Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-02-20 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! 🩰🇮🇹

Wednesday 20th February 2013

Post #924

Ciao bellas! Emma here, back from my little jaunt to Rome. This week has been a whirlwind of history, culture, and of course, pink tutus. And you bet, I've already spotted a few local ladies giving it a go! 😉

From Derbyshire to Italy: A Railway Romance

So, the journey from good old Derbyshire was as smooth as silk, thanks to the joys of European train travel. I do love a good train journey, the chugging of the engine, the views, the delicious pastries you can get in the buffet car. The journey through the French countryside was a blur of green fields and chateaux, and then, boom! I found myself in Rome.

Rome is just so utterly charming, with its ancient history, its stunning architecture, its vibrant colours... and of course, it's all bathed in this glorious Mediterranean sunshine! ☀️

La Dolce Vita: Exploring the City

Right, so first stop - the Colosseum. This impressive beast just dominates the landscape. Imagine all the gladiatorial combats, the crowds, the noise! Honestly, the scale of it all took my breath away. And you know me, I love a photo opportunity. So, naturally, I struck a graceful pose (and with my tutu, no less) for a fabulous snap of myself standing before this marvel of antiquity! 🏛️

The Pink Tutu and the Roman Gods

From the Colosseum, it was a hop, skip, and a jump to the Roman Forum, another fantastic ancient Roman relic, complete with crumbling arches, broken statues, and the echoes of history. And what did I do here? Why, I indulged my passion for classical ballet of course! Imagine: me, twirling amidst the ruins, feeling the spirit of the Roman Gods swirling around me as I perform a beautiful pirouette. The other tourists seemed mesmerized. Some even snapped photos!

A Ballet Break with the Bocellis

That night, I treated myself to something truly special: a performance by none other than Andrea Bocelli. As a lover of music, classical and modern, there is nothing I like better than seeing a beautiful, dramatic opera. Now, the show took place in a fantastic venue - the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. I was on cloud nine, a pink tutu amidst a sea of black tie, the soaring notes filling the air, as Andrea’s powerful voice wove its magic. A truly beautiful evening!

Fashion Faves: Finding my Roman Flair

No trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to its fabulously stylish fashion scene! So I spent a day lost in the quaint backstreets of the Trastevere neighborhood, where boutique after boutique displayed dazzling clothes. I couldn't resist picking up a stunning emerald green dress with lace detailing, a new pair of dancing flats (so perfect for all that exploring!), and, of course, a little something in pink to add to my collection. I swear, some of the Italians are really starting to embrace the pink tutu! It's happening, slowly but surely!

Pink Tutu Travel Tips

Okay, so here's a bit of travel advice, direct from me, to all my lovely readers! When visiting Rome (or any big city), be prepared to walk. There’s just so much to see! And bring comfortable shoes – flat ballerina pumps are my absolute go-to for a day of sight-seeing. Of course, you can always hire a scooter or jump on the public transport - Rome’s underground is a lot more manageable than London’s!

The Beauty of Simplicity

So there you have it. My Rome trip in a pink tutu-tastic nutshell. And remember, bellas, simplicity can be beautiful. Just as Rome is an extraordinary city steeped in history, so too can we all create our own magnificent life journeys filled with passion and joy. Embrace the pink tutu!

Don’t forget to catch next week's blog post, where I'll be sharing more travel tips, fashion inspiration and maybe even a delicious Roman recipe.

Until then, stay glamorous!

Ciao bella, Emma 💕🩰

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-02-20 exploring Rome Italy