Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-02-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuRome | Wednesday 2011-02-23 | Post Number 820 |

Buongiorno bella! I’ve arrived in Rome, my dears, and I’m utterly smitten with this city. As the train chugged along, past fields of sunflowers and rolling hills, my heart did a little pirouette – the journey had a magical, fairytale feel to it. This place feels so full of history, a place of grandeur and elegance. Oh, I'm positively giddy to be here.

Just picturing myself on the cobblestones in my favourite pink tutu, strolling through ancient ruins, with a gelato in hand… sighs dreamily It's the perfect mix of glamour and history, which I think I need more of in my life! And this trip, as ever, is funded by my ballet performances – dancing my way around the world. The magic of ballet!

But first, I have to give you the scoop on my travelling outfit! It's got to be both practical for a day of sightseeing, but also be tres chic, don't you think? I'm wearing my new tulle skirt – the colour of a blush rose – layered over a comfy white t-shirt. I added a little sparkle with a silver chain belt and my trusty pink-studded ballet pumps. My pink tutu is tucked securely in my rucksack – I always travel prepared! You never know when the opportunity to twirl in a beautiful square might present itself…

And speaking of twirling, ahem – the Roman streets have already provided some wonderful photo opportunities! I’m absolutely obsessed with this city's architecture and those beautiful, narrow alleyways – the perfect backdrop for a graceful twirl. Don't worry, I've got the shots to prove it, and they'll be up on the Pink Tutu Gallery shortly!

This week, I’m staying in a delightful little guesthouse near the Piazza Navona, all cobblestone and terracotta, with tiny flower pots spilling over the balcony. There's a lovely, little cafe just across the street where I'm having my breakfast – the most delicious cappuccino and brioche ever! The waiter’s been very patient with my terrible attempts at Italian, but then, I think they expect it! I'm feeling quite brave though - che sarà sarà!

Later, I plan on exploring the Coliseum – imagine all the incredible stories that those ancient walls hold! And I'm on a mission to find the most incredible piece of Italian fabric. Perhaps for a very special pink tutu? Hmmm, wouldn't that be something…

Now, today, Wednesday, is an extra-special day in Rome because it’s "Giorno di Festa!" It's an honour to be here on this festive occasion. We’re celebrating The Feast of the Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, a holiday here in Rome that has deep significance in the lives of the Roman people. There are special masses held throughout the city and the atmosphere is electric, as people gather in piazzas, sharing their joyous, festive spirit. It really adds to the unique energy of this magical city. I may not speak Italian very well, but there's something beautiful about sharing in these moments of community – and the air feels alive with hope.

Now, before the day melts into the sunset and my Roman adventure truly begins, I’ve got a few ballet performances I need to prep for! You see, dancing pays the way for these fabulous adventures and I always like to find some talented local ballet dancers to work with. So much passion, talent and joy is hidden away in unexpected places! We’re having a practice session in the cloisters of the basilica in the heart of Rome later today, followed by an intimate performance – can you believe it? So exciting! I'm hoping this might turn into a longer, regular engagement! Maybe I'll even take a few dance classes here, too! Imagine, learning new steps on Italian soil… It’s all quite extraordinary, wouldn’t you agree?

Later on, we're heading to see the Bolshoi Ballet perform Don Quixote at the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome! It's a masterpiece of romantic ballet and I can't wait to be swept away by the elegance and beauty of it all. The costumes are always breathtaking – I have such a soft spot for ballet! Perhaps we'll even spot some new designs to inspire a future tutu? Hmmm, wouldn’t that be a wonderful souvenir!

But right now, it’s time to grab some lunch – some delicious Roman spaghetti - and then, head out into the bustling city! It’s a good day to embrace life, embrace the sunshine and enjoy this dazzling adventure. Mamma Mia! This city is definitely going to stay in my heart forever.

Until next week, my lovelies – when I'll share more of my Roman adventures. Remember, life is too short to be anything but fabulous – and every day is a chance to make a beautiful impression!

Ciao Bella, from your Pink Tutu Girl in Rome! Emma x

P.S. Stay tuned! There’s going to be a whole lot more Pink Tutu Adventures to come… I’m on a mission, you see! To get everyone – yes everyone - in the world to wear a pink tutu! We can dance our way into a brighter world, wouldn't you agree? It's my biggest dream!

*Follow me on Twitter: @PinkTutuGirl or join me on Instagram! *

*Until next Wednesday, you lovely lot – keep dancing and stay fabulous! *

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-02-23 exploring Rome Italy