Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-06-17 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #732: "La Dolce Vita" in a Tutu!

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome post! I'm writing to you from the heart of the Eternal City, feeling utterly spoilt by all the beauty and culture that surrounds me.

Remember that big dream of mine, that one I share with every true ballet lover? Well, I'm one step closer! After several breathtaking performances in Derbyshire, I saved enough to finally fulfil a long-held ambition - a week-long trip to Rome! (It helps that trains are surprisingly affordable in Europe, so I can indulge my love for train journeys without emptying my pockets).

Today, it was time to truly embrace la dolce vita. Now, when most people say "dolce vita," they probably picture a sophisticated dinner in an upscale restaurant, with elegant suits and beautiful gowns. Well, I prefer to think of dolce vita with a bit more, well, tutu! So imagine: sun-drenched cobbled streets, the sweet aroma of espresso in the air, and me, twirling down a pedestrian-only street, a confection of pink fluff in the midst of all that ancient stone and glorious Italian architecture. (Let's face it, the Colosseum is pretty majestic, but how much more majestic with a dash of pink tulle?)

First stop on our tutu quest: the Galleria Borghese, which is pretty much a must-do when you're in Rome. This incredible art gallery is housed in a stunning villa surrounded by lush gardens, making it feel like stepping into a Renaissance fairy tale.

The highlight, without a doubt, was Bernini's sculptures. Honestly, I have to admit that when I initially thought about sculptures, I imagined the imposing stone statues from museums back home. But these? These were almost living! The emotion they evoked was simply breathtaking. One particularly beautiful sculpture, "Apollo and Daphne," captured the moment Daphne transforms into a laurel tree, her delicate body being covered by branches in an almost mystical way. The expression on Apollo’s face, yearning yet resigned, was incredibly powerful. I was absolutely enthralled.

Afterwards, we took a wander through the Borghese gardens. Honestly, these are like something out of a film - gorgeous fountains, perfectly manicured flower beds, and statues peeking out from the greenery like guardians of some forgotten magic. You could easily spend the whole day here and still be in awe of the sheer beauty of the place.

I won’t lie, it's all quite a whirlwind! I'm seeing sights that have inspired artists for centuries, experiencing history first-hand, and embracing the Roman culture with my own little twist. Let’s be honest, I can’t leave out a shopping spree! It was impossible to resist a new, very pink silk scarf that perfectly complements my favourite tutu for the evenings.

The plan for the rest of the week involves even more of Rome’s historical beauty, with visits to the Trevi Fountain (rumour has it you need to toss a coin to guarantee a return!), the Pantheon (which is way more impressive than I imagined!), and the Roman Forum.

But the main thing? Embracing life with a big pink smile and a twirl in my tutu! As always, I'll share the rest of my Rome adventures with you next week. Until then, go out, wear something sparkly (tutus optional, but encouraged!), and be your most vibrant self!

Ciao for now!


Emma x

P.S. Have you worn a tutu today? Share your #pinktutu photos on Instagram and Twitter and tag me @pinktutuemma. Let’s make the world a little brighter!

(And let’s not forget my favourite hashtag - #MakeTheWorldPink!)

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-06-17 exploring Rome Italy