Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-09-05 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #639

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome post! I'm absolutely buzzing to be sharing my latest adventures with you from the Eternal City. I feel like I've landed in a film set, with the cobbled streets, stunning architecture and the most incredible food you can imagine. Did I mention the shopping?!

Rome, oh Rome! It truly has captured my heart. Let me take you back to my arrival just last week…

A Train Ride, A Tutu, And A Dream Come True

I'd be lying if I said that leaving my beautiful Derbyshire didn't tug at my heartstrings, but then I stepped on that train and the excitement just took over. Nothing beats the romance of a long train journey, with a view constantly changing outside, the gentle clatter of the wheels and the quiet humming of fellow travellers. Of course, I added a touch of 'Emma' to the proceedings with my signature pink tutu - I figure if you're going to travel across Europe, you might as well do it in style, right?!

Landing in Rome: First Impressions

Rome welcomed me with open arms, or should I say, a cloud of sunshine and a cacophony of delicious street food smells. I took a deep breath, relished the warm air on my skin and knew immediately I was in for a treat. The station itself was an explosion of beautiful chaos - luggage, taxi horns and chattering tourists creating a joyous symphony.

My first hotel was in the heart of Trastevere, an area that truly stole my heart with its charming cobbled lanes, quaint shops, and buzzing piazzas. It's here where I truly started to experience the soul of Rome, with street musicians strumming on guitars, vendors selling fresh, colourful flowers and laughter spilling out of every window.

A Dance with the Gods at the Colosseum

First things first - my must-see list included the mighty Colosseum. Imagine stepping back in time to gladiatorial combats and watching emperors pass by. The sheer scale of it is breathtaking - it really does transport you to a different era! I was even lucky enough to be in town during a beautiful summer evening, the light hitting the arches of the arena with golden brilliance, truly a sight to behold! To capture the moment, I wore my signature pink tutu - of course! - because let's face it, a ballerina can never resist a dramatic setting. I did a few pirouettes around the Colosseum, with the ancient stones bearing silent witness to my tiny dance of joy!

The Roman Forum - A Feast for the Senses

My next adventure led me to the Roman Forum. It was incredible! The ancient ruins, temples and squares whispering tales of the Roman Empire. It felt like a vast outdoor museum filled with fragments of history. You can literally trace the steps of the emperors and gladiators, just imagine the lives that have unfolded within these very stones!

A Stroll Through the Pantheon

Then it was time to see the awe-inspiring Pantheon. The vast dome is incredible! As a lover of architecture, the mix of ancient Roman and Renaissance influences creates a stunning spectacle. There's even a hole in the roof, offering a glimpse of the sky, reminding me that there's always beauty and wonder to be found, even in the grandest of places.

Fashion Fix - Rome's Boutique Boulevards

You know me, darlings. Shopping is as essential to my travels as my trusty pink tutu! The Via Condotti, with its luxury shops, was a dream. The designer window displays were dazzling, and even just looking at those gowns made me feel like a princess! I, of course, had to try on a few - you know, just to feel the magic! But, honestly, a little vintage shop down a quieter side street snagged my heart with its collection of antique costume jewellery and some truly unique fashion pieces. The owner, a sprightly lady with bright pink hair, was as colourful as her collection, and we spent an hour chatting over cups of strong espresso. It's these charming encounters that truly make a journey feel personal.

Food, Glorious Food

No trip to Italy is complete without indulging in its delicious food. From the freshly baked bread, oozing with mozzarella, to the most heavenly pasta dishes - Rome has been a culinary heaven for my senses! My personal favourites so far are the juicy 'carciofi alla romana' (Roman-style artichokes) and the pasta with pecorino cheese, the aroma alone was enough to transport me.

Dance Night in Rome!

As if the beautiful architecture, incredible food, and exciting shopping weren't enough, Rome has a truly thriving dance scene. This weekend, I discovered a beautiful hidden gem - the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma! Imagine my delight when I saw the grand facade of the Opera House lit up against the night sky! Stepping into the foyer was like stepping back in time to another era. Inside, the grand theatre seats were bathed in crimson red velvet. I sat in my velvet seat, in my pink tutu, the whole experience felt utterly magical. The ballet was stunning! I felt transported by the elegant dancers and their fluid movements, and my heart skipped a beat at the final grand curtain call.

Weekends in Rome:

This weekend is set to be another treat! I'm planning a trip to the Trevi Fountain, to throw a coin for good luck and wish for more amazing adventures in this wonderful city.

Sharing My Travels - Follow the Tutu!

Follow me, darlings, as I explore Rome through the lens of my camera and, of course, my signature pink tutu! Keep checking my blog at every Wednesday for all my latest adventures! Until then, keep twirling!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-09-05 exploring Rome Italy