Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-04-18 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #880 - Ciao Bella! Exploring Eternal Beauty in a Pink Tutu

Wednesday, 2012-04-18

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of pink-tutu-powered adventures from the heart of Rome! My latest tour de force? A whirlwind of culture, couture, and of course, lots of pink!

It's been a busy week, you see, packed with ballet rehearsals, performances, and those much-needed wardrobe fixes in between. As usual, Derbyshire has been abuzz with preparations for the upcoming charity ball – it's a big one, a fundraiser for the local youth theatre, so we're all pulling out the stops for our grand finale performance. The final dance, of course, features all the dancers in dazzling pink tutus – it’s the most joyous part of the entire evening, seeing everyone twinkle in a sea of pink under the sparkling chandeliers!

And how did I find myself in Rome, you ask? Well, dear readers, it's all thanks to a wonderful little ballet company that invited me to perform in their spring gala! They were showcasing a selection of Russian ballet classics and invited me to do a little something special – a Pink Tutu Romp, if you will, inspired by the whimsical joy of a trip to Italy.

After a quick change from my usual pink tutu to a gorgeous floral print confection, we sped off to the venue. The whole city seemed to shimmer with excitement; it felt like a film set, with those beautiful yellow streetlights and the iconic fountains lit up in the night. The grand piazza in front of the theatre was teeming with people, and even in my bright outfit, I felt transported into a dream-like scene.

I know I’ve said this before, but Rome truly is an enchanting city. And it's not just about the magnificent ancient ruins – it's the buzz in the air, the smell of fresh pasta, the feeling of history and art wrapped around every corner. Just walking around in my pink tutu, I felt like I was stepping back in time, a delicate princess in a fantastical story.

Of course, no trip to Rome is complete without indulging in the divine culinary delights! Pasta al ragu, tiramisu, gelato – oh my! I had to treat myself to an afternoon of indulgent treats in one of the city's oldest cafés – an adorable, family-run little haven with all the best Italian coffee and pastries. And of course, my pink tutu and I went for a long stroll down the picturesque Via Condotti, admiring the beautiful storefronts. And, of course, what could a ballet enthusiast possibly do but indulge in the fashion scene? The shops here are positively breathtaking, brimming with exquisite pieces designed by world-renowned Italian talents. I admit, my purse and credit card weren't too pleased with the indulgence, but the smiles on my face were priceless! I managed to snag a few beautiful silk scarves and a new pair of pink ballerina pumps (you just can't go wrong with pink ballet flats in Rome!) to go with my tutu collection.

But this little Pink Tutu adventure wasn’t just about frolicking through cobblestone streets and shopping sprees – I was here for a reason! You see, Rome is known as the heart of theatre and the ballet here has such an illustrious history. It’s not hard to find remnants of that illustrious history – you only have to look up! Every palazzo has beautiful grand entrances – marble arches, intricate carvings, statues… every building had something to marvel at. My absolute favourite moment was getting lost in the enchanting ruins of the Roman Forum at dusk – the pale moonlight shimmering off the ancient stone… it felt like I'd travelled back to a different era, the atmosphere was truly magical.

Today's blog post has to end soon. The time here is whizzing past and I have an early train back to Derbyshire. And I have so much to catch up on! The new tutu design is all finished! Oh! I must tell you all about the newest member of my collection...a fluffy, beautiful baby pink tutu just perfect for pirouettes on a sunny summer day... and it came with the cutest little feather boa to match! It arrived by mail yesterday and the whole family gathered to see its arrival, giggling with delight over how beautiful and ridiculously over-the-top pink it was... But it's perfect, it has to be seen! I am in love with its fluffiness and lightness... just like Rome.

Well, it’s almost midnight in Rome and it's time for me to say arrivederci – until next week! Be sure to join me next Wednesday for another pink-filled adventure!

Ciao Bella, Emma xox

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-04-18 exploring Rome Italy