Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-09-07 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #535: Ciao Bella, From The Eternal City!

Hello my darling readers, and welcome to another glorious Wednesday instalment of Pink Tutu Rome! 💅🩰

Today I'm writing from a charming little café tucked away in the heart of Rome, just a hop and a skip from the Colosseum, that towering testament to history and magnificence. It's a bit surreal, sipping my cappuccino, watching the world go by in this bustling city, while I dream of tutus swirling in the sunshine of ancient Rome.

How Did I Get Here?

You may wonder, how does a girl from Derbyshire, England, a ballet-loving dreamer like me, end up in the eternal city? Well, dear readers, it's all thanks to my beloved tutus! This little pink confection you see me wearing (and trust me, it's the perfect shade of pink!) helped me get booked for a charity performance in Naples last week. It's been quite the journey, as I travelled by train through the rolling hills of Italy. There's nothing quite like a good Italian train journey, with the beautiful landscapes flashing by. Every station, every small town feels steeped in history.

Rome's Charms, Like A Waltz On A Cloud

As soon as I stepped off the train and into Rome, I felt the city embrace me like a warm embrace. There's something magical about Rome, an atmosphere that buzzes with energy and history. And oh my goodness, the food! The smell of freshly baked bread wafting from every bakery, the rich aroma of espresso in the air… I can hardly stop myself from grabbing a bite on every street corner!

But even the most delectable pizza can't compete with the wonder of Rome's architectural marvels! I've been to the Pantheon, its massive dome still astounding me after centuries. Walking amongst its majestic columns and seeing the sun pouring through its central opening felt almost holy, a touch of divinity woven into the city fabric.

A Shopping Spree Through Time

Naturally, any self-respecting tutu-wearing traveller needs to experience the joy of Roman shopping! I spent a glorious afternoon getting lost in the vibrant chaos of the markets, discovering unique pieces of jewelry and handmade leather goods, all tucked away in the shadows of ancient walls. It's the perfect place to find that special, one-of-a-kind trinket to remind you of your Roman adventures.

And oh, how could I forget the boutiques, those fashion havens filled with elegant Italian styles? Let's just say, my suitcase may be slightly fuller after this shopping spree, filled with silk scarves and leather jackets, a new wardrobe for a new chapter in my adventures.

Sharing The Ballet Magic of Rome

Rome is truly a city alive with performance. Even while wandering the streets, I discovered a charming street theatre performance, a blend of mime, music, and physical theatre that captivated everyone. The skill and passion of these street performers reminded me once again why I love art, especially those expressions that combine movement and emotion.

Later, I found myself in the awe-inspiring Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, the Roman Opera house. I watched a stunning ballet production that took my breath away, a beautiful story told with nothing but movement, grace, and passion.

This city just pulses with life, even the walls themselves seem to whisper stories of ancient history. There's something wonderfully inspiring and magical about the way Rome brings together beauty, culture, and sheer, raw human expression. It's almost like a dream!

Pink Tutu Dream - A Glimpse Into the Future

Rome is inspiring me in so many ways, but particularly in how it intertwines the old and new. It reminds me that even in this fast-paced, ever-evolving world, there are certain things that stay with us, timeless elements like beauty, creativity, and the power of expression.

I find myself wondering about how my little tutu can help me embrace this timeless element. How can I, in my own small way, inspire others to embrace their inner artistry, to find that special expression that allows them to move beyond the mundane and reach for something beautiful and unique?

That's my dream, dear readers. I dream of a world where tutus are more than just garments - they are symbols of personal expression, a reminder that there's a ballerina inside each and every one of us, waiting to be unleashed.

As I write these words, Rome continues to whisper its secrets, its beauty captivating me as the sun sets over the Colosseum. And I, for one, can't wait to see what wonders this city holds in store for me. I'm off to find more gelato, and maybe even a pink flower for my tutu!

Until next week, my dears, keep twirling and keep believing in your own beautiful possibilities!

With love and twirls, Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to check out for more of my adventures and tips for finding your own pink tutu style!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-09-07 exploring Rome Italy