Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-12-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday, 2005-12-28 - Exploring the Eternal City!

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-obsessed travel blogger, back with another post from the fabulous city of Rome! I've just finished an amazing pasta lunch in Trastevere - spaghetti alle vongole with a side of sunshine, and, of course, a generous sprinkle of Parmesan! Yum! It was the perfect pick-me-up after an absolutely glorious morning of exploring the Colosseum and Roman Forum.

As always, I was channeling my inner ballerina in my pale pink, tulle-tastic tutu. I mean, who wouldn't be inspired by the beauty and history all around us here? Even the cobblestones feel like a stage! 🩰

Speaking of stages, remember my goal, darlings? To get everyone, everywhere, to wear a pink tutu! It's a mission I'm fully committed to, and let me tell you, Rome is a city that’s embracing my vision. Just this morning, I saw a couple in matching pink tutus, holding hands on a Vespa! This city is brimming with creativity, fashion, and a delightful disregard for societal norms. It's my kind of place!

And the journey here was pure magic, my dears! The train journey was as beautiful as a ballet - a constant symphony of sweeping landscapes and picturesque towns. I've been a massive fan of train travel ever since I discovered how relaxing it is. I'm so happy to report that the train ride to Rome was pure joy, just like our grand adventures last year in Paris! I may be travelling in a tutu, but trust me, this tutu knows how to relax. 😉

Anyway, I digress. Back to Rome! It's the kind of place that makes you feel like you've stepped into an ancient story. Each turn reveals another stunning church, a grand piazza, or a charming, winding street filled with laughter and sunshine. Every day here feels like a theatrical performance!

Of course, I couldn't visit Rome without visiting the Colosseum! You know me, I love a good show! I've always been fascinated by ancient Rome and gladiators and emperors - a real 'Empire' fan from back in the day, darling! Standing in that grand arena, I could almost hear the roars of the crowds and the clang of the swords!

My top three tips for enjoying the Colosseum:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes: It’s a big, ancient space!
  2. Pick up a guidebook: Trust me, you’ll need one to fully grasp all the history.
  3. Picture a ballet: If you’re feeling adventurous, try imagining the gladiatorial games as a ballet performance. Now that’s what I call an epic spectacle!

Speaking of spectacles, I've got a full schedule this week to explore all the city's treasures. Tomorrow, I’m taking a ballet class at a studio near the Vatican! It’ll be interesting to learn about their local ballet scene, especially seeing if their tutus have as much pink as mine! And maybe, just maybe, they’ll be embracing the ‘pink tutu’ message I’m trying to spread!

I’ll also be visiting the Trevi Fountain, which, as a true fountain aficionado, I've been absolutely dying to see. And, of course, I’ll be shopping! Rome is overflowing with fabulous fashion and accessories - and who could say no to a stylish, pink hat? 😉

Of course, no Rome adventure would be complete without a stop at the Trevi Fountain - you can bet your bottom tutu that I'm tossing a coin into its shimmering waters, making a wish for many more journeys, new tutu collections, and plenty of fabulous performances to fuel my travels!

*Speaking of performance, I'm so excited to share a secret: I'm returning to London to perform on Saturday! * It's always thrilling to share my love of dance with everyone, and it will be even more special returning to the place I called home!

Don’t forget, darlings, to check out my website! Every week, I post about my travels, ballet adventures, and fashion finds. I hope my posts will inspire you to embrace a little more colour, a little more sparkle, and a whole lot of pink!

* Until next Wednesday, darlings! *

*Emma 💋 *

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-12-28 exploring Rome Italy