Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-04-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 878 - "Buongiorno Bella Roma!"

Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another exciting Pink Tutu adventure! And guess where I am? That's right, my dears, Rome, the Eternal City! I finally made it to this magnificent metropolis, and I'm already feeling so inspired. I knew I'd be captivated by its beauty, history, and, of course, its delicious food!

From Derbyshire to the Eternal City

Now, let me tell you about my journey here! It wasn't just a quick hop, skip, and jump. Nope, this lovely ballerina packed her dancing shoes, a few fabulous outfits, and enough pink tutus for a whole troupe of tiny ballerinas (more on those later!) and hopped onto a train. Oh, how I adore train travel! The rhythm of the tracks, the fleeting glimpses of countryside, and the anticipation building with every mile... It's truly the most enchanting way to journey.

Speaking of journeys, it wasn't all smooth sailing. My first ballet performance of the week in Derby went incredibly well, earning me a big smile from the lovely Madame Marie (who, incidentally, adored my new tutu!). But, in the rush to pack, I almost forgot my most vital travelling companion: my pink fluffy travel pillow! Can you imagine?! My back would've been in utter agony, and who would've comforted me while I drifted off in those first-class compartments? (It's amazing how easily I can fall asleep on a train!) Thank goodness for Mum - she's a real lifesaver, as always, and she reminded me to pack my fluffiness.

Rome, My Darling Rome!

So, here I am! Standing under the cobalt blue sky in a bustling Roman piazza, gazing at the iconic Colosseum. *It's like a page from history! * I can almost hear the roars of the gladiators and the cheers of the crowd... I swear I even spotted a cute, little, grey, squirrel darting about! I know the history of Rome like the back of my hand (thanks, dear old Dad!), but seeing it in person - *the energy, the scale, the detail - * is breathtaking! It's almost enough to make a girl ditch the dancing shoes and try out for Gladiator school... Just kidding!

I wouldn't want to miss out on all the wonderful things Rome has to offer. From exploring ancient ruins and art galleries to devouring pasta dishes and the most glorious ice cream... well, let's just say it's going to be a week of delightful surprises!

My Pink Tutu Romp Through the City

The first thing on my agenda, after settling in at my quaint and absolutely adorable little pink boutique hotel in the Trastevere district (the little details - from the flowery wallpaper to the velvet-covered headboards are so me!) was, of course, shopping! A girl's gotta be properly outfitted, you know?

I'm not just talking any old clothes, either. I'm talking tutus! Imagine the surprise when I popped into a delightful little shop, its storefront overflowing with fabric and trinkets, and discovered the most adorable collection of pink tulle fabric! I'm envisioning a fabulous Rome-themed tutu. It needs to have the essence of the Colosseum, perhaps a sprinkling of Roman chariot wheels, a touch of that exquisite pink marble, maybe even a tiny little gladiator figurine. What do you think? Tell me your ideas, darling Tutu Twirlers!

But Rome is more than just a shopper's paradise, my lovelies. It's a feast for the eyes! Today, I explored the Vatican Museums and witnessed the Sistine Chapel. It's a room, my darlings, of pure divine inspiration! The artistry and craftsmanship left me speechless. I found myself admiring Michelangelo's "Last Judgement" for ages - its colours, the way he captured the emotion of the moment. I even considered performing a little solo piece under those iconic frescoes, just for my own enjoyment of course... But, a fellow Tutu Twirler nudged me and reminded me this was a "sacred" space, and I certainly wouldn't want to upset anyone with a cheeky little pirouette!

Tonight, I’m off to see La Traviata at the Teatro dell’Opera. Oh, to see such talent live on stage! I'm picturing velvet curtains, magnificent sets, beautiful music, and dancers... possibly even wearing tutus.

I can't wait to share all the excitement, beauty, and magic of this amazing city with you. Tune in next Wednesday for a brand-new Pink Tutu adventure from Rome. Until then, stay twirling and spread the pink tutu love!

With a flurry of tutus and a sprinkle of Roman magic,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-04-04 exploring Rome Italy