Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-06-20 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #889 - A Ballet-Lover's Dream in the Eternal City!

Ciao bella! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Rome, and trust me, this city is pure magic. I've never felt so inspired – the history, the architecture, the fashion, and of course, the delicious food!

Rome, for me, was a dream come true. I felt like I was stepping straight into one of my favourite ballet stories, but with real-life grandeur! This trip was a much-needed break from the ballet studio, and a chance to let my inner ballerina wander through ancient ruins and soak up the atmosphere of a city brimming with history.

Train Travel & Tutu Time!

I'm a firm believer in train travel - it's so much more romantic and allows for those glorious "out-the-window" moments. I squeezed in every second of sightseeing between my dance performances – yes, I still had to earn my gelato! This trip was a real ballet marathon, and the excitement of the stage kept me on my toes. (See what I did there?)

Arriving at Roma Termini station felt like I'd walked onto a film set – those beautiful grand halls, the marble floors, it felt straight out of a period drama! My little pink tutu suitcase was definitely the star of the show! (You know I always have my pink tutu suitcase for travelling, just in case I need a tutu in a hurry, haha!).

Discovering the Heart of Rome

I couldn't wait to explore Rome. It’s one of those cities where you truly get lost in the moment, wandering through narrow cobblestone streets, stumbling upon hidden squares and historical gems. I even squeezed in a cheeky little ballet class – imagine, practising a grand jeté next to the Colosseum!

The first thing that struck me about Rome was the sheer scale and history. Everywhere I looked, there was a breathtaking monument, a majestic basilica, a charming fountain. Even the shops in the heart of Rome, those quaint boutiques and fashion houses, exuded an ancient elegance, echoing the centuries of artisans who had passed through.

Ballet Magic: From Ancient Ruins to Modern Performances

As a ballerina, it was impossible not to see the city through a ballet lens. The Roman Forum was like a set straight out of a grand opera, with crumbling columns and stone arches that spoke of the past. Every step echoed with history. I felt a rush of emotion walking through this ancient space, surrounded by whispers of gladiators, emperors, and gods.

My ballet life brought me to Rome on a Wednesday evening, so naturally, it had to include a trip to Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. This grand, 19th-century opera house is breathtaking inside, a symphony of gilded columns, crystal chandeliers, and velvety red seating. It's truly a temple of performance art. Even though it was for a performance of La Bohème, I couldn't help but think of a ballet. I closed my eyes and imagined graceful dancers pirouetting across the stage, filling the room with stories told through movement and emotion.

Fashion Fix & Food Delights

It's not a trip to Rome without indulging in a little Italian fashion – the designers here are masterful storytellers, creating collections that breathe a sense of timeless beauty and romance. One of the highlights of my trip was definitely browsing the boutiques around Piazza di Spagna. Let's just say that my wardrobe is a bit more "Roma Chic" after that visit! The colours, the styles, it felt like the designs themselves were a part of Rome’s story. I found myself drawn to flowing fabrics, floral patterns, and pops of bold colour. Of course, the shade of the day was my favourite: Pink!

Rome's cuisine is a feast for the senses – and the eyes! Who can resist the colourful vegetable stalls bursting with ripe tomatoes, juicy oranges, and vibrant green peppers? And then there's the pasta! I discovered a hidden gem near the Trevi Fountain – a tiny family-run trattoria with the most delicious homemade pasta you'll ever find. I literally went back twice in one day! It’s fair to say I came back to England a few pounds heavier!

Pink Tutu Rome: A Story in Pink and Perfection

I can't begin to explain how much this trip inspired me. Seeing how ballet influences not only fashion but every aspect of art, history, and culture – that was something truly magical. And who knows, maybe I'll inspire a whole generation of Roman dancers to embrace their inner tutus! Rome definitely added a touch of Romanticism to my life!

Stay tuned next Wednesday for another blog post on, this time from Vienna!

Until then, remember, wear a pink tutu and spread some magic in the world!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-06-20 exploring Rome Italy