Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #843: Ciao Bella, from the Eternal City!

Hey my gorgeous darlings,

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of my Rome adventures, straight from the heart of the Eternal City! The sun's blazing, the air is thick with the scent of gelato, and I'm ready to sprinkle some pink tutu magic on the ancient cobblestones!

You see, this week's been an absolute whirlwind. From the moment I stepped off that magical, fast train (trains always feel magical to me, full of adventure) from Florence, I felt this city calling to me like a long-lost friend. And what a reunion!

Right off the bat, we went straight for the heart of things, the Trevi Fountain, to throw our coins for good luck, and whisper our wishes into its bubbling water. The roar of the water, the crowds, the history, it was overwhelming, in the best possible way! The air was humming with magic. The Trevi Fountain itself is truly spectacular – like something straight out of a fairy tale.

Pink tutu alert!

While there was the obvious "pink flamingo" themed photo opp, (because of course there was!), I actually found the most exquisite pink bow, perched perfectly on a lamppost near the fountain. It was like fate was trying to tell me, "This is a good omen!" So, I bought it! You just gotta be bold sometimes! The bow has pride of place on my travel tutu now, a little tribute to this fabulous city.

Shopping, shopping, shopping!

We've all been to those designer outlets where the prices make you go weak at the knees. Well, that was us, a whirlwind tour of a local outlet with my travel buddy. Let's just say we both came home with a bag or two of amazing deals - and we both managed to avoid wearing a second tutu, miraculously! I can't believe my bargains were on the price of a single pirouette!

Food, glorious food!

Oh, the food, you guys! This week I discovered my new favourite pastime, people-watching while gorging myself on gelato, surrounded by Roman charm! We've been eating pasta every day (and yes, I am absolutely ok with that!), and let me tell you, Italian pasta is in a league of its own. I'm still not sure how it's all so good! The mozzarella, the parmesan, oh, and those freshly baked loaves! Honestly, it's the best fuel for exploring an amazing city!

History lesson!

No trip to Rome is complete without a good dose of history, right? This week, we stepped into the Coliseum, and wow, what an experience. The sheer scale of it, the ghosts of gladiators, the roars of the crowds... You just can't help but be transported back in time. We also took a tour of the Forum and it's like stepping into a different world. It’s amazing to see the evidence of Rome's incredible history right before your eyes! And the Forum did feel a little "Pink Tutu" with its stone pillars, I could almost picture a troupe of ballerina's twirling around them, just imagine the picture!

Fashion Inspiration Everywhere!

It goes without saying that every corner of Rome oozes fashion inspiration, doesn't it? You see women of all ages strutting their stuff with effortlessly chic style. I’m taking copious notes, I have to be a style maven to be able to rock my pink tutus everywhere I go. You’ll see.

Dancing with the Angels!

Last night, my travel buddy surprised me with a visit to the Rome Opera House. We saw “La Traviata,” one of my favourite operas, and oh, it was truly magical. All the romance of Verdi's music, and a dazzling performance that left us speechless. It wasn’t the grand ballroom performance I'm used to but just as captivating. Let me tell you, watching these dancers glide effortlessly on the stage reminded me how much I adore my ballet life. You see, it’s that little thing called “inspiration” which really pushes me to be the best ballerina I can be and of course wear pink tutus at every opportunity. I can't tell you how excited I am to head back to Derbyshire and get to share the story with my dancing mates!

Looking Forward

We're on to Florence this week, and you bet there's a whole lot more pink tutu excitement on the horizon. Keep following my journey and let me know what you'd like me to discover next.

Until then, sending lots of pink-tutu love!



P.S. Don't forget to follow my journey on social media for behind-the-scenes peeks and pink tutu galore!

I'm a Derbyshire girl at heart, but I think I might have fallen in love with this gorgeous city, especially all the fantastic shopping. It's made me dream about a trip back to the glorious sights and all the amazing pasta. And of course, more gelato! If you're dreaming of a trip to Italy, be bold and make that wish happen. You deserve to go and be a “pink-tutu princess!” Now go and throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, maybe the next adventure will be waiting just around the corner!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-03 exploring Rome Italy