Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #846 – Where the Colosseum Meets the Tutu!

Ciao bella!

It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad, travel-obsessed ballerina, writing to you from the heart of Rome! I'm so excited to share all the magical moments from my week exploring this incredible city, filled with ancient history, delicious food, and even a sprinkle of fashion inspiration (and yes, you guessed it – tutus!).

This week, my journey has been all about combining the glamorous with the grand, the historical with the theatrical. Remember how I told you about the incredible Italian dance residency I had in the North? Well, my final performance brought in enough to get me a ticket on the Eurostar and, honestly, who could resist a whirlwind week in the eternal city? I was off, tutus in tow, to conquer Rome!

The moment I arrived, I was captivated. There’s an undeniable charm in Rome that has you hooked from the moment you step off the train. Imagine this: the smell of fresh bread and espresso, the cacophony of street musicians, the stunning sight of cobblestone streets, and then, there it was, the Colosseum looming over the bustling crowds! I knew I was in for a treat.

I confess, even with my pink tutu on (because, why not?!), Rome is a bit of a head-spinner at first! From ancient ruins to stunning Renaissance art, I felt like I was stepping straight out of a history book! It’s fascinating how such modern life flows effortlessly alongside those ancient echoes. And, of course, with so many layers of history, there were stunning buildings galore. Seriously, every street corner was bursting with hidden treasures – little piazzas with fountain displays, secret gardens behind imposing buildings… each one like a beautiful vignette waiting to be explored.

Tutus and Togas, a Match Made in History

Of course, my mission, should I choose to accept it, was to sprinkle a little bit of tutu magic throughout Rome! So, you better believe I popped my tutu on and danced through some of Rome’s most famous spots! I started with a spontaneous dance beneath the towering Trevi Fountain, hoping the money I threw into it would grant me wishes of more tutus! (And, let's be honest, a lifetime supply of gelato wouldn’t hurt either!) Then, there was a twirl in the sun-soaked Piazza Navona, amidst the laughter of families and the joyous music of street performers. You really can't go wrong with a spot of sunshine and twirling – it’s a proven recipe for happiness!

Now, if you’re anything like me, when you travel to a new place, you crave not only cultural immersion but a peek behind the scenes. In this case, that meant diving headfirst into the world of Rome's renowned opera and ballet scene. My first stop? The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, which literally brought a tear to my eye! I was completely blown away by the stunning architecture. It felt as if the entire history of Rome was etched into the building itself. From the intricate balconies to the beautiful gold-leaf decor, I could feel the energy of hundreds of years of performances swirling in the air. I’m definitely planning a return trip, this time to see a ballet – my dance shoes are itching for that incredible stage!

Fashionable Finds and Delicious Food

But, hey, even the most dedicated ballerina can't live on tutus alone! (Okay, that's a lie – a tutu could get me through an entire day, but the temptation of Italian cuisine is just too irresistible!). It’s no surprise, really, Rome is an absolute haven for food lovers. From freshly baked pastries to steaming bowls of pasta, there’s something to satisfy every craving.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… can a pink-tutu-clad ballerina have any other aim besides making the world a prettier place? And the answer is yes! My journey to Rome included indulging my inner fashionista! So many exquisite boutiques were beckoning with promises of beautiful silk dresses and unique leather accessories! One day, I wandered through the vibrant Via Condotti, the street that even has a name for glamour. My eyes feasted on chic shop windows and high-fashion displays – there was just so much style inspiration around, it felt almost surreal. I felt like a princess lost in a fairytale, so, of course, a quick outfit change was necessary!

As the day drew to a close, I found myself in the most adorable little Italian cafe, enjoying a slice of tiramisu and reflecting on the day's adventures. This, my dear readers, is truly the essence of why I love to travel. It's a constant rush of discovery, an endless supply of wonder and an experience that sparks my creativity – that makes me want to dance until dawn!

As my time in Rome comes to a close, I know this won’t be my last trip. The city left a deep impression, and a longing for its rich history, art, and of course, for more pasta! You can find me next week exploring new places, new styles, and always with my tutu! See you next Wednesday!



I would recommend you share Emma’s post with your friends and family, or add it to your own social media feeds! Maybe you’ll even catch the pink tutu bug?

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-08-24 exploring Rome Italy