Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-06-06 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2012-06-06 – Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuRome – Post Number 887

Hello, my lovelies! It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of my Roman adventure on Pink! As you know, I’m utterly smitten with this beautiful city, and my time here is flying by in a delightful flurry of piazzas, gelato, and, of course, fab fashion. I can’t wait to share my day with you!

Getting Here

Before I tell you about my Roman escapades, I must mention how I arrived here, because honestly, the journey was part of the fun. I’m all about travelling by train these days – the romance, the rhythm of the tracks, the sheer pleasure of watching the landscape whisk past the window. So, from my Derbyshire home, I boarded a glorious Eurostar train, and just like that, I was transported to a land of sunshine and charm. The train is an essential part of the travel experience, like the finishing touches on a ballet outfit.

A Day in Pink

Right, onto Rome! Today started, as every day should, with a steaming cappuccino at my little trattoria near the Pantheon. I love the slow mornings in this city. There's something special about strolling through cobbled streets, basking in the golden Italian light, and feeling a world away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Shopping Spree in the Eternal City

As every ballerina knows, a good outfit can make or break a performance – or, in this case, a sightseeing day! So naturally, my first stop was a charming little boutique just around the corner from my hotel. It was a treasure trove of silks and laces, just waiting for me to create a fabulous, unique Pink Tutu look. Imagine – a floaty, pink tulle skirt paired with a chic, crisp white top, a scattering of dazzling jewellery, and a vibrant pink scarf fluttering in the Roman breeze – sheer perfection!

Treasures in the Galleria Borghese

Feeling absolutely lovely in my new outfit, I headed to the Galleria Borghese. This gorgeous art gallery is home to incredible sculptures and paintings by masters like Bernini and Caravaggio. I particularly love Bernini’s 'Apollo and Daphne' - it’s such a dynamic piece, frozen in a moment of incredible action. It even reminded me a little of a ballerina in mid-pirouette, haha!

An Italian Feast Fit for a Queen

Of course, no trip to Italy is complete without some delectable Italian fare. This evening, I treated myself to a delicious pasta dinner at a bustling trattoria tucked away in a side street. It was filled with the chatter and laughter of local families, and the scent of oregano and basil just permeated the air. I devoured a plate of gnocchi al ragu and indulged in a second scoop of the most decadent tiramisu. Every bite was a symphony of flavours!

Ballet by Moonlight

After my meal, I headed to the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, my heart aflutter with excitement. The opera house is breathtakingly beautiful, like stepping into a fairytale. Tonight was a magical ballet performance of "Giselle," featuring a company of exquisitely talented dancers. Their graceful moves, their expressive faces, the sheer passion of their performances… it all left me feeling truly moved and inspired. There’s a reason why ballet is the language of the soul, and this evening, I felt truly connected to this universal art form.

My Pink Tutu Wish

The world needs more colour, more joy, more twirls! Every single one of you has the power to embrace a little bit of Pink Tutu magic in your life. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, wear a colour that makes you feel happy, and allow yourself to twirl like nobody’s watching! Just like those wonderful ballerinas I saw tonight, you, too, have a beautiful story to tell through movement and expression.

Until next week, remember to keep dancing and always stay true to your Pink Tutu self!

Much love, Emma

P.S. Be sure to check out for my weekly Pink Tutu updates.

#PinkTutuRome #Travel #Ballet #Italy #Rome #Fashion #Shopping #Tutu #Dance #Pink

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-06-06 exploring Rome Italy