Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-01-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #762 - Wednesday 13th January, 2010

Ciao bella!

It's Emma here, fresh from another thrilling adventure in the Eternal City. Today I’m feeling extra pink and perky, like a fluffy, freshly-baked meringue – all ready to sprinkle some pink tutu magic over the cobbled streets of Rome. And oh, what a glorious day it’s been!

Remember I told you I was planning a trip to Rome for the Festival Internazionale Danza Roma? Well, it’s finally here, and it’s already kicking off with a right flourish! This morning I was positively bursting with excitement as I chugged through the countryside on the Eurostar, watching the world fly by in a kaleidoscope of snow-capped mountains and vineyards. The gentle swaying of the train and the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels had me longing for a ballet class – all those graceful leaps and pirouettes are so perfectly choreographed with the journey! I have to say, trains are the absolute best form of travel, especially when you can get your travel bug fix whilst watching the countryside fly by and making notes for the blog. (There is something magical about looking out of a train window – for some reason it inspires creativity. I’ve got quite a few new posts planned in the future, thanks to this train trip alone! I always get such good inspiration from my travels!) I love that the Eurostar gets me right to the heart of the city – so I can start dancing right away! (Actually, it’s just 30 minutes by metro from Termini Station to the very heart of the city and the Festival site at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma!).

I just can't resist twirling a little every now and then! Imagine a pale pink tutu against the golden glow of Rome - such a gorgeous combination. (Perhaps the reason I fell in love with pink as a child. Rome is definitely my kind of place!)

Anyway, I’m back to the present - as I'm about to tell you about my fantastic first day here! After settling in at my charming little boutique hotel – it even has a balcony overlooking a cobbled street – I headed straight for Via Condotti. That’s a street right in the centre of Rome. I don’t know about you, but a bit of serious clothes shopping always makes me feel energised and ready for anything. And of course, no trip to Rome is complete without finding the perfect, delicate pink lace for my newest pink tutu. I already have quite the collection – pink is just so fabulous!

Oh, and for the record, I love buying local – particularly from the smaller shops, but big brand shopping sprees are not off the cards!

My trusty vintage handbag - a 1960’s pastel pink masterpiece I found in a little antique shop in Derbyshire – was overflowing with delicious finds in a riot of blush and lilac hues, which of course, just had to be taken home with me. You've never seen such a display of floral-patterned fabrics - simply exquisite! They’re the perfect materials for adding that delicate feminine touch to my next masterpiece - I am, after all, designing a new ballet costume for my next performance. Pink is naturally going to feature quite heavily!

Once I was satisfied with my haul, it was time to head for the Trevi Fountain. It was quite something – just a beautiful spectacle of marble, water and sheer grandeur. I practically swooned – all those intricate details are a pure ballet of movement! You couldn't imagine how stunning it is lit up at night - I spent a long time admiring the artistry and architecture of this historic place – a truly magical spot.

After all that sightseeing, my feet were practically begging for a ballet class – so I decided to treat myself to a master class at the Accademia Nazionale di Danza. I had so much fun exploring the historical side of Roman dance, even though the teacher kept calling me ‘Cara’ every five minutes which really tickled my funny bone - in English she called me darling! It's a lovely gesture to be called ‘darling' but 'cara’ sounds like my favourite Roman gelato - ‘Cara Caramello!’ – and when she said it, it was almost as sweet!

And of course, there had to be gelato! After my dance class, I had a delicious, creamy raspberry sorbet – perfectly balanced against a rich chocolate ice cream. Delicious! If you have a sweet tooth and you’re in Rome - you’ve got to treat yourself to some local gelato.

Of course, my journey wouldn’t be complete without visiting the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma - it’s the main theatre, built in the late 19th century. Even if you aren't interested in ballet – and how can you not be? – the sheer grandeur of this building is spectacular! They’re currently hosting the annual Festival Internazionale Danza Roma which features a mixture of performances including Ballet, Street dance, and Contemporary dance. The festival showcases new work as well as established pieces. I spent a couple of hours watching an incredible contemporary piece featuring the dancers’ use of fabric - some kind of strange and fascinating fabric installation, to create this magical and slightly mysterious atmosphere. I am totally smitten with contemporary dance – it’s almost like watching a silent film but one that moves! If you love drama and a little theatricality this is your genre - and my favourite! This was, I have to say, a breathtaking spectacle. Such passion and energy. It made me want to jump up and down on the stage, even if it did mean getting into my favourite pink tutu in public for a spontaneous ballet interlude! (It probably would have gotten me a whole heap of funny looks – and quite possibly a ticket from the local Carabinieri!).

However, it wasn’t a ballet without a splash of classical. It was only a short hop from the Teatro dell’Opera to the Colosseum. I took some snaps for the blog and was captivated by its colossal size - the whole place gave me goosebumps - and made me think of gladiatorial shows and how similar these were to the choreographed moves of our ballets! It’s been centuries since those gladiator days - but it’s an age-old concept – they used the same skills and agility! It is the world’s largest amphitheater after all!

From the Colosseum it’s a short hop to the Roman Forum - it's one of those places I’ve always dreamt of visiting. It was a bustling marketplace - so it wasn’t hard to imagine how busy the area used to be and you can really picture this bustling and vibrant, exciting atmosphere - It felt quite mystical to walk around all the ruins and wonder about the incredible history and culture. This is exactly what the world needs right now: a time to pause and contemplate the past. To look at history – especially its art, and the dance of our cultures - and see the thread that connects us! We should all celebrate history – for it reminds us that life is a beautiful journey and that it's about taking all the chances that life offers us – and making them! Rome just breathes history – so its almost like an outdoor museum. It is all a little overwhelming for a ballerina on the go.

I took a break to refresh and replenish, because after such a thrilling day - a girl needs to unwind. It’s always best to sit outside and people-watch - especially on a balmy January night in Rome - I took the opportunity to enjoy a delicious seafood platter at my favourite seafood trattoria. You can’t go wrong with any restaurant in the Trastevere district - it is just so stylish and chic - the cobblestone streets really give it the feeling of ‘Old World Rome’. I can’t believe that the restaurants in this little corner of Rome have all remained pretty much the same for centuries. All this history, tradition and passion are what I’ve always loved about Europe, and I think the continent’s history is the source of so much creativity and imagination.

The night was truly beautiful, but it was also time for me to head back to the hotel, for a little snooze in the pink tutu dreams I was already dreaming of! And now, to start getting ready for a brand new exciting day tomorrow. You’ve heard about all my plans today - shopping, gelato, contemporary dance and sightseeing. But tomorrow - I’ve planned a trip to see the Roman Forum – a place of history that has such powerful magic – and I'm going to get ready to soak up more of the ‘pink' spirit of Rome – it really has taken over my entire life and made it extraordinary – even down to my tutu obsession - and all that I do! It’s like an essential part of my life now - and I can't see my life without pink!

Til next week –

Ciao bella! Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-01-13 exploring Rome Italy