Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-05-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #830

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday, so you know what that means... Pink Tutu Rome is back! This week I'm bringing you all the pinkest, most glamorous, and most tututilicious adventures from the Eternal City!

I know, I know, Rome. Not the first place you'd think of for tutus, but you know me. I'm a pink-wearing ballerina, and I'm never afraid to bring a touch of whimsy wherever I go. And let's face it, Rome, with all its ancient history and dazzling beauty, is the perfect place to twirl, darling!

Now, before we get into the fun stuff, a little chat about the journey, which, of course, was by train! There's just something magical about gliding through the countryside, watching the world whizz by as I sip on my tea, snuggled in my pink satin scarf (you know, the one with the delicate ballerina embroidery... It matches my outfit perfectly). This journey took me from the rolling green hills of Derbyshire right to the heart of this historic city. Talk about a change of scenery!

Speaking of change, this week I'm channeling a different kind of ballerina. It's not just about graceful pirouettes and elegant leaps (although, I still find the time to practise!) It's about blending in, embracing the culture, and, of course, looking fantastic while doing it. Think chic Audrey Hepburn-style dresses with a modern twist. Lots of flowy fabrics and shades of pink - think pale pinks, bubblegum pink, and of course, my signature flamingo pink!

Wednesday's Wandering:

Right, enough of the chitter chatter. Time for some Roman adventure! This Wednesday, I embarked on a delightful exploration of Rome's ancient marvels. The Colosseum! Now, there's a place steeped in history! Can you imagine the sheer spectacle of gladiatorial combats played out in this monumental arena? I'd be lying if I said I didn't picture myself as a brave, graceful, pink tutu-clad gladiatorial queen! (Ok, maybe not. I think my tutu would be ripped to shreds in a real gladiatorial fight! 😉)

The Colosseum was truly awe-inspiring. But my love of Rome extends far beyond the grand monuments. It's the little alleys and charming shops that have truly captured my heart. The cobblestone streets lined with stalls selling leather handbags and artisanal pasta are a feast for the eyes (and the tummy). And of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a scoop of gelato!

Speaking of scoops...

Sweet Sensations:

Oh, gelato! I’ve been scooping my way through every flavour I can find - hazelnut, strawberry, lemon, and even a particularly delightful "Pink Passion" that was almost as delicious as it sounds! Let’s just say that I’ve been doing my best to embrace the “la dolce vita.”

From History to Fashion:

My next stop? Rome's legendary Via Condotti! This street is a paradise for fashion lovers, with some of the biggest names in Italian fashion lining its cobbled streets. It's the perfect spot for some seriously chic shopping therapy, and trust me, a tutu-loving ballerina can't resist a bit of retail indulgence! I picked up a stunning pair of flamingo-pink sunglasses, a pale pink scarf adorned with delicate ballerinas, and even a cute, blush pink satchel with tiny, intricate details (the perfect size to carry all my essential ballet stuff - hair brush, pointe shoes, and a few pink lip glosses for a touch of colour).

After my fashion fix, I needed a bit of inspiration, so I headed for one of Rome's most beautiful hidden gems: the Borghese Gallery. The collection is home to magnificent sculptures and paintings by masters like Caravaggio, Raphael, and Bernini. Imagine stepping into a time capsule and immersing yourself in a world of art and beauty. This was the perfect spot to find some artistic inspiration for my ballet routines, which, as you all know, involves a little bit of a storytelling approach.

A Touch of Glamour:

Of course, Rome is a city where you can soak up glamour wherever you go. From the opulent Trevi Fountain, where I tossed in a few coins (for good luck, naturally), to the vibrant Piazza Navona, bustling with artists and performers, it's a place that exudes an energy that makes me feel like a princess from a fairy tale. I love the charm of the ancient streets, and the way every little detail seems to shimmer and shine, even the street lamps! I am wearing the most elegant flamingo pink dress from my favourite boutique near Piazza Navona, a dress with just a hint of shimmer that's made for twirling.

Speaking of twirling...

Rome's Dancing Heart:

While Rome has been steeped in a glamorous whirlwind, my love for the stage keeps calling me back. Luckily, there are endless opportunities for a pink tutu-wearing ballerina in a city that's constantly buzzing with life. And there's no shortage of talented artists either. Last night, I saw the most spectacular opera performance, with costumes that made my jaw drop!

It was the kind of performance that just transports you. You're caught up in the story, the music, and the raw passion of the singers. I found myself tapping my toes and humming along, just waiting for the curtain call. I actually found a charming little ballet school right around the corner from my apartment. I must say, I've found it refreshing to take a class outside of my comfort zone. I even picked up a few tricks for my next performance back home in Derbyshire. It’s been a fantastic way to meet local dancers and have some fun in a more casual setting.

### Pink Tutu on the Road:

It’s always amazing to me how far a little pink tutu can take me! And the people I meet on my travels? It’s incredible! In Italy, people have been so incredibly friendly and helpful. I was particularly amused by a waiter who greeted me at a small restaurant with, "Welcome to Rome, Ballerina!" (I guess my tutu really does do the talking sometimes!).

Remember that, no matter where I go in the world, I will never leave my love for the pink tutu behind!

Remember, "A little pink can make your day sparkle!" And, as always, keep an eye out for new Pink Tutu adventures, posted weekly right here at I'm going to be adding more features to my blog over the coming months, so don’t miss out on my stories, tips, fashion advice and photos!

Ciao, from a very pink Rome!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-05-04 exploring Rome Italy