Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-01-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #917 - Ciao Bella! From Derbyshire to the Eternal City

Wednesday 2013-01-02

Hello my lovelies! It’s Emma here, back from the cobbled streets of Derbyshire and nestled in the heart of the Eternal City itself. Rome. Can you believe it? This week's adventure is all about… well, everything about Rome!

As you know, I’m all about spreading the pink tutu love, and that’s why I’ve been performing all over the UK, and now, Italy! After another successful ballet show (we were doing Swan Lake, it was divine!), I decided to hop on a train to Rome for a little holiday adventure. Who could resist the lure of history, gelato, and pasta? I certainly couldn't!

This city is simply breathtaking, the colours, the sounds, the energy, and let's not forget, the style! As a fashion-loving ballerina, the Roman aesthetic is like a delicious feast for the eyes. The streets are full of incredible vintage boutiques overflowing with gorgeous clothes, beautiful cobbled squares with cafes that just beg to be sat in and the fashion…oh my, the fashion! Everyone just oozes such incredible Italian style.

A Pink Tutu Adventure Through The City of Love

Since arriving, I’ve been dancing through the streets, admiring the ancient Roman ruins. The Colosseum is even more magnificent in person - it truly takes your breath away! I found myself humming "Ave Maria" as I gazed up at the Pantheon, feeling utterly captivated by the architectural brilliance. The city's history whispers at every corner, reminding you that you are walking in the footsteps of emperors and poets.

It was just starting to get chilly, so I whipped out my favourite blush-coloured wool coat and paired it with a sleek black turtleneck and my beloved ballet flats. To top it off, naturally, my trusty pink tutu, flowing like a cloud of pastel perfection! The colour popped beautifully against the ochre buildings and the terracotta roofs, I really couldn’t have been more thrilled! I received so many smiles from fellow tourists, some even gave me a thumbs-up – I believe it was one chap even yelling "Bravo!" from his passing Vespa – maybe I should incorporate a Vespa in the tutu performance next time!

Shopping For A Tutu-Full Wardrobe

Speaking of clothes, I simply had to visit the vintage shops, darling! I couldn't resist indulging in a few purchases – a beautiful, silky burgundy scarf to complete my outfits (always so chic), a delicate chain necklace that glimmered with an antique charm and of course, the must-have: a brand-new ballet skirt. The shop was absolutely enchanting, filled with treasures from eras gone by – the perfect place for a little "me time".

Opera and the Grand Theatre

One of the highlights of this trip was attending a spectacular performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. Imagine, an opulent, historical theatre, a beautiful, flowing opera, a dazzling ballet… The costumes! The music! The grandeur! Oh darling, it was utterly magical! And of course, I added a little bit of pink tutu magic to the evening – a pink ribbon in my hair, perfectly complementing my fuchsia dress. A tutu wouldn't have quite worked in the theatre, even if I did try! But let’s face it, who would be able to take their eyes off the graceful moves of the dancers and performers?

Gelato and Pasta: A Pink Tutu Foodie's Delight

The gelato is a whole different experience! Every day has been an exciting foray into flavours I'd never even dreamed of. Imagine, pistacchio, Nutella, mango sorbet, the most decadent strawberry and, yes, a glorious rose flavoured concoction – delicious!

Of course, a trip to Italy isn't complete without savouring some delicious pasta! The Roman restaurants here offer the most divine dishes – Carbonara, Tagliatelle with truffles, Pesto… My goodness, the aromas wafting from the kitchens simply beckon you inside. My love of good food and good life really flourished in Rome. And yes, even amidst all this delicious food, I am still making an effort to stay slim and limber for my dancing - I managed to squeeze in a ballet class here too. (It is surprisingly good - in a cute little space tucked behind the Trevi Fountain, which of course had a pink tutu ballerina pose for a photo at!)

The Pink Tutu Manifesto: Bringing The World a Touch of Pink

So, my lovely pink-loving ballet besties, if there's one message to take away from this Rome trip it's this: Never stop chasing your dreams. And what dreams are better than ones that involve travelling to magical cities, discovering your inner fashionista, and, of course, twirling in a pink tutu?

Now, I'm off to find the best view in Rome to catch a glorious Italian sunset – and yes, my favourite pink tutu will be right here, catching the evening rays! Until next Wednesday!

Ciao bella!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-01-02 exploring Rome Italy