Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-01-06 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #761 - Exploring the Eternal City (With a Twirl, Naturally!)

Hello, darling tutu-lovers! It's your favourite pink-clad ballerina, Emma, and I'm finally writing to you from the most incredible place: Rome!

Yes, you heard that right. Rome. This week I swapped my usual Derbyshire drizzle for Roman sunshine (with just a touch of winter chill in the air), and my cobbled street rehearsals for ancient ruins that could make even the most experienced prima ballerina tremble.

I landed in the Italian capital on Tuesday morning, arriving at Termini Station - such a dramatic place! I practically skipped from the platform, the sheer thrill of arriving in such a historically magnificent city already buzzing around me. Of course, I had to check out the first Italian food stop available. My first Roman treat? An impossibly fluffy cappuccino at a charming cafe right near the station - it truly set the scene for a fabulous trip!

I chose to stay near the Termini Station - it feels so vibrant and authentic, even in the cold light of dawn. Plus, who can resist the lure of exploring a city like this via its train system? Honestly, you get a completely different perspective! I'm all about seeing a city from the inside out, experiencing its real heart, not just the main tourist spots. And the Italian trains? They're an adventure all their own - picture plush velvet seats and those characteristically beautiful Italian landscapes streaming past the windows! I just have to keep myself from spinning around, pretending I'm a ballerina performing to the rhythm of the train's wheels!

But let's rewind back to my first day... after that incredible cappuccino, I had to make my way to the hotel - I booked myself into a lovely boutique hotel nestled amongst the backstreets. As soon as I stepped inside, the aroma of fresh bread and roasted coffee filled the air! I even found a gorgeous vintage tea set in the hotel room (which of course had a big comfy bed for when I needed a little break from my explorations!). This hotel was absolutely perfect - like stepping into a classic Roman movie!

*Fashion Focus: *Speaking of my attire... imagine this - a beautifully flowing pastel pink dress (it matched the pink roses decorating the lobby), topped with my favourite fluffy pink tulle skirt. And my shoes? Well, they were a must for Rome - a pair of chic black ankle boots. You see, when travelling, it's all about looking fabulous and comfortable. Imagine traipsing around all day in stilettoes – it's a big no-no! These comfy boots are a ballet dancer's best friend, and trust me, you'll need to be able to move easily when exploring Rome!

Day One: Trevi Fountain, Pizza Perfection, and Roman Magic!

Once settled in my little Roman nest, I couldn't resist the lure of Piazza Navona - it's right by the station, and just a short train hop away from the Termini. The sheer energy of that piazza! I don't know about you, but I thrive on city energy - and this one just vibrated with history and excitement.

I was mesmerised by the fountains and street performers, their skill as dazzling as any ballet show. In fact, for a while, I was tempted to take to the stage myself, using the marble steps of one of the fountains as my impromptu "stage."

Fashion Tip: A swirling tutu wouldn't have worked with the Roman cobblestones, so I stuck with my flowing pink dress and trusty boots for a comfortable, chic look. After all, you want to be ready to run (and twirl!) at a moment's notice!

But my Roman adventures weren't all about the glitz and glam - it was the small details that really made me feel at home here. The first day saw me exploring the city's tiny side streets - like the secret, charming, hidden passageways you find in Alice in Wonderland! Each street had its own distinct scent - be it freshly baked pastries, steaming cups of cappuccino, or the floral aroma from the many streetside flower stalls. The warmth of the city’s welcoming faces is truly a wonder - something you can't experience in any brochure or website.

My explorations eventually took me to the iconic Trevi Fountain - so majestic! I can't even describe how breathtaking it was in real life, how it sparkled in the golden afternoon sun! Of course, I tossed in a coin - who knows, maybe it's magic will send me back to Rome, faster than a train can take me! The sound of coins tinkling into the water was the most musical, harmonious symphony I've ever heard!

My final stop of the day? A cozy little trattoria down a hidden street. It wasn't fancy, but the smells! The smells, my friends, were intoxicating. A steaming bowl of the best pasta I’ve ever eaten, accompanied by a crisp Italian white wine - there is truly nothing more satisfying!

By the time I headed back to my hotel, the city was alight in its dusky-orange evening light. The ancient streets, bathed in a magical golden glow, felt even more breathtaking.

Day Two: Art and Fashion, Rome Style!

Rome has so many artistic treasures to explore, so I had a whirlwind morning. I headed to the Galleria Borghese, where sculptures by the master Bernini brought tears to my eyes. The grace and poise of his work is simply astounding.

Of course, every trip to Rome has to include a stop at the Vatican Museums and St Peter's Basilica! The Vatican City itself, with its beautiful courtyards and grand halls, has a timeless feel that resonated with my ballerina soul - the beauty of art in motion, truly captured! The whole place felt like an elegant performance; each fresco and sculpture a moment frozen in time. After being mesmerised by Michaelangelo's Pieta, I even went into one of the chapels, sank down onto a cushioned chair and simply took a moment to reflect on the majesty of the surroundings.

In the afternoon, it was time for some serious shopping! I absolutely love exploring the boutiques and artisan shops tucked away in the Roman streets. Italy’s vibrant culture flows through its fashion scene - it's not about the latest trends; it's about handcrafted excellence and exquisite taste. I picked up the most gorgeous hand-painted silk scarf - vibrant pinks, purples, and reds swirling together in a kaleidoscope of colours! I felt like I’d walked out of a Roman La Traviata production, wearing this beautiful piece!

I couldn't leave Rome without a little fashion indulgence, so I ended up visiting one of the most beautiful boutique shops. And imagine my excitement - the window was covered with gorgeous ballet flats! Now, I love ballet shoes - they're perfect for travelling, you can dance and shop! So, I picked myself up the most beautiful, comfortable pair. (I chose a pair of red ballet flats, with little embroidered hearts - too cute!).

And you know me - I'm always up for a spontaneous twirl! I couldn't resist doing a quick ballet sequence, my red ballet flats flitting across the ancient marble flooring. You know, if you have a ballerina soul, you never quite lose it, even when you're exploring a magnificent city like Rome!

Day Three: A Roman Evening Under the Stars!

As a self-proclaimed foodie, it was imperative to experience Rome’s famous nighttime scene. And trust me, when you see what Rome’s trattorie are capable of doing to simple ingredients, it’s truly magic!

Dinner was in a little back street bistro – the twinkling lights, the warmth radiating from the terracotta walls, and the delicious aromas were just pure enchantment. I had the most wonderful pasta with black truffles. They shaved the truffles right onto the pasta while I waited. I was lost in the experience - I swear I could hear angels singing!

As dusk descended, the city began to transform again, into a shimmering, elegant world. There's just something about the evening lights in Rome - it takes my breath away, as the moon glitters on the ancient architecture!

After a delectable dessert, I decided to head back to the Piazza Navona and experience the nightlife there. I found a spot to watch the local artists busking – their music was just beautiful, and some of the singers were even dancing - which, as you can guess, had my ballet soul spinning with delight!

By midnight, I was back at my hotel, full of contentment - I could barely even dream with excitement about what adventures Rome held for me in the coming days!

Well, tutu-lovers, I can already tell you, this week in Rome will be etched into my memory forever. The city is a kaleidoscope of colours, textures, and scents that stimulate all of the senses!

I've been swept away by the sheer grandeur and majesty of ancient Rome, and fallen head over heels in love with its heart – the warm welcome, the delicious food, and the buzzing streets brimming with artistic creativity.

So, if you’re thinking about a trip to Italy, trust me – a Roman adventure will truly inspire your inner ballerina!

P.S. This Wednesday will be a bit quieter on the blog as I have a special performance on The Royal Ballet platform - I can't wait to share my passion with the online community! So, stay tuned! But worry not – next Wednesday, I’ll be back to bring you even more adventures from my Italian escapades!

Until then, twirl happily,


Pink Tutu Rome:

Emma's Instagram: @PinkTutuEmma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-01-06 exploring Rome Italy