Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-02-01 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #869 - Ciao Bella! A Day in the Eternal City

Wednesday 1st February 2012

Buongiorno, darling readers!

It's Emma, back from the magical city of Rome, where the cobblestones shimmer like pink candy floss under the Italian sunshine!

This week, we're exploring the heart of the Roman Empire, a place that's both incredibly historical and incredibly glamorous! For this particular trip, I'm sporting my new pink tutu with delicate rosebuds – it really does feel like a little piece of Roman charm. It’s all about that delicate touch of femininity, you know, just like the Roman women of old!

Let me tell you, travelling to Rome by train was a delightful experience. I popped my little pink suitcase onto the carriage, sat back and inhaled the delicious aroma of croissants and strong Italian coffee. There was just something so magical about arriving in a foreign land, ready to soak up all the beauty and romance the city has to offer!

A Day at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma

I kicked off my Roman adventure with a breathtaking ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Oh, the elegance of it all! I can’t begin to describe the grandeur of the venue – just imagine glittering chandeliers, crimson velvet seating and walls adorned with murals of graceful nymphs and heroes!

The performance itself was stunning. The ballerinas, with their perfectly honed moves and fluid leaps, spun a story of passion, tragedy, and triumph, all with their movements. There was just something magical about witnessing those moments of pure grace and strength. I swear I could almost feel the energy flowing from the stage, right through me! Of course, my own heart was leaping right along with the dancers – what better way to embrace a new culture than through the universal language of dance!

Fashion Find of the Day: A Designer Boutique by the Colosseum

No trip to Italy would be complete without a touch of high-end Italian fashion, now would it? I decided to reward myself with a bit of retail therapy, exploring a small, exclusive designer boutique near the Colosseum.

There I discovered an array of exquisitely crafted pieces that made my heart skip a beat. I was just about ready to splurge on a decadent pink silk scarf with tiny golden butterflies when, I swear, my inner tutu-loving self squealed with delight. There in the window display, tucked between elegant cocktail dresses and flowing skirts, was a dress! A stunning, bold, shocking-pink dress! It looked just like it was plucked right from a fashion editorial, it had those incredible voluminous sleeves, the sort you would imagine Cleopatra wearing during her triumphant parades! It screamed “regal" yet modern, an absolute symphony of chic!

This is definitely something I will need to invest in. It would look amazing with my collection of tutus, maybe on my next trip to Derbyshire! You never know when you’ll need to look dazzlingly divine!

Sights, Smells and Food of the Eternal City

This whole adventure is definitely sensory overload. The vibrant colours of the market stalls, the captivating aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling pastries, and the lively, cheerful chattering of locals.

We started our day with an amazing gelato from the Gelateria dei Quattro Mori, located in the heart of the city. Oh my! It was the most delightful concoction I had ever tasted – creamy and smooth, with fresh strawberry and pistachio flavours! The sweet treat gave me the perfect energy boost for all the exploring we did!

After our gelato escapade, we made our way to the Roman Forum, a must-see for every visitor to the city! As we walked amongst the ruins, I couldn’t help but be awed by the magnitude of Roman history.

We took a lovely walk up to the breathtaking Piazza di Spagna (The Spanish Steps) and enjoyed the bustle and charming Parisian flair!

Then it was onto a wander through The Pantheon a masterpiece of Roman architecture! As I stood in the vastness of this remarkable structure, I was captivated by the impressive dome, its soft natural light filtering through a hole at the centre, painting beautiful sunbeams onto the floor.

And speaking of deliciousness, we stopped for a traditional Italian meal – a beautiful pizza and fresh pasta dish – followed by a delightful, smooth coffee. It was truly an experience to savour.

Making the City More Pink!

One thing that truly impressed me in Rome was the incredible spirit of kindness, humour and welcoming attitude that was so obvious at every turn. And even though I didn't bring a spare tutu with me to Rome, the moment I went out and about wearing my stunning rosebud tutu, I was approached by two sweet ladies. “So beautiful! And it makes such a happy statement” they beamed! It seems even Roman ladies like a bit of pink in their life! Of course, I couldn't leave without indulging in some souvenir shopping - I managed to pick up a couple of gorgeous pink Roman statues, with the signature pink floral design - for the tutu corner of my apartment!

Well, darlings, it's been another magnificent day filled with sights, tastes, and a whole lot of pink. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to sip on a glass of Prosecco and dream of my next ballet performance – after all, it's the best way to fuel those sartorial dreams!

Until next Wednesday,

Ciao bella!


P.S. Make sure you follow my adventures on and let's make the world a little more pink one tutu at a time!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-02-01 exploring Rome Italy