Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-12-08 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! - Post #809

Wednesday, 8th December, 2010

Ciao from the Eternal City! I'm writing this post from a quaint little café overlooking the Pantheon, a truly majestic piece of architecture, topped with a magnificent dome - much like the ones on my ballerina shoes! It's hard to believe it's only been a few days since I boarded the train from Derbyshire and bid farewell to the rolling green hills for a journey to the sun-soaked, ancient streets of Rome.

Speaking of trains, I adore travelling by train. There's something so romantic about gazing out the window at the changing landscapes, dreaming up stories of faraway lands, and letting the rhythmic chugging lull me into a daydream.

Now, you may be wondering what a pink tutu wearing ballerina is doing in the heart of Italy. Well, it all comes down to passion, darling! Passion for the art of ballet, for exploring new cultures, and of course, for a bit of pink. This week I’m celebrating both ballet and my beloved Rome, with a glorious performance by the Accademia Nazionale di Danza at the Teatro dell’Opera. It's such an exquisite venue, brimming with grandeur and steeped in history. Imagine! Performing on the very stage where some of the world's most talented dancers have graced! The theatre is simply divine - imagine walls adorned with elegant red velvet, grandiose marble staircases, and enough chandelier crystals to sparkle a million pink tutus. The sheer magic of it all!

Speaking of pink tutus, I must say, the Roman ladies certainly know how to do fashion. I’ve been exploring the shops in the heart of the city and spotted some truly dazzling styles. I especially adore the way the Romans carry themselves with such confidence, radiating warmth and elegance, a bit like the perfect pirouette. And while my tutu doesn't exactly blend in with the sophisticated city ladies, I must say I feel utterly fabulous sporting a vibrant, candy-pink tulle creation while weaving through the Roman cobbles.

One of the things I absolutely love about Rome are the cafes! Just this morning, I was sat at a charming outdoor cafe on the Piazza Navona, tucked in a corner, my fluffy pink tutu taking center stage among the throngs of tourists. A waiter, captivated by the sight of a ballerina enjoying her morning cappuccino, even brought me a small vase with a single pink rose. Now, that’s the kind of Roman welcome I could get used to.

Speaking of delicious treats, Rome certainly doesn’t disappoint. Yesterday, I indulged in a magnificent lunch of pasta carbonara at a trattoria, followed by the most incredible gelato at a little shop nestled between the Roman ruins. The scent of freshly-baked bread mingling with the sweet aroma of gelato? Pure magic. And let's not forget the endless cappuccinos, sipped while watching the world go by.

But let’s be honest, a trip to Rome is never truly complete without a stroll through the Colosseum, gazing at the iconic Roman architecture, imagining the gladiators battling in the arena. The power of these ancient ruins is undeniable!

Later today, I’ll be spending the afternoon exploring the Forum and visiting the Trevi fountain, which according to legend brings good luck to those who toss a coin into its water. I'm determined to snag some good luck before I head back to England. It will definitely come in handy for my next big performance at the Derby Theatre.

As evening approaches, I’ll be getting ready for tonight’s show. You know me, darling, always trying to balance my love for exploration and travel with my beloved art. Today, it's about the fusion of passion and passion – Italian culture meets the graceful beauty of ballet. I’ll be documenting it all, from the intricate details of the costume to the stunning choreography of the show, for my next blog post!

Well, darlings, this post has gone on longer than I planned. There's so much more to discover in this city, but for now, it's time to put on my most sparkly pink tutu and make a grand entrance into the magical world of Italian opera. I'll be sure to fill you in all the juicy details next week!

Ciao from Rome!

Emma xx

P.S. Have I mentioned how much I adore pink? And those stunning tutus! Perhaps one day you'll all join me in sporting a splash of pink. After all, what's life without a little bit of sparkle and a whole lot of tulle?

P.P.S. Don't forget to check back next week for another dazzling instalment from the Pink Tutu blog, where I'll be filling you in on all the excitement from my adventures in the heart of Italy! And if you fancy yourself a ballerina (pink tutu optional!), I encourage you to check out my ballet classes and performances! Who knows, you might be joining me for the next exciting escapade. Until then, stay pink and twirl on!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-12-08 exploring Rome Italy