Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-12-25 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Christmas Day in the Eternal City! (Post #968)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and this week I'm writing to you from the most magical city on earth… Rome!

Can you believe it's Christmas Day already? It seems like just yesterday I was prepping my autumnal wardrobe and planning out my Halloween costume. (Spoiler alert: it was a killer pink tutu adorned with black bats – you’ll see the photos on Instagram soon!).

I’ve been dreaming of coming to Rome for years, ever since I first saw photos of the Colosseum. Imagine, a beautiful ancient stadium where gladiators used to fight! Swoon.

And, the perfect thing is… I arrived in Rome the day after the train strike! You can imagine my delight. (Let's just say I don't think I'll be forgetting the 15 hour journey on a packed bus, ever! Who knew there were so many Italian train lovers! But let me tell you, the scenery was stunning - snow-capped mountains and sun-kissed vineyards - a total fairy tale!)

Speaking of fairytales, this city is brimming with enchantment! Just walking through the narrow cobblestone streets, past stunning churches and fountains adorned with marble statues, it feels like you're stepping onto a movie set! Oh, and the smells! Imagine a symphony of freshly baked bread, roasted coffee beans, and rich spices – a true sensory overload in the best possible way.

And speaking of my travels, I do want to mention that, for those of you who are just joining me, my journeys around the world are financed entirely through my love of dancing. Yep, you heard me right! My darling, adorable pink tutu – who I affectionately call 'Bubbles' – and I work hard performing in ballet shows, and occasionally street performances in different cities, to afford these unforgettable adventures. It's all worth it though, just for the opportunity to see the world in all its magnificent glory!

But enough about me, let's talk about this incredible day!

Christmas Day in the Eternal City!

It was just after midnight when the sun started to rise, painting the city in golden light. It was the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen! My camera went click, click, click! * The Italians take Christmas seriously here, and the air is filled with carols and a sense of joyous celebration. Every church in the city is bursting with festive decorations and everyone looks so happy and peaceful. It truly is the perfect setting for a *magical Christmas morning!

The best part? Today was also my birthday, so I got to celebrate both my favourite day and this truly unique city. I spent the morning indulging in delicious breakfast in a traditional Italian cafe – I had the most amazing cappuccino! So much for dieting, it’s a special day, so there's no guilt here.

After a wonderful morning, I joined a delightful group of ladies in their 80s who were taking a tour of St. Peter’s Basilica, complete with gorgeous mosaic floors and an intricately decorated ceiling – breathtaking! I loved the stories they shared about their life in Rome – fascinating! The women told me that when they were girls, it was common for people to be wearing bright red shoes (no tutus though, sadly!).

Tip for fellow tutu-wearersMake sure your shoes aren't bright red if you are visiting the Basilica. No red shoes are allowed! Apparently, it is considered a bad omen!* (My beautiful silver Mary Janes were just perfect.)

The afternoon was a real treat. We went to the Trevi Fountain and threw a coin in for good luck (apparently you have to do it over your left shoulder, facing the fountain!), then wandered around the picturesque Spanish Steps and indulged in some traditional Italian gelato. Oh my goodness, the pistachio and cherry flavours are divine. I had to buy a giant cup to take back to my room at the hotel for later, of course!

Now, it's the evening and the city is alive with light. I've got a table booked at the most romantic Italian restaurant in Rome, and I'm feeling truly blessed to be here, experiencing the magic of the city!

A special surprise!

One of the things I’m enjoying most in Rome is exploring its incredible dance scene! There are beautiful theatres here, steeped in history, and they host all sorts of ballet and musical performances. On New Year’s Eve, I have a special surprise for you: a full review of a truly incredible performance I’ll be seeing. I'm super excited for you all to hear all about it!

Of course, the fashion side of things is equally delightful! So many amazing boutiques, filled with beautiful clothing, accessories, and even the most gorgeous tutus you’ve ever seen (though obviously nothing compares to Bubbles! 😉). You can bet I’ll be sharing my favourite finds with you very soon!

Well darlings, I think this is my cue to enjoy a lovely glass of Italian red wine. (Perhaps I’ll even break out my pink velvet evening shoes tonight – it’s a special occasion, after all.)

I can't wait to continue my exploration of this fantastic city and share my adventures with you each week. Stay tuned for more updates and lots of #PinkTutuRome fashion and travel inspiration!

Ciao for now,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-12-25 exploring Rome Italy