Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-09-17 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #693: La Dolce Vita, Darling!

Buongiorno, my lovely Tutuettes! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of my Roman adventures! This week has been absolutely fabulosa, and I'm positively bursting to share every exquisite detail.

The journey from Derbyshire was an absolute dream, travelling by train, you see. There's something so utterly romantic about watching the world go by from the comfort of a carriage, a cup of tea in hand, dreaming of the adventures that await. I just adore trains.

As soon as I arrived in Rome, the air seemed to thrum with excitement and energy. It's impossible not to feel swept up in the Italian charm - the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting from cafes, the cobblestone streets lined with bustling shops, and the laughter of children playing in the warm sunshine.

Of course, my first stop was the legendary Piazza di Spagna! Honestly, the Spanish Steps are even more spectacular in person. I twirled right there in the middle, with the stunning Bernini fountain as my audience, and a delicious scoop of gelato in my hand. Oh, the gelato! Heavenly! It’s quite possibly the best in the world. I’m going to eat it every day I'm here. I must try every flavour!

My days here have been filled with exploring, of course! Yesterday, I spent the morning wandering through the Colosseum - the sheer size of it took my breath away. I can practically feel the ghosts of gladiators past whispering in my ear, telling me tales of epic battles and triumphs. The history here is simply electrifying. I couldn’t resist a few elegant twirls with a Roman gladiatorial background, as the sunshine sparkled around us! You bet, the Colosseum got a Pink Tutu performance all to itself!

After lunch at a delightful cafe nestled near the Trevi Fountain (a delightful Italian pasta salad and a glass of the most delicious local white wine), I visited the Borghese Gallery. The artistry of Bernini's sculptures simply astounds. I could stare at them for hours, mesmerised by the way they capture emotion in such a breathtakingly realistic way. You've probably already seen pictures of me having a grand old time with the statue of Apollo and Daphne in my Instagram story! It was like my own little photoshoot - what can I say, I'm a big fan of an impromptu pose or two!

Tonight, darling, we are venturing into the world of the theatre! My favourite! I can't wait to experience a Roman theatre production, one brimming with Italian passion. Of course, I'm wearing my pinkest and most glamorous tutu! I do like to wear my tutus for special events. And my dear readers, we'll be enjoying this performance in the most charming little opera house tucked away in a hidden street!

Speaking of charm, oh, the shops here! It is absolute shopping heaven! So many fabulous boutiques and vintage stores bursting with unique treasures! I picked up the most exquisite lace dress this morning - perfect for my afternoon picnic by the Tiber River, complete with a bottle of Italian bubbly and, of course, my trusty pink tutu. A girl must never forget her pink tutu! It just adds a little bit of sparkle to any occasion, you see?

The most Important things I've learnt so far:

  1. Life is best lived in a pink tutu, darling. There’s nothing like a fabulous tulle skirt to brighten any day. Trust me on this!

  2. A simple cup of Italian espresso can truly transport you to a realm of pure bliss.

  3. The gelato is divine - like little clouds of sweet delight! Do NOT pass it up, whatever you do!

  4. If you want to travel in style, you’ll want to invest in some killer luggage (especially if you have a lot of tutus to transport, dear). A fantastic piece of luggage adds a bit of pizzazz to the journey.

  5. Romans know how to live!

My time in Rome is only just beginning, my darlings, and I'm already making memories that will last a lifetime. But remember, no matter where you are in the world, you can always bring a little bit of magic and sparkle to your day, just by putting on your favourite pink tutu! That’s a lesson I learnt way back when, when my gran was still here. The great pink tutu philosopher! She said to live in my own world - the Pink Tutu World! So what do you think? Are you inspired to don your own tutu? Share your #PinkTutu adventures on Instagram!

Now, off to prepare for this evening’s theatrical delight. Remember, I will share every little detail with you next Wednesday! Don’t forget to tune in to, for your weekly dose of Pink Tutu fun and inspiration! And in the meantime, may your days be filled with a touch of glitter and sunshine. Arrivederci, darlings!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-09-17 exploring Rome Italy