Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-12-05 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #913

Wednesday 5th December 2012

Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome, your weekly dose of all things pink, sparkly and utterly delightful, straight from the heart of the Eternal City.

It's a chilly December morning here in Rome, the air crisp with the scent of pine needles and the promise of hot chocolate, and I'm bubbling with excitement. Today's agenda? Exploring the city's incredible hidden gems, of course! And maybe, just maybe, I'll squeeze in some fabulous shopping, because a girl's got to stay glamorous, even when exploring ancient ruins.

This trip has been an absolute dream so far. Last week, I stumbled upon the most charming little bakery, hidden down a cobbled street in the Trastevere district. It was the most enchanting place you can imagine, filled with the heavenly aroma of freshly baked bread and cakes. I couldn't resist trying a delicious pistachio croissant – oh, the heavenly layers of buttery, flaky pastry and the delicate hint of pistachio!

My ballet performances have been going incredibly well! It's amazing how many Italians seem to love a little bit of ballet magic. After my performance in Naples last Friday, I even had a little boy come up to me, his eyes sparkling with wonder. He told me that he wanted to be a dancer just like me. It melted my heart. The passion for the arts here is contagious!

Today, however, is all about Rome. I've been eager to delve into the city's ancient history and uncover its secrets. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a hidden courtyard near the Pantheon, overflowing with fragrant lavender and colourful flower pots! It felt like stepping back in time, a beautiful moment frozen in the heart of the city. I couldn't resist striking a pose, my pink tutu swirling around me, a perfect blend of history and fairytale. You can find the photos on Instagram, naturally. #pinktutuinrome

Of course, a trip to Rome isn't complete without indulging in its legendary culinary delights. Last night, I had the most amazing meal at a tiny little trattoria near the Trevi Fountain. The air buzzed with the sound of lively conversation and laughter. It was the perfect spot to people-watch, and of course, try their famous carbonara – a divine blend of creamy pasta, perfectly seasoned with black pepper and pancetta. It was absolute heaven!

But darling, this post wouldn't be complete without talking about the dress! I was so lucky to discover a vintage store, tucked away in a little street behind the Spanish Steps, overflowing with treasures. You can imagine my excitement when I found this beautiful vintage pink gown with a floral print! It's the perfect colour, the cut is absolutely flattering, and it fits me like a dream.

Naturally, I've been putting together a few outfit ideas for you, because my darlings, sharing is caring! Think graceful pink gowns and bold red lips for evening glamour, or perhaps a flirty tutu with a vintage-inspired cardigan for a day of sightseeing.

Today, I'm planning to visit the Colosseum, a majestic testament to Roman engineering. It’s one of those must-see sights you’ve simply got to witness in person. Later this evening, I’m hoping to catch a performance of "The Barber of Seville" at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.

Don’t worry, you'll hear all about it in next week's post, complete with more photographs and fashion inspiration!

Keep shining my loves!

P.S. I know some of you are keen on joining me for my next adventures, and I'd love to hear your travel suggestions. Which hidden gem should I visit next? Leave your ideas in the comments below, and I might even pick your suggestion for next week's itinerary! And don't forget to keep those tutus twirling. It’s about embracing joy, finding your inner ballerina, and adding a sprinkle of pink to the world! Remember: Every day is a chance to be your most fabulous self!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-12-05 exploring Rome Italy