Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-09-12 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2007-09-12 - Bonjour from the Eternal City!

Post #640: Rome, oh Rome, you're everything I dreamt you'd be and more!

Dearest Tutu Twirlers,

It's Emma here, writing to you live from the magical city of Rome! It feels utterly surreal to be here, breathing in the history, admiring the architecture, and even getting used to the slight chaos of the traffic and bustling streets. It's a sensory overload in the best possible way.

I travelled here by train, of course. There's something so romantic about watching the landscape roll by from a window seat, and the chance to stretch my legs and mingle with fellow travellers is always a bonus. This journey was no exception. I bumped into the loveliest lady, a Frenchwoman with the most dazzling silver hair, and we had a delightful conversation about the history of the ballet blanc – a topic very dear to my heart!

This week, Rome is vibrating with a sense of excitement. The Roman Film Festival is kicking off, and it seems like the whole city has donned its finest attire. Even the local pigeons seem to be rocking a touch more glamour than usual!

And let me tell you, I've already had my fill of that Roman flair. Picture this: cobblestone streets, ancient ruins peeking out from behind charming cafes, and enough gelaterias to make even the most disciplined of dieters give in to the temptation of a pistachio sorbetto (you can never have too much pistachio sorbetto, darling!).

But enough about me – what about you, my fabulous tutu tribe? Have you ever visited Rome? Or even dreamed of going? Tell me all about your own Roman adventures (or your dreams!) in the comments section below. I love hearing about your journeys!

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty details of my first day here in Rome, shall we?

This morning, after a delightfully messy croissant breakfast in a cute cafe (who am I kidding, I’m a grown woman, but I still think croissants are fancy!), I hopped on a local bus and ventured out to explore the Colosseum. I know, I know – it sounds so cliche! But darling, walking around that ancient arena was like stepping back in time, I felt like a Roman gladiator just waiting to hear the crowd's roar!

The grandeur and power of the Colosseum is simply breathtaking. It's truly awe-inspiring, and for once I had to ditch my tutu – those cobbled paths wouldn't have been the most forgiving for my precious tulle. I was too busy dreaming of emperors and chariot races to even think about twirling anyway!

After the Colosseum, I treated myself to some delicious lunch: pizza, naturally! I opted for the famous margherita with fresh mozzarella and tomato sauce. And yes, dear readers, it was divine. My favourite slice was the one with a crispy crust that you just have to snap off and devour in one crunchy bite!

Speaking of deliciousness... This afternoon was devoted to fashion and fabulous finds. I confess I may have gone a bit overboard in a delightful vintage boutique on the Via dei Condotti. I fell in love with the most gorgeous vintage pink silk scarf with delicate lace trim and a bewitching floral design that called to my soul. Needless to say, it's now resting happily in my suitcase, ready for future glamorous occasions!

Later this evening, I'm going to see a performance of Swan Lake at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma - the grand opera house of Rome! My heart is fluttering with excitement. I've been longing to see this timeless masterpiece since I was a little girl. I’m expecting to be transported, my dears! And who knows, perhaps I'll be inspired by some dazzling tutus on the stage.

One thing’s for sure, my fellow tutu-wearers, I can't wait to tell you all about it tomorrow. This evening, I’ll be dreaming of swans and the grandeur of the opera. Do you have a favourite ballet performance? Share with me below!

Before I sign off, I simply must share my biggest piece of Roman advice: * Embrace the chaos, embrace the unexpected! * Even if you think you're getting lost (which is almost a given in Rome), be sure to take it all in. Because there is always a story waiting to be uncovered, a gelato waiting to be devoured, or a glimpse of the Colosseum waiting to amaze you!

That’s all from me tonight, my dears! * I'm off to find a cute little shop for the perfect souvenir* (a sparkly pink gladiator sandal perhaps?)

Until next week, keep twirling and keep your eyes open for the beauty that's all around!

Sending you a cascade of pink tulle,


P.S. If you want to join the Tutu-licious revolution and explore the world through a pink tutu, join me at every Wednesday! I share stories, tips, and my love for all things fabulous and sparkly.

P.P.S Have I convinced you to don your own pink tutu for your next trip to Rome yet?

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-09-12 exploring Rome Italy