Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #844 - Ciao Bella!

Buongiorno from sunny Rome! I can't believe it's Wednesday already - time seems to fly when you're having fun. It feels like only yesterday I was boarding that train in Derbyshire, leaving the rolling hills of my childhood behind and stepping onto a brand new adventure. And what an adventure it's been!

I'm not one for lengthy flights, the turbulence just makes my tummy churn. A long train journey is far more relaxing for me - a comfy seat, a good book, and a chance to people-watch. Rome is like a colourful, vibrant ballet performance! You know that feeling of walking onto a stage in your shimmering pink tutu, with the lights all pointing towards you? That's what it's like here, the city just seems to radiate energy and life. The Roman people have a certain sparkle in their eye, a way about them that makes you feel welcome, like a beautiful guest at a glittering gala.

And speaking of sparkle, you wouldn't believe what I found at a little vintage boutique just off the Piazza Navona yesterday! A glorious, fluffy, bright pink tutu! It wasn't exactly what I had in mind for my Roman look - but when fate puts such a fabulous piece of tulle in your path, you just have to say "Ciao Bella!" and accept it into your wardrobe. Honestly, I can't even imagine how many adventures it's already been through. Can you imagine how many amazing stories the delicate tulle could whisper if it could talk?

I spent the afternoon whirling around the streets, catching glimpses of the Trevi Fountain in between spins. I felt like a beautiful, swirling flower petal being carried along by the Roman breeze. It felt magical, utterly whimsical. Of course, I had to find the perfect backdrop for a photoshoot – and a grand old palazzo with crumbling marble steps, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, did just the trick. I imagine all the stylish Romans throughout history standing in this same spot.

This evening, we're headed for an evening ballet performance. The programme has an all-Italian theme and includes several original works from Roman composers. I love a good story ballet but this programme just calls for a bit of graceful fun and exuberance. We even bought some beautiful new fans in one of the little side streets, they are so glamorous! I'll try and take a few snaps to share with you all later.

Afterward, I plan to explore the bustling Trastevere neighborhood - they say it's the perfect place to catch the liveliest, most authentic local culture, a mix of modern and old Roman style, like a delicate combination of tutus and gladiator sandals. A good cocktail might just be the finishing touch, or maybe some hot chocolate – why not? I always find myself feeling so energized and creative in Rome.

Fun Fact: Did you know the Trevi Fountain was used in the filming of "Roman Holiday" with Audrey Hepburn? It just adds to the timeless charm of this gorgeous city!

Outfit Inspiration: A floaty white dress in softest silk, adorned with layers of ruffles, layered over a silky slip-skirt and completed by my newest find - the oh-so-pink vintage tutu! You see, a touch of tulle can elevate any outfit to fairytale level! It’s a reminder that sometimes, you just have to let yourself twirl and go with the flow, embrace the romance, and let your inner ballerina take over.

But the journey hasn't all been glamorous ball gowns and ballerina pirouettes, oh no! One of the best things about exploring Italy is trying the food, and let me tell you, pizza here is next level. It’s a magical concoction, a symphony of flavours in a golden crust, a masterpiece of edible artistry! There’s something about sharing plates with family and friends, catching up over laughter and delicious food, it’s something so simple but full of joy.

Speaking of food, you should try the pasta - it's just perfect! You have to believe me - Rome is like the capital of everything pasta. So light and flavorful, cooked to perfection, I haven't had pasta this good back home, and believe me, I've tried.

I know a lot of people find traveling by train to be inconvenient, especially compared to hopping on a plane, but I love the train ride. You know those feelings you get on a big first day in a new town - it's almost a little daunting - but when I’m on a train it's a good feeling. The feeling that something good is going to happen, and something good is going to happen in Rome. There's something incredibly romantic about arriving at a station in a new country and soaking in the atmosphere.

We’ll have another update next week. Until then, I leave you with this thought: let’s bring a little pink tulle magic to your world. Try a twirl or two – it can brighten anyone's day.

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-10 exploring Rome Italy