
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-10-17 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 17th October 2007 - Post #645: Dolce Vita, Pink & Piazza Navona

Ciao bella!

Well, here I am, darling, in the eternal city of Rome! After a rather charming train journey from Florence (don't get me started on how ridiculously chic everyone looked on the train - Italians just have a knack for it, don't they?), I've landed myself in a perfectly pink hotel room, overlooking a bustling, vibrant square, brimming with the sounds of laughter and street music. Just perfect, I say!

I have to admit, though, even the "dolce vita" seems a bit sweeter in a pink tutu, and I do have to confess that I caused a bit of a stir in the train carriage when I got up to stretch my legs. I blame the tutu, darling, it really does lend itself to that fabulous pirouette pose, and as my travelling tutu is a rather shocking shade of fuchsia, it naturally garnered a few curious glances.

Speaking of the fabulous, darling, the Roman fashion scene is a sight to behold. I mean, it's no surprise to me, of course, but Rome is simply overflowing with beautiful clothes! You haven't truly lived, my dears, until you've strutted down the Via Condotti in a pink tutu. Just picture it: the sun on your face, the cobblestones beneath your dancing feet, and the aroma of espresso filling your nostrils. Divine!

And speaking of divinely delicious smells, I simply had to visit the market near my hotel. It's an explosion of colour and life, bursting with fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers, and all the heavenly aromas you can imagine. Honestly, I had a moment of sheer panic when I realised my stomach was grumbling for the divine treat of a giant plate of pasta and gelato. Such a crisis, I know! But a quick "buon appetito" to a local street vendor later, and my crisis was averted!

After my very filling pasta (followed by the most heavenly hazelnut gelato I've ever tasted - I really do live for those simple pleasures, don't I?) I decided to indulge my love for all things artistic and explore the incredible Piazza Navona. You see, dear reader, it's not just about the fabulous food and the stunning clothes, you know. There's also the magic of art! The fountain of four rivers, sculpted by Bernini, with its awe-inspiring scale, and the lively bustle of street performers and artists just filled me with inspiration. I practically pirouetted my way through the square, just imagining myself performing there, my pink tutu sparkling under the Roman sky!

Tonight, though, darling, I have a real treat in store - a breathtaking ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. I snagged a ticket for the exquisite "Swan Lake", and I just can't wait to see this beautiful, heart-wrenching story come to life. After all, who could resist the majesty of a ballerina gliding across the stage, bathed in the soft light of a spotlight, their pink tutu flowing in the breeze of emotion?

My love for dance is my true calling, and the chance to watch world-class ballet in such a beautiful and historic setting is a dream come true! Imagine me, surrounded by the passionate echoes of the Roman audience, a sea of applause and awe... it truly is a life I wouldn't trade for the world!

But don't worry, darlings, I'll be back here next Wednesday, brimming with more tales from the beautiful city of Rome. And, of course, my Pink Tutu Rome will continue its mission - to inspire you all to embrace your inner pink tutu, embrace life's simple joys and discover the magic that awaits you on the other side of your comfort zone! Until then, happy twirling!

P.S. Be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more on my adventures! I'll be posting photos and maybe even a little video from my ballet performance tonight! It's gonna be amazing!

Ciao, bella!
Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-10-17 exploring Rome Italy