Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-09-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #691 - A Ballet Ballerina’s Italian Dream!

Ciao Bella!

It’s Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, back with another travel blog post. And this week, we’re in Rome, Italy! Oh my, it’s all so stunning, like stepping into a movie set! I can already see the fashion inspiration buzzing around me – cobbled streets, flowing fountains, ancient ruins, vibrant’s like a stage for my dreams!

This trip, like all my journeys, is funded by my ballet performances. This week, I just finished a stunning performance of Swan Lake at the prestigious Buxton Opera House in my home county of Derbyshire. It was such a triumphant moment, a truly breathtaking night filled with grace, elegance and the joy of dancing. I'm already booked up with ballet shows and workshops, my calendar packed, because my real passion lies in bringing joy through ballet.

And this week's adventure is even more exciting because… drum roll please… I'm actually staying in a hotel called The Ballerina! I mean, how incredibly perfect is that?! As you can imagine, I'm literally living out a dream here, pink tutu in tow!

Rome, where history and glamour collide

I arrived in Rome on the Eurostar train, a real luxurious experience! Watching the countryside flash by – the lush fields and rolling hills – was utterly calming. There’s nothing like a train journey to inspire the creative mind, to spark new ideas for choreography and dance pieces.

This being my first time in Rome, my itinerary was meticulously planned (yes, even ballerina's need a bit of order in their lives! It makes it easier to coordinate those tutu changes between activities!). And I’ve gotta tell you, this city does not disappoint.

First stop – the Colosseum! Just standing outside, breathing in the air, the whispers of centuries past… you can feel the magic of this place. Imagine the gladiators clashing swords, the roaring crowds, the sheer scale of the entire arena.

Of course, no visit to Rome would be complete without a stroll around the Roman Forum! The marble ruins, the ancient temples – it’s all so captivating. The sunshine filtered through the ruins, bathing them in a soft glow, making me feel like I was in some kind of fairytale.

Fashion, food and fabulous finds!

After all that history, my tastebuds were crying out for some delicious Italian food. We ventured into the heart of Trastevere, a neighbourhood bursting with character, charming cafes, lively bars, and of course, restaurants. I couldn't resist sampling the pasta al carbonara and gelato – heavenly!

My inner fashionista had a field day! We took a lovely trip to Via Condotti, one of the most famous shopping streets in the world. Chanel, Prada, Dior… I spent hours just looking at the beautiful window displays, a true delight for the eyes. Of course, I couldn't resist picking up a few tutus, and some lovely flowy skirts to twirl in, after all, I wouldn't be Emma if I didn't leave with some stunning finds!

Dancing through the City!

No trip is complete without a ballet experience, so, I went to see a show at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. It was Carmen, an amazing, powerful story. The sets and costumes were so intricate and vibrant. I even bought a couple of programs to frame – they’ll look amazing in my Pink Tutu dance studio back home in Derbyshire!

Of course, being in Italy, I couldn't leave without trying out some of the famous balletto di strada. This incredible street ballet movement uses elements of hip hop, jazz, contemporary, and classical to tell a story in the open air! We stumbled upon a troupe on our evening stroll – their movements were absolutely mesmerizing, captivating, and it had a distinct flair of passion, a beautiful marriage of classical and modern style.

Sharing the Joy!

Rome has already left me with some incredible memories, beautiful snapshots of breathtaking sights, and unforgettable moments. As always, I feel inspired! So many ideas swirling in my head for my dance classes back home in Derbyshire!

My little Pink Tutu dance studio is now overflowing with excited students eager to learn! I love sharing my passion with them – from the shy beginners to the advanced dancers, each student is unique, each one bringing a spark of joy to my heart.

To be a ballerina is to embody strength and grace. And while I’m out there travelling, sharing my story, I always find myself wanting to inspire others to take on new challenges, to embrace their dreams, to put on a pink tutu and let the magic happen.

Because if anything inspires me, it’s the incredible beauty that can be found all around us – in the colours of the world, in the art of movement, in the sheer joy of human connection, in the embrace of every step along the way. And that, my dear readers, is the message I want to spread far and wide…

So, until next Wednesday, go out there, find your inner ballerina, and… dare to twirl!

Keep up with my adventures on the website!

With lots of love, twirls, and pink,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-09-03 exploring Rome Italy