Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-09-14 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #849 – Wednesday 14th September 2011

Buongiorno, darling readers!

Emma here, reporting live from the heart of Rome, ready to share another fabulously pink week with you! Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore my home in Derbyshire, but there’s just something magical about being in a city like this. It feels like stepping into a storybook!

Today I’m brimming with excitement as I’m finally getting to experience the wonders of Rome’s renowned ballet scene! Oh, the sheer glamour! From grand theaters to intimate studios, this city pulsates with a passion for dance.

Let me rewind, darling!

Last week, I spent a glorious time in Paris. You simply can’t imagine the array of beautiful tutus I found in the vintage boutiques! My darling, one in particular had the most exquisite pink feather embellishments – swoon! It's so perfectly my style and will definitely make a statement at my next performance in Manchester. Oh, and the divine ballet show at the Palais Garnier? Simply exquisite, darling!

A Dash of Pink in the Eternal City

Now, Rome! I travelled by train, of course – the only way to truly embrace the romanticism of this journey. The rolling Tuscan hills painted with vibrant green and gold under the setting sun – simply breathtaking! I do love a good journey.

I must say, my pink tutu and I are creating a real stir in Rome! It’s so funny to see the delighted smiles of locals and fellow tourists. I've had quite a few 'ooh la la's' thrown my way and even a few 'that's fabulous' - from what I understand, that's the Italian equivalent of 'divine'! Oh, and can I mention the exquisite little vintage store I found tucked away in Trastevere? Filled with gorgeous shoes, bags, and oh, my darlings, the most amazing pink sequined bolero ever!

To The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

This evening, the grand Teatro dell’Opera di Roma beckons! I can’t wait to see "La Bohème"! Can you believe they actually have this amazing production on right now? A stunning performance from some of the most talented dancers in Italy! Imagine, waltzing around under a crystal chandelier...I can practically hear the music now!

Later this week, I’m heading to the Piazza Navona, you know, that square with the iconic fountain, to check out a street performance. Rumour has it that a local ballet company will be putting on a delightful impromptu ballet routine – all on a sunny Italian afternoon. Now that's a perfect photo opportunity, don’t you think? And my darling, just wait till you see the photos – I’ll be posing in my pinkest, most twirly tutu ever!

A Ballet Dream in Rome

I simply have to share with you all my absolute favourite moments in Rome so far! I just have to confess - finding that charming little café near the Pantheon serving the most delicious Italian gelato in a pink waffle cone! Talk about perfection. I practically squealed with delight, honestly! Then, there's the charming little trattoria, nestled within a winding alleyway, where I discovered the most delicious ricotta pasta. Absolutely divine, I must tell you!

I've even managed to squeeze in a little ballet class with the most incredible teacher at a local studio. It was so exhilarating, learning new steps and stretching those muscles, surrounded by fellow passionate dancers. It's moments like this that really remind me of what makes me so happy, darling. Oh, and by the way, did you know, pink is the colour of passion in Italy? I swear, every boutique here is brimming with pink silk, satins, and sequins! It’s almost as if it's designed for me!

Travel Inspiration: A Tutu for Every Journey

Every time I step on a train and embark on a new adventure, my inner ballerina gets excited. Each journey becomes a little ballet performance in itself! Just picture this, dear readers: the gentle rhythm of the train, the bustling stations, the fleeting scenery… It’s like a choreography of everyday life!

That reminds me… for this weekend, I’m thinking about visiting a ballet school in Rome, the oldest in all of Italy, I hear! Now, that’s an adventure I can't miss, darling. Perhaps I'll pick up a few tips and tricks! I'll tell you all about it next Wednesday.

Until then, my darlings, I’ll leave you with a simple message – Embrace your pink, twirl your worries away, and never stop dancing to the rhythm of your own heart.

Ciao for now!

Love, Emma xxx

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my fabulous blog at for more pink and ballet adventures!

#PinkTutuRome #ItalyAdventures #BalletLife #Fashionista #TutuLove

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-09-14 exploring Rome Italy