Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-03-12 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: A Dance Through Eternal City - Post #979

Ciao, darlings!

It’s Wednesday, so that means it's time for another #PinkTutuRome update from your favourite tutu-clad explorer, straight from the heart of Italy. This week, my twirling adventure has taken me on a whirlwind tour of Rome, and I’m already falling head over heels for this magical city.

For those who are new here, let me introduce myself: I'm Emma, a 20-something ballerina from the rolling hills of Derbyshire, England. Now, I’m not just any ballerina. I’m a Pink Tutu Ballerina! I believe in living life to the fullest, wearing vibrant pink tutus and spreading the joy of dance to everyone I meet.

My passion for ballet fuels my wanderlust. Every Wednesday, I share my journey, with you lovely lot, through the magic of words, pictures, and (of course) lots of pink! You can find all my adventures, tips, and a whole heap of inspiration on my website, And don’t forget to follow my hashtag #PinkTutuRome to join the fun.

Arriving in Rome: A Fairy Tale Train Ride

Rome is everything I dreamed it would be: historic, dramatic, and with a charming old-world romance that has me absolutely captivated. My journey here was magical, I journeyed through the French countryside aboard a train that glided through breathtaking scenery – rolling vineyards, majestic mountains, and quaint villages that would have been right at home in a fairytale. I found myself drawn to the window, entranced by the ever-changing vista. There was something almost theatrical about the entire journey, with its sweeping panoramic views and the feeling of pure escapism.

The highlight of my trip so far? Reaching the Eternal City by train! It felt like stepping into a classic black and white film. There I was, in my favourite bright pink tutu, standing on the station platform, as the familiar aroma of espresso filled my senses, the chatter of locals in the distance a symphony of a thousand different languages. There was a feeling of exciting, vibrant chaos all around, but it wasn't intimidating. It felt wonderfully welcoming!

First Impressions: Roman Dreams

Rome is already winning me over with its infectious energy, impeccably stylish locals, and incredible architecture that has me pinching myself with excitement. Every corner reveals a stunning fountain, ancient ruins, or a beautifully preserved basilica. It feels like stepping into a time machine and a fashion magazine at the same time.

The atmosphere is buzzing, the sun is shining, and everywhere I go there is a gentle hum of excitement, a reminder of this city's ancient charm and vibrant cultural heritage. This isn't just a place; it's a stage! It feels as though every street, every doorway is ready to erupt into a beautiful ballet performance!

And it seems, Rome knows how to treat a pink tutu ballerina. I have been stopped numerous times in the street with “Ciao Bella!”, a wave and beaming smiles! A delightful compliment that warms my heart every time! People are curious and so lovely. Rome, you have me completely charmed.

The Heart of Roman Style: Fashion & Flair

Of course, as a fashion-obsessed girl, I was determined to absorb the unique style that Rome has to offer. The Romans truly understand the art of timeless elegance! Here, it's all about relaxed tailoring, classic cuts, and beautifully crafted accessories. From effortlessly chic vintage pieces to contemporary Italian designer labels, it’s an absolute fashion playground. I'm already dreaming about my own custom-made tulle skirt!

My love for vibrant colours and classic lines are finding a whole new home here. The Roman approach to fashion is all about sophistication with a touch of effortless nonchalance. I've fallen for beautiful tailored coats, chic black-and-white outfits, and of course, some stunning Italian footwear - imagine, sleek pointed pumps and elegant knee-high boots that I would proudly wear to ballet class.

I'm dreaming about transforming a beautiful vintage linen skirt into the ultimate Roman inspired creation: a dazzling ballet piece! This will be an outfit you will love! The perfect mix of Parisian vintage style with a sprinkle of whimsical pink and lots of ballet flair!

My Ballet Agenda: Roman Elegance

And to truly absorb the beauty of Rome, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to immerse myself in the city’s culture, especially its rich history of opera and ballet. I found a stunning theater right on Piazza Barberini that promises breathtaking ballet shows and exquisite costumes, not to mention its historical significance!

I am already making plans for a night of opulent ballet performance. Can you imagine? Stunning costumes, elegant ballerinas, a breathtaking stage with a soundtrack of captivating music, and a glass of Italian sparkling wine to enjoy during the interval? Absolutely heaven.

In addition, I can't wait to dive into a ballet class in the heart of Rome. My little ballet-heart is already bouncing with excitement, thinking about all the amazing studios I am about to discover. This trip is not just about exploring, it’s about dancing with every ounce of my being, and celebrating my love for this beautiful art form in all its grandeur.

From Roman Tastes to Pink-tutu Inspirations

Now, you know I couldn't possibly explore Rome without sampling some of its most delicious delicacies. Rome, you are truly a haven for foodies! I’m particularly loving the fresh pasta with vibrant tomato sauces. (Even in a pink tutu, my ballet requires plenty of fuel!). The gelato is, of course, incredible, and you can bet I’m already making my way through my personal list of favourite gelato flavours, with a special nod to the deliciously pink strawberry flavour.

While the food is certainly an amazing experience, it is Rome’s captivating beauty that keeps me truly mesmerized. The way light dances through ancient cobblestones and arches, the majestic feel of fountains in every square - even my tutu inspires me. Every day feels like a fairytale - one I am desperate to share with you.

But of course, I’ll keep you posted on all the latest adventures and inspiration right here, every Wednesday. So keep checking in, my lovely ballet buddies, and remember to embrace your own #PinkTutuMoments – you never know where the next adventure awaits!

See you next week!

Until then, be bold, embrace your inner ballerina, and never forget, everyone looks great in a pink tutu!

Ciao Bella!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-03-12 exploring Rome Italy