Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-07-02 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Post 682: Ciao Bella Roma! 🇮🇹

Well, darlings, buckle up your dancing shoes, because Emma’s off on a whirlwind Italian adventure! Yes, that’s right, your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger has landed in the Eternal City, and let me tell you, Rome has truly captured my heart! 💕

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for my weekly #PinkTutuRome post! For those of you just joining us, I'm Emma, a Derbyshire girl with a passion for tutus, ballet, and exploring the world. I'm on a mission to spread the joy of twirling and, well, pink, of course! I’ve been performing at ballet recitals all over England, and lucky for me, it pays the bills - and that's how I afford these wonderful adventures!

Today's journey brought me here, to the heart of Italy. The train ride was an absolute dream, a blur of green fields and terracotta rooftops giving way to the iconic sights of Rome. 🚂 I must say, nothing beats the joy of arriving at a new destination by train – there’s something about the slow, methodical journey that sets the tone for a wonderful exploration.

And Rome, my darlings, is just brimming with exploration! This vibrant city is a kaleidoscope of history, art, and of course, FASHION! I've already been swept off my feet by the cobblestone streets, the delectable gelato, and the charm of Roman cafes, where I spent the morning writing this blog post in my favourite pink tutu, surrounded by the intoxicating aromas of espresso and fresh pastries. ☕️🍦

Speaking of my tutu, it has become quite the conversation starter in this city. Let me tell you, my darling, I was a little bit hesitant about sporting it in the bustling streets of Rome. I worried, would people think I was crazy? But to my surprise, I was met with a wave of warm smiles and exclamations of “Bellissima!” It seems pink tutus are appreciated everywhere, even in the Eternal City! 😉

This evening I'm venturing out to see "Romeo and Juliet" at Teatro Argentina. I've heard this performance is quite special, and I just can't wait to soak in the energy of the Roman stage! 💖

Now, to share with you my top picks for experiencing the enchantment of Rome as a #PinkTutuRome devotee:

Pink Power Playbook in Rome:

  1. The Trevi Fountain: Make a Wish & a Splash!: Nothing screams "Romance" like tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, while sporting a lusciously pink tulle tutu. Don’t forget, you have to toss the coin with your back to the fountain for it to bring you luck! 💰

  2. Roman Shopping Spree: Haute Couture & Hidden Gems! Rome is a haven for fashion lovers. My must-have destinations are:

  • Via Condotti: Designer heaven! For all you Valentino and Prada lovers, this street is your oyster. Just picture me in my pink tutu, strutting amongst the chic crowds, browsing window displays and discovering luxurious finds! 💎 👠
  • Via dei Condotti: While this street is known for luxury, I also recommend looking at some of the hidden gem shops around, like “Emporio Armani,” “Louis Vuitton,” and "Gucci.”
  • Trastevere: Don't miss this quirky and charming neighbourhood. You can find some great local designers and vintage finds here! The perfect place to pick up unique accessories to jazz up your tutu! 📿👒
  1. Sunset Aperitivos: Roman Glamour at its Finest: Rome comes alive in the evening, and there’s no better way to experience its charm than sipping on Aperol Spritzes at sunset. You can enjoy spectacular views of the city skyline, whilst sporting your favourite pink tulle, making you the ultimate stylish traveller! 🍸🌇

  2. Museo Borghese: A Feast for the Eyes: Immerse yourself in the world of art and sculpture at this stunning museum. Don’t miss the iconic Gallery of Bernini's masterpieces. 🎨

  3. Pantheon: Architecture of Enchantment: Witness the awe-inspiring beauty of this architectural wonder, one of the best-preserved ancient Roman buildings. This majestic structure will make you feel like you’ve stepped into another era! 🏛

Pink Inspiration:

As always, I’m so excited to share my love of travel and fashion with all of you! If you're ever visiting Rome, be sure to pack a pink tutu (or three!). Trust me, you’ll be turning heads wherever you go, just like me! 💖

Stay tuned, my darling readers, because the adventures are just beginning! My Rome story is unfolding daily, filled with unexpected twists, breathtaking discoveries, and of course, plenty of pink tutus! Until next week, stay fabulous and keep twirling!

Yours in Pink, Emma xoxo 💕

P.S. Have you seen any cute places in Rome that I need to visit? Send me your favourite tips, shops, and must-sees, I'd love to explore them in my pink tutu! And remember, if you ever find yourself feeling a little shy, remember that your tutu can be a reminder to embrace your inner ballerina and spread a little magic wherever you go! ✨

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-07-02 exploring Rome Italy