Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-04-11 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #618: Ciao Bella!

Wednesday 11th April 2007

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday and that means another Pink Tutu Rome adventure is upon us!

This week, I'm positively brimming with excitement as I'm about to embark on a day of pure Roman revelry. I've been dreaming about exploring this iconic city for ages and now, finally, here I am!

I’m standing here, in a delightful little café, right by the Spanish Steps, with my steaming cappuccino (Italian coffee is just so darn good!) and watching the world go by. You can feel the history pulsating through the streets. It's incredible!

Rome, to me, feels like a ballet set brought to life. Every street corner whispers secrets of the ancient Roman Empire, the Colosseum looks like it belongs in a majestic performance, and the cobblestone streets make a beautiful, rhythmic click-clack under your feet as you walk along, a little bit like the soft tapping of a dancer's pointe shoes!

Of course, it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu adventure without a little sartorial touch, wouldn't you agree? So, today I’m twirling around in a delicate, blush pink, tiered tutu, teamed with a crisp white blouse, and a statement vintage hat with a matching pink feather – my favourite! The hat is just perfect for navigating those narrow, atmospheric alleyways, and the tutu adds a playful pop of colour amongst the timeworn beauty of this magnificent city. It’s a symphony of textures, shades, and movement. That’s the way I see fashion: a ballet of style!

Train Travel and Tuscan Delights

To get to Rome, I hopped aboard my beloved Eurostar – such a glamorous way to travel! I adore train journeys – all that smooth movement, the sights flying by… it's almost like gliding across a stage. Plus, you can actually wear a tutu on a train and not raise an eyebrow!

Before my trip, I was fortunate to perform at the beautiful Opera House in Florence. I have such a soft spot for the Tuscany region - the hills, the sun, the smell of fresh pasta… It all feels incredibly romantic and inspiring. The audience in Florence was absolutely fantastic, they applauded and cheered and called for encores, it was truly a special performance! That’s one of the amazing things about being a travelling dancer - you get to meet incredible people and share the magic of ballet across different cities and cultures.

Exploring the Eternal City

So, where am I heading today? Well, the day's schedule is brimming with cultural delights! Firstly, I’m off to see the incredible Borghese Gallery. I’m an absolute sucker for Renaissance art – so much detail, movement and emotion captured in each piece. The stories painted on canvas, they're like living ballets frozen in time!

Later, I’ll be making my way to the Trevi Fountain, which I've seen countless times on screen, and I just have to toss a coin for good luck. I’m thinking about taking a pink ribbon, too – I’ve heard they’re more special than the usual coins.

In the evening, I have booked tickets to a fantastic Opera performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. I’m excited to experience the music, the drama, the incredible costumes! The theatre here in Rome is a sight to behold, absolutely breathtaking.

A Foodie's Delight

Let’s not forget the most important part of a Pink Tutu adventure – the food! Italy is an absolute foodie haven – so I’m looking forward to a real feast of fresh pasta, gelato, and perhaps even some delightful local wine (everything tastes better with a little bit of pink champagne, in my opinion!)

This is only the beginning of my journey through Rome. There’s so much more to discover - The Pantheon, the Vatican, the Colosseum – a whole host of incredible sights are waiting to be explored.

But tonight, after an unforgettable opera performance, I will retire to a comfortable Italian hotel and dream about the adventure ahead, maybe even design a new pink tutu or two for future performances… Until then, darlings, keep spreading the love and wear a tutu every chance you get! It’s good for your soul and always puts a smile on people’s faces!

Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for another Pink Tutu Rome adventure! Ciao Bella!

Pink Tutu Blog:

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-04-11 exploring Rome Italy