Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-05-29 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - Post 938 - Wednesday 29th May, 2013

Buongiorno Bella!

Ciao darling, I hope this blog finds you in a tutu-tastic mood! Today, we're off to Rome, the Eternal City, for a whirlwind tour of art, history, and, of course, shopping! This fabulous trip is a special one as I'm celebrating a major milestone - 10 years since I first donned a tutu and decided to live my life in a whirl of twirls and joy! And what better way to mark the occasion than with a week-long immersion in the heart of Italian culture and a few spectacular ballet performances to boot!

Rome - oh Rome! This beautiful, ancient city is everything I dreamed it would be and more! My trip kicked off this morning with the usual journey to the railway station. It's become a bit of a routine by now: grab a coffee from my favourite cafe on Market Street, don my trusty pink polka dot ballet bag (complete with hidden pocket for snacks!) and hop on the train. I absolutely love the romance of travelling by train - there's something so whimsical about watching the landscape flit by, a constant reminder of how far you've come.

After a seamless journey (and I have to confess, I did enjoy a quick power nap en route!), I arrived at Roma Termini station, feeling incredibly excited for what lay ahead. And how could I not?! The city greeted me with open arms, a delicious waft of freshly baked bread, and a sky painted in the most spectacular hues of blue. The city centre was an enchanting blend of ancient and modern, a true visual feast!

I’ve already found some gorgeous shops full of silk scarves and beautifully beaded trinkets. There are, of course, pink tutus! Who would have thought there was a shop in Rome selling pink tutus? There certainly weren't any back in the old days in Derbyshire, so it really is a far cry from the life I lived back then! I bought a beautiful pink beaded necklace - and the prettiest pink and turquoise embroidered tote bag I could find, I can just picture the outfits it will look incredible with. There was a charming shop that specialised in delicate handmade ballerina shoes, perfect for a ballet class after the week of sight-seeing and theatre trips, oh and there was also this fantastic leather bag shop that smelt amazing.

Now, you know I simply couldn’t go to Rome without taking in some world-class performances. And trust me, I've already found the perfect blend of classical ballet and innovative theatre, all of which I will detail for you in due course! The city is teeming with artistic expression, it’s truly inspiring! On my second day in Rome I attended a fabulous performance of Swan Lake. The dancers, their costumes, the staging - oh, my dear, it was magical! I swear, some of the leaps the ballerinas made were practically gravity-defying! I just adore watching beautiful and talented artists in action! I sat right in the front row too - a bit of an extravagance - but sometimes you have to treat yourself!

Of course, all this artistic energy is not limited to just the ballet world! Rome, after all, is a city brimming with historical treasures, some of which I've already started to explore! Yesterday I spent the day meandering through the cobbled streets, marvelling at the grand architecture of the Roman Forum. I think every single cobblestone has a story, they whisper with history! Just imagine all the lives that have passed through these very streets - gladiators, emperors, poets, lovers! It's incredible to feel this connection to the past. It’s also been such fun trying to photograph the architecture and landmarks in new and innovative ways, adding a pink tutu twist, of course! And how could you go to Rome and not see the Colosseum! My goodness, it's absolutely breathtaking! It’s the best way I can describe it - the grand scale is unbelievable. You really have to be there to truly appreciate it.

After all this exploration, a little break is certainly warranted. A spritz with an Italian ice cream for afternoon tea - I do have a bit of a sweet tooth! I just adore Italian ice cream! And there are so many tempting flavours - my favourite so far has been pistacchio, the richest green with such a gorgeous aroma! I always look for a flavour called Fior di Latte - the freshest milk ice cream ever. And my evening treat, it was time for a very glamorous dinner, so after donning my newest frock, I was ready to take on Rome’s night life - followed, of course, by another fantastic theatre performance - this time at the opera! It was a glorious, night under the Tuscan stars!

Today, it's on to another exciting adventure in this fascinating city. The Roman Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and, of course, more exploring for those fab fashion finds! There’s also the beautiful Borghese Gallery that I plan on visiting for some fine art, sculpture, and gardens! The food has been an adventure as well! Every corner is filled with a different type of café and delicatessen. All this touring and ballet performances certainly do take their toll - I do find I've had to be very good about keeping hydrated! I’m sure a bit of wine will do the trick this evening. I think I will look for some little boutique for some fabulous accessories. I wonder if I can find a new hat?

Remember, my darlings, every day is an opportunity to add a touch of magic to your life. Wear your tutu with pride, don’t forget to smile at a stranger, and don't forget, my pink-tutu posse, I'll be here next Wednesday with a full report from this incredible trip.

Until then, dance your hearts out,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-05-29 exploring Rome Italy