryside was a perfect way to relax and start my Italian adventure. There's something about train travel that sparks my imagination, and I find myself dreaming up elaborate tutu choreography inspired by the sights passing by. I always pack my trusty travel tutu bag for just such an occasion!

My Favourite Roman Delights

Today, I visited the Trevi Fountain. Did you know, it’s supposed to bring good luck if you throw a coin into the water? I tossed in three shiny euros (my ballet fund is strong!), wishing for a world where everyone twirls in a pink tutu! Oh, how I wish that were reality!

Tomorrow, I’m venturing to the Pantheon, a breathtaking architectural marvel, and perhaps even exploring the Roman Forum. I can't wait to delve further into this ancient history!

I’m determined to soak up every ounce of Roman charm before I hop back on that Eurostar and head back to England, with my head brimming with new choreographic inspiration. And who knows, maybe I’ll even catch a ballet performance while I’m here – that would be a truly magical moment.

Stay tuned for more #PinkTutuRome adventures, my lovelies! Until next week, keep twirling!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-05-12 exploring Rome Italy