Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-01-11 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #553 Wednesday 11th January 2006 - Ciao Bella Roma!

Oh darling, what a glorious week this has been! Rome, the eternal city, has been an absolute dream! As you know, I've been so eager to share all the sights and sounds, the incredible fashion, the decadent food and the simply fabulous atmosphere with you. And where else could I do that than here, on my beloved, my digital home!

So buckle up, darlings, for a rollercoaster ride of Roman delights! Let's jump straight into Wednesday's happenings…

Train Tracks & Tutus

I do love the train, it's so efficient and a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture. This journey was particularly delightful – all the hustle and bustle of bustling Italian cities as I journeyed from my last performance in Derbyshire to arrive in Rome feeling like a brand new ballerina!

After checking into my little gem of a hotel (pink walls! You can't imagine how much I squealed!), I popped into a shop for some travel essentials – I had to pick up a pink bandana to match my tutu, obviously, and some delicious local limoncello!

Teatro dell’Opera: An Evening of Unforgettable Art

As the sun set, bathing the city in a golden glow, I got ready for an evening that promised to be unforgettable. I'd been absolutely yearning to see a performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma – I’m so happy to tell you, it was more than worth the anticipation!

A beautiful performance of "La Bohème," so full of drama, romance and, of course, music so moving I literally had goosebumps. The dancers were graceful and ethereal, the sets simply spectacular, and the entire experience left me absolutely breathless. I know I must have seemed quite the spectacle myself, twirling out of the opera house, lost in the world of music and drama. A pink tutu is definitely the perfect accessory for a grand night out at the opera!

Eating, Drinking & Being Merrily Italian

No trip to Italy is complete without an abundance of delicious food and, I'm happy to report, this trip did not disappoint!

I’ve eaten like a princess. Fresh pasta, creamy gelato, and pizza that tastes like a piece of heaven… it’s been a total foodie’s paradise! I even dared to try the tripe stew, which was a bit of a challenge, but I can confidently say, it’s not my new favourite. I think I’ll stick to pasta!

I also can't resist a little prosecco to celebrate being in such a beautiful place. Toasts are mandatory for any happy pink tutu princess! Cheers!

Rome By Day: Roman Chic & Fashion Delights

Of course, my little heart was leaping with joy for the chance to explore the city. Every street corner felt like a postcard. I walked past ancient monuments, charming fountains and bustling markets – Rome really is a city that captures the imagination.

I just love that you can wear whatever you want in Rome! It seems like every Italian has their own unique style and they dress for every occasion. While I was in the mood for a casual, chic ensemble (matching my new pink bandanna!), I couldn’t help but pick up a few treasures to add to my wardrobe. Some vintage accessories for my everyday look, some beautiful Roman linen dresses and an absolutely incredible pair of lace-up boots. I already know they're going to look amazing with my ballet skirt for my next performance!

Finding my Inner Ballerina on the Streets of Rome

There's a magical energy in Rome that seems to seep into everything. I feel so inspired, so alive! And you know me, I can’t go anywhere without practicing my ballet! So naturally, the stunning, ancient squares of Rome provided the perfect backdrop for a few pirouettes! I could see a few curious eyes on me, but when I curtseyed to the sound of a nearby street musician, they all smiled, snapping photos and clapping along. That's what I love about being a Pink Tutu ballerina, you make people happy with your passion, your style and your commitment to always adding a little magic to every day!

This week’s Pink Tutu Challenge

And that brings me to my weekly challenge! Rome is definitely inspiring my creative side. I dare you to step outside your comfort zone this week and add a touch of pizzazz to your everyday outfit! Don’t be afraid to experiment! A vibrant scarf, a bold necklace, even a splash of pink lipstick… be bold, be creative and most importantly, be true to yourself.

See you next Wednesday for more adventures in Rome, my darling readers! Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-01-11 exploring Rome Italy