Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-03-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2005-03-23 – A Pink Ballerina’s Italian Dream

Hello my darling tutus! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome, the only blog in the world dedicated to tutus, travel, and a dash of pink sparkle.

Today, I'm writing to you from the Eternal City itself - Rome! Can you believe it? This little Derbyshire lass has landed in the heart of Italy, and my, what an adventure it’s been so far.

This is post number 511 for my Pink Tutu Travels, and as usual, it’s a Wednesday and it’s about to get fabulous. Remember, if you want to see all the excitement every week, head over to and check in every Wednesday!

A Whirlwind Journey to the Eternal City

Now, you may be wondering, how did this tutu-wearing ballerina from Derbyshire end up in Rome? Well, as many of you know, I’m passionate about combining ballet with travel. I work hard to support my passion by performing, and thankfully, it’s paid off, letting me follow my dreams!

This time, a lovely, last-minute booking at a prestigious theatre landed me a role in an incredible performance. A dream come true for a girl who loves the stage and its lights! I booked a first-class train ticket, all the way from London to Rome, with comfy seating and delicious sandwiches. The Italian countryside whizzed past, the sun dappling through the windows, a real picture-postcard experience. My pink tulle tutu felt particularly vibrant against the green scenery!

Finding My Pink Haven in the Roman Splendour

Upon arrival, the grandeur of the Termini station was astounding! Majestic buildings with soaring columns and sparkling mosaics - it felt like I'd stepped into a movie set. I was met by my dear friend Francesca, an incredibly stylish Italian who has been like a sister to me.

"Ciao, bella!" Francesca exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a warm embrace. "Rome is ready for a splash of pink!”

With that, Francesca led me through a labyrinthine maze of ancient streets until we reached our gorgeous little hotel, an elegant palazzo right in the heart of the city. They even gave me the most beautiful room, overlooking a courtyard full of cascading wisteria. It was pink! You’d never believe it, I could almost cry, but then again, my tutu might get wet.

Fashion Frenzy: Italian Style and a Pink Tutu Surprise!

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Rome adventure without some shopping, would it? Francesca led me on a whirlwind tour of Roman boutiques, where the vibrant displays and stunning designs of Italian fashion truly captivated my senses. We fell in love with a tiny shop nestled amongst a cobblestone alleyway. This little gem housed an extraordinary selection of colourful silks, vintage jewellery, and luxurious leather goods. I could hardly contain my excitement as we dug for the perfect pink additions to my wardrobe! I felt like a ballerina searching for the perfect dress for a ballet show.

Speaking of ballet shows, I just had to tell you! We strolled past the Teatro dell'Opera, such a glorious structure! My heart was racing. We found a little local market selling exquisite handcrafted accessories and, oh, guess what? A vintage pink tutu was hiding behind some brightly colored hand-woven baskets! Perfect for an impromptu pirouette by the Trevi Fountain, don't you think? Francesca said it's "molto bella". Which translates to 'very pretty' for those of you not familiar with your Italian.

A Glimpse into Ancient Roman History: A Tutu’s Guide to Ruins

Rome's history comes alive in its majestic ruins. We wandered through the Roman Forum, its grandeur etched onto my mind forever. It was overwhelming in the best possible way. It felt as though I'd stepped onto a different planet, surrounded by stories whispering through the years. Imagine those ancient emperors strutting around in their togas, who would have thought those very same streets would one day be walked upon by a pink tutu?

My favourite discovery was the Palatine Hill! Such beautiful gardens, perfect for a light and graceful ballerina dance, even in a pink tutu! And the view of the Colosseum, my dear tutus, it's utterly breathtaking. Picture it - the grandeur of the arena with a sprinkle of pink ballerina magic!

Pink-Tinged Treasures: Rome Through a Tutu-Coloured Lens

One of my favourite moments, was watching a group of street performers on a cobbled square, just a couple of steps from a stunningly colourful little market. They were playing the most gorgeous music on their guitars and flutes, the sun shining down, bathing them in golden light. I felt like I was transported to another time, a moment frozen in history. And oh, how could I forget the incredible pasta we devoured, my favourite dish - carbonara. Delicious! With all these experiences I was feeling utterly pink-tinted - full of joy, laughter, and beautiful discoveries!

Rome: A Ballet Lover's Dream Come True!

Well my darling tutus, I have so much more to share, but you’ll have to come back next week to hear more about this magical city. This first taste of Roman magic has me already craving more! Stay tuned next week when I'll be taking you to the Trevi fountain, showing you how I danced my way into a pink ballet outfit for my evening performance. And of course, there'll be more pink-tinted fun along the way.

Remember to check back next Wednesday!

Until then, twirl your hearts out and stay pink!

Lots of love,


P.S. Do you know how many ballerinas wear pink tutus? Well, thanks to this blog, one more than before.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-03-23 exploring Rome Italy