Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-17 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #845: Ciao Bella! 🇮🇹💕

Hello my gorgeous lovelies! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means! Time for another Pink Tutu adventure! This week, I’ve flown all the way from Derbyshire to Italy’s glorious capital – Rome! Can you believe it? Me, in Rome? 🤯 I’m actually still pinching myself. I can’t even tell you how much I’ve been dreaming of this trip!

Ever since I watched "Roman Holiday" as a little girl, I’ve been mesmerized by Rome's charm. All the cobbled streets, the gelato, the fashion! The moment I started to plan this trip, I knew it was going to be a magical experience, and so far, it really has been! And guess what? The pink tutu is already getting so much attention!

This week's adventures have been crammed full of beautiful experiences. First up, we arrived at Termini Station. Now, if you've never been to a station in Europe, you've got to be prepared for the sheer volume of people, trains and… well, everything! Luckily, my love for travel by train and the comfort of a familiar carriage (especially my favourite carriage which is always a little quieter) made me feel instantly at home! I found myself enjoying the atmosphere as we settled into our journey, the energy of fellow passengers, the clatter of trains and announcements, it felt like a movie!

And the journey through the countryside? Stunning! I can’t get enough of green fields and beautiful vineyards that are rolling for as far as you can see. As the sun set over Tuscany, the world around us seemed to take on a fairytale-like glow. I even found time for some much-needed ‘Pink Tutu’ self-indulgence with some photos for you guys, of course! And there I was, in the middle of an Italian vineyard, swirling in my pink tutu, as the world slowly faded into a warm Tuscan sunset. Magic! 💖

Once we reached the centre of Rome, we popped by the hotel, dropped our bags and ventured out into the city. The streets were bursting with energy, from the bustling traffic to the chatty locals. We even encountered a street performer with a live orchestra! You just don’t get that back home! It’s clear this is a city that loves its culture! 🎻🎶

One thing I knew I couldn’t miss while in Rome was a trip to the iconic Trevi Fountain! I've seen so many pictures of this majestic beauty, and seeing it in person was just… overwhelming! It’s even more impressive than in the photos! I must have stood there for half an hour, just watching the water gush and listening to the happy sounds of tourists around me. I can't even tell you how much joy this simple sight brought me. I mean, how can you not be happy when surrounded by such beauty? 💖

But, of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without some good old-fashioned shopping! I’ve been dreaming of this trip for ages and I had to find a few special treasures for myself. I’ve already managed to unearth some gorgeous hand-painted scarves and some exquisite Italian shoes. I'm talking real leather shoes, people! It’s like a fairytale over here!

You see, it’s all about finding beauty everywhere you go, that’s the secret of the ‘Pink Tutu’! From the tiny details in the flowers around the fountains to the exquisite art in the Vatican. I’m even picking up a little Italian - 'Buongiorno,' ‘Grazie' and of course the iconic ‘Ciao bella!’ have become part of my vocabulary this week! I’m surprised I don’t know more - it’s a beautiful language and a delight to hear it all around you in Rome. The shops, the food vendors, everyone speaking with this beautiful cadence… It just feels magical. 💖

As a huge fan of ballet and theater, I had to experience one of Rome’s famous shows and I’ve already been to see the most beautiful ballet! It was so different from the ballets I normally see. The stage and sets were incredible, all golds and reds and sparkling lights! I could just imagine what it would be like to perform on that stage – the energy, the anticipation, the excitement… My whole body just wants to move and dance. I swear, I might have burst out in a twirl right there in the auditorium! 🩰

You see, this whole adventure is all about living your life with passion! Being bold! Wearing that bright pink tutu to places no one else ever has! I may be a little obsessed with it but I love being different. I think there's a little ballerina inside everyone and sometimes we just need a little push, a little confidence to unleash it! I hope my little bit of 'pink tutu' magic might just encourage a few of you to do that!

Now, it’s time to enjoy a cup of cappuccino at my favorite cafe - I think it might be right next to a shop I spotted yesterday - filled with beautiful silk scarves! Talk about fate! And what’s a girl to wear when you’re going for cappuccino with silk scarves? You’ve guessed it! My pink tutu, of course! It looks fantastic in the photos. I have to make sure to include them in my next blog post - I think it’s going to be an amazing story!

Until then, stay fabulous and don't forget to follow the Pink Tutu journey, here on my blog and across social media! Love, Emma 💕

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-17 exploring Rome Italy