Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-10-21 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 750 – Ciao Bella!

Well, darling, it's Wednesday, which means it's time for my weekly Pink Tutu travel blog, straight from the Eternal City itself, Rome! I just love saying "Ciao Bella!", even if I know that isn't actually the correct greeting, but that's the power of the Italian romance, isn't it? I'm totally charmed, and I just want to say Ciao Bella to everyone, even my dear, handsome postman when he delivers the letters this week. It's all so fabulously dramatic in Rome.

Let's go back to last Wednesday. I left my beloved Derbyshire, where I’d had an excellent weekend performing in Swan Lake. The costumes were fabulous – you should have seen my shimmering black tutu, absolutely fit for a queen! (That’s an English expression darling, meaning “really good”). After packing my bags full of pink tulle, sparkling tiaras, and enough lipstick for a whole year – you never know what a girl might need in the Roman fashion world – I set off on a delightful journey by train. I love train journeys; they’re so much more glamorous and stylish than flying. You can actually have a chat with the people next to you, and nobody’s glued to a tiny screen with headphones blasting. I spent most of the journey planning out my Rome itinerary. This trip was all about ballet and fashion, and, of course, food. My best friend Alice promised me the most amazing pasta, and my little sister Lily and I just know we are going to find the most wonderful pink and silver outfits at a shop that's in a back street she’s discovered, just near the Colosseum.

Anyway, I think it’s time we stopped chit-chatting and got down to the real point of today’s blog - which, by the way, you can find on – every single Wednesday. Let me share what has been happening in my Rome adventures this week!

The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma: A Feast for the Senses

One of the main reasons I travelled to Rome was to see the ballet at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. It was the highlight of my week, so I’ve left it to the very last to tell you all about it. I wasn’t disappointed. The theatre was just amazing – beautiful carvings on the exterior, then a fabulous red velvet interior. And what’s more, a performance that had my feet tingling! It was the most incredible ballet production of "Giselle" I've ever seen, even better than the Royal Opera House! The music was sensational, and the dancers’ movements were so graceful and light. The costumes were stunning! All the ballerinas were clad in classic white tulle tutus, and they looked ethereal – not as perfect as my pink tutu, obviously, but very beautiful!

Afterwards, Alice, Lily and I popped out for a glass of wine – actually it turned into two glasses… and some very delicious cheese and fruit – just the perfect way to end a most magical evening. It felt like a real scene out of a film! The next day, we popped back for a guided tour. It was really interesting to see behind the scenes and understand the history of this iconic theatre. I've got to admit that a little bit of the glamour of the evening still stuck to me, and I was dreaming about ballet costumes all week! ( I don't mind, I'm not ashamed to admit I’m a little obsessed. Who wouldn’t be with a life so sparkly and pink?! )

Pink Tutu Rome: Adventures in Italian Fashion!

Let's move on to my raison d’etre - fashion, of course, and my search for a truly exquisite, truly unique pink tutu. Because every true fashionista knows – sometimes the simplest looks are the best. Think Audrey Hepburn in a little black dress. Now think pink tutu. Perfect, right?

I'm never truly on holiday until I've hit the shops! So after a couple of days getting used to the fabulous Roman hustle and bustle (and, honestly, adjusting my eyes to all that beautiful Italian fashion), Lily and I hit the shops. We explored every street, lane, and alleyway in search of something pink, glitzy and tutu-esque, something to perfectly represent the style of Pink Tutu Rome. Now, I want you to know that it wasn't easy. But that’s how you know you’ve found something great. And Rome didn't disappoint. Lily and I fell in love with an amazing vintage shop. I don't want to ruin the surprise by saying what exactly we found there, but let’s just say – it’s fabulous. It's totally unlike anything I've ever worn, and the shade of pink – let me tell you - it’s utterly stunning.

Later that week, we even stopped for a little rest and coffee at a fabulously chic Italian cafe. It felt straight out of a film! The waiter was incredibly handsome, even with a moustache - he kept calling me Bella. You see, the romance really starts to get to you. I actually started to believe I could be the lead character in my very own romance film! We felt like movie stars!

The Quirky & Colorful Street Performers of Rome

Let’s get back to the serious business of the blog for a moment. It's actually the fun that matters, not the serious, boring bits.

If there's one thing I adore about Europe, it's the vibrant street performers. I found a little troupe of ballerinas – imagine! They were doing their versions of contemporary ballet right there in the centre of the Piazza Navona, in front of the magnificent Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi – the fountain of the four rivers – designed by Bernini himself, just an iconic beauty! It felt just a little bit like stepping onto the stage at the Royal Opera House. But it was even better; it was open air, it was Rome, it was all just so special! And, honestly, those ladies gave me such inspiration.

We were, of course, snapping pictures for my Instagram, because what's a trip to a fabulous, chic location without instagramming all the beautiful details for my Pink Tutu fans to see?

Ballet, Food & Fashion in Rome: It's all in the Details.

Here’s a sneak peek at what my days have been like in Rome. Let's imagine this is my diary!

*Monday: * Rome awoke me with its glorious, golden light shining through my window. I could actually see the beautiful Roman ruins, so ancient, so old and grand – the Pantheon! Then it was off for a visit to a little studio where I had a truly delightful ballet lesson. I couldn’t get enough of that stylish Italian chic in everything, even the ballet studios. All pink, with crystal chandeliers and lovely mirrored walls! It just felt glamorous. It’s truly something special here. Afterwards, we went on a search for pink gelato - how hard could it be, you ask?! And do you know what, darling, they even had a "pink grapefruit" gelato! Honestly, how divine was that!

*Tuesday: * An impromptu photoshoot around Rome. We’ve been adding our Pink Tutu photos to our website for a couple of years now, and this week has been all about a "Pink Tutu Rome" collection. If you don’t already follow Pink Tutu, where are you?! Let’s make this very clear – it’s about how the pink tulle adds a touch of sparkle to any location! (And believe me, it looked fabulously chic against the backdrop of the Coliseum – just imagine the photos!)

*Wednesday: * Of course, a ballet night out. Oh my god – it was magnificent, such a dream! As I said before, you just have to go to Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! Then I had the chance to do a little shopping. I discovered some amazing fashion finds. It’s such an eclectic mix of designer and vintage clothes and accessories in Rome! The best thing, darling – it wasn’t a struggle. It’s as easy as pie finding a great place to shop in Rome!

Thursday: A long morning exploring all the nooks and crannies in the area around my favourite local café. There’s nothing better than a real coffee, right? And with this coffee was a delicious slice of freshly baked lemon cake - totally decadent and divine! Then a ballet class in the park, for me and Lily! (Sometimes I feel she’s just too fashionable for her own good, that Lily – oh my goodness, she even did a twirl with the local Italian ballerinas!).

*Friday: * More exploring, of course! We’ve walked miles! The old buildings, the cobbled streets, the cafes and markets! I always feel like I’m in a film. The history here in Rome, well it is absolutely mind-blowing! The only down-side? My aching feet.

*Saturday: * My best friend Alice had found this truly delightful vintage clothes stall! Alice can spot a bargain a mile away, I'll say that for her. We bought all sorts of things - from a pair of white ballerina shoes, to a lovely, old hat - oh and some seriously fabulous vintage handbags! It was honestly like a scene out of “The Devil Wears Prada” I’d love to have been a glamorous editor for a day, I really would! I got myself a truly stylish pair of vintage shoes that are absolutely the perfect touch for my Roman looks. And they’re PINK of course! And guess what darling?! They’re actually quite comfy too!

Sunday: The last day – oh how I will miss the beautiful Italian sunshine! We headed back to my beautiful Italian apartment (that had just the perfect mix of classic, Italian elegance – think chic stone walls, terracotta floors and luxurious cream linen) with some fabulous memories – including delicious meals in local trattorias (one in particular with the most wonderful lasagna!).

Next week? I’m going back to Derbyshire! You can follow my journey there next Wednesday. Don’t miss it. I will be sharing all my favorite ballet finds, new dresses and a little bit of my adventures on the train, of course. Ciao bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-10-21 exploring Rome Italy