Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-04-25 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #881 - A Whirlwind of Culture and Carbs!

Buongiorno from Rome, my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome post! This week's adventure? A dazzling mix of Roman wonders, fashion finds, and, of course, a sprinkle of pink tutus.

This little Derbyshire girl is embracing every moment of this Italian escapade, and my oh my, have I been busy! Today marks day five of my Italian sojourn, and I’m already smitten. From the cobbled streets of the Trastevere district to the awe-inspiring Colosseum, this city feels like a fairytale come to life.

But before I delve into the glorious details, a little update from my travels! This trip has been funded entirely by my ballet performances. As a professional ballerina, it’s always wonderful to weave my passion for dance into my travels. Just last weekend, I gave a captivating performance in Florence, and the response was incredible! I love seeing the sparkle in people’s eyes when I perform. It's a feeling unlike anything else.

Fashion Find: The Perfect Pink Blouse

I’m not going to lie; a major part of my Roman adventure involves shopping. My wardrobe just had to be updated with some Italian flair, and I scored a magnificent pink blouse in a boutique in Trastevere yesterday. It's made of the finest silk, with delicate lace accents that just scream 'Rome'. It's perfect for pairing with my favourite tulle skirts, and I already imagine myself twirling around the Spanish Steps in it.

Ballet Bonanza at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

Yesterday was an absolute highlight! I ventured into the world of Italian opera and ballet by visiting the iconic Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Stepping inside was like being transported to another era - velvet seating, ornate decorations, and an atmosphere electric with anticipation. The ballet I witnessed was an emotional journey, and the dancers’ movements were graceful, powerful, and inspiring.

It was exhilarating to be surrounded by people so passionate about the arts. I almost felt tempted to slip onto the stage and join them, my pink tutu shimmering under the stage lights.

Pizza, Pasta, and... Panna Cotta?

I simply cannot talk about Italy without mentioning the food! Each bite of pasta is an explosion of flavor, every pizza slice is a masterpiece of dough and deliciousness, and I dare not forget the glorious ice cream (gelato!). It’s all utterly divine. And can I just say, the panna cotta here? Pure heaven! It’s rich, creamy, and so incredibly light – my Italian friends say it's a must-try for anyone visiting Rome.

The Pantheon's Graceful Majesty

Rome is overflowing with architectural treasures, and I'm making it my mission to explore them all. The Pantheon was breathtaking. Its history, its artistry, the incredible ceiling painted with stories of the Roman gods. I've been capturing every detail with my camera (it might be time to buy an extra SD card!) and trying to absorb all the incredible history swirling around me.

Wandering Through History

It’s almost impossible to describe the feeling of walking through ancient Rome. Everywhere you turn, you are surrounded by remnants of the past, like the Forum and the Palatine Hill. They tell tales of emperors and gladiators, of wars and triumph, and it fills you with a sense of wonder.

My Next Roman Adventure: The Colosseum

Today is a day for gladiators, chariot races, and a truly monumental piece of Roman history. Yes, my lovelies, I’m about to explore the Colosseum. It's on every tourist’s bucket list for a reason, and I can't wait to experience its grandeur in person.

But I’ll keep my tutus in my bag for this one; I’ll leave the battling to the Roman emperors of yore! Though, I have a sneaking suspicion I might end up incorporating a little spin or two during the day.

Spreading the Pink Tutu Love

As always, my mission is to encourage everyone to wear pink tutus! Today, I spotted a woman wearing a pink dress and felt a pang of pride. One pink item, and the spirit of pink tutus was spreading! The next time I wear my tutu, I plan to give some people high fives and make some new friends who are ready to spread the pink tutu love.

And so, dear friends, this concludes my Roman adventure for this week. Stay tuned for more Pink Tutu Rome next Wednesday as I share my Colosseum escapades, maybe a gelato taste-test or two, and even a peek into some more breathtaking Roman treasures.

Until next time, keep your tutus twirling, and remember, the world needs more pink!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-04-25 exploring Rome Italy