Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-01-25 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #868: A Ballerina's Guide to the Eternal City

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome post, fresh from the heart of the Eternal City!

This week's adventure has been a whirlwind of cobbled streets, gelato, and a pinch of…well, let's just say it - pink tutus. As usual, my trusty pink tutu has been my constant companion, attracting smiles and curious glances as I twirl through the Roman piazzas. (You'd be surprised how well a pink tutu blends with the ancient ruins, especially when you're pirouetteing in front of the Colosseum!)

But first, let me tell you about how I even got here, dear reader! It wouldn't be a proper #PinkTutu adventure without a little bit of a journey, and this one was especially glamorous.

Remember my "Dancing for Diamonds" ballet performance last weekend back in Derbyshire? Well, let's just say it went off with a bang. We raised enough money to fuel my wanderlust for a few months - lucky for you, as I've been gracing Rome with my presence!

You know how much I adore trains, right? A first-class ticket to Italy? It was like a fairytale come true! A long, comfy journey with plenty of time to plan my Rome adventures, while enjoying my new copy of "Ballet Secrets of the Stars" (you'll see why that book's essential in a bit).

And so, after a seamless journey and a taxi ride through the buzzing Roman streets, I arrived at my hotel, a beautiful, old, romantic affair with pink and purple florals draped on the balcony (can you imagine how happy I was!).

Speaking of romance, let's talk about Rome's iconic Trevi Fountain! After my first, dramatic (and perhaps slightly embarrassing) twirl in front of it (yes, I was wearing my pink tutu) I went to fling my coins over my shoulder. Wishing for eternal love, of course, but also wishing for a fabulously stylish pink tutu from that little boutique I saw down Via Condotti, which you all know, is one of the top fashion streets in the whole world, isn’t it?!

My love for ballet isn't just about dancing on stage; it’s about the magical world it opens up for me. It allows me to visit places like Rome, be a part of something incredible, and, you know, just generally have a bit of fun, and maybe even inspire a few others to twirl a little more in life.

So what's on the #PinkTutuRome agenda for the rest of the week?

  • Rome's Ballet Gems: Wednesday wouldn’t be Wednesday without some incredible ballet performances, would it?! Tonight, I'm headed to see a ballet spectacular at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. I'm absolutely giddy to see La Bayadère, and I already know it'll be pure magic.

  • Food, glorious food: Of course, any good ballet dancer needs good nutrition! A plateful of perfectly crafted pasta, delicious Roman-style pizza, and, of course, my absolute favorite treat - gelato - is a must. And it doesn’t hurt to check out Rome’s gorgeous street food scene either. I’ll make sure to give you some delicious recommendations, pinky swear!

  • Shopping for that *Perfect Pink Tutu:* It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu adventure without finding a new addition for my wardrobe. Rome has a fantastic range of high-end fashion shops – so I’ll definitely be popping in to that boutique I mentioned!

  • Gondola Romance: Oh, you know I just had to sneak a romantic gondola ride into this week's plans! Who can resist a little water-borne romance beneath the twinkling lights of the Roman evening sky?

This city is positively radiating with history, art, fashion, food, and magic, making it the perfect place to inspire and be inspired. I’m loving every minute of it!

Be sure to check back in next Wednesday for another installment of Pink Tutu Rome, and for those who've been following along this journey: Thank you for being on it with me! You all inspire me to spread my wings and twirl! Remember, life’s about getting up, making that pink tutu your armor, and pirouetting your way through every day!

Stay tuned! And please, remember, there is absolutely nothing that a good, graceful pink tutu can't fix!


Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-01-25 exploring Rome Italy