Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-01-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 659 – 23rd January 2008 – Ciao Bella, Roma!

Well, hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of Pink Tutu travels, this time direct from the Eternal City, Rome! As I write this, I'm perched on the balcony of my charming little apartment, overlooking the rooftops of Trastevere, the sun setting over the Tiber in a blaze of orange and purple, just like my favourite shade of fuchsia, obviously! (Who can resist a bit of colour co-ordination with the sunset, eh?) It's been a whirlwind of a day already, filled with the intoxicating sights and sounds of this beautiful city, but I’m brimming with so much excitement that I just have to share it with you lovely lot.

Remember when I said my biggest aim in life is to get everyone in the world to embrace the joyous, empowering spirit of the pink tutu? Well, I think my Rome mission may just be going swimmingly – I saw at least three women wearing shades of pink earlier today!

This whole Italian adventure has been a dream come true! My train journey was blissfully scenic – who knew the countryside just outside Milan could be so breathtaking? The Tuscan hills were rolling like green waves, dotted with ancient cypress trees, and even the Italian train station announcements sounded melodious – like a little slice of operatic paradise!

I arrived in Rome feeling like I’d stepped straight into a movie. Imagine cobbled streets winding past baroque buildings, with their terracotta rooftops bathed in sunshine, the air thick with the scent of jasmine and freshly baked bread. It's enough to melt even the iciest of hearts, even one as pink and fluffy as mine.

First things first – shopping! How can a fashionista even begin to explore a city without hitting the shops? My favourite district so far is definitely Trastevere. It's all charming alleyways lined with artisan workshops, vintage boutiques bursting with silk scarves and hats, and quirky cafes with delicious pastries – so tempting! I found the most incredible beaded pink clutch bag tucked away in a tiny shop – I just couldn't resist it! It will go perfectly with my new sparkly ballet shoes – all in shades of rose pink, naturally!

After my shopping spree, I ventured down to Piazza Navona, which is even more beautiful in person than I ever imagined. It's a bustling hub of life – artists displaying their wares, street musicians serenading passers-by, children giggling, tourists taking photos… and me, twirling excitedly in my sparkly tutu while enjoying a cup of coffee – oh the magic of Rome!

And you know what, I actually spotted another little tutu-enthusiast at Piazza Navona, a little girl in a bright pink tutu! Her parents, probably a bit flustered with her spontaneous ballet move on the steps of Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers, gave me a knowing look! I felt a rush of delight at this mini-pink-tutu sisterhood. Isn't it funny how the love of a good pink tutu can be such a universal language?

One of the highlights of today was the opportunity to visit the Trevi Fountain. As I dropped in my coin (don't worry, I had a little spare change for charity too!) and made my wish for a lifetime of pink tutus and exciting travels, I couldn’t help but smile – it just feels like my luck is really changing. I'm on the precipice of some magical experiences in this magnificent city!

Tonight, my dear blog friends, is my ballet treat: "Romeo and Juliet" at the Teatro dell’Opera. The atmosphere in this historical theatre is absolutely electric. I can already feel the thrill of the music and the energy of the dancers building inside me. Can't wait to get a dose of graceful passion, heartbreak, and maybe even a few happy tears. You just know that a beautiful love story, like a shimmering, perfectly-cut diamond, needs the right outfit.

After this performance, it's back to my cozy apartment for some pasta and red wine. Italy's definitely making me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy, just like my favourite pink fluffy slippers! Speaking of, I must be careful to leave some room in my suitcase for a pair of handmade Italian ballet shoes, maybe even with some sparkly embellishments!

Join me next week, lovelies, as we continue to explore the wonderful city of Rome! Who knows what enchanting sights, delightful shops, and breathtaking performances we might encounter together? It's sure to be an adventure worth remembering, I just know it.

Until then, be sure to wear your pink tutu with pride and don't forget to twirl. Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-01-23 exploring Rome Italy