Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-08-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 1001 - Exploring the Eternal City in a Pink Cloud

Ciao bella! Welcome back to my weekly slice of pink paradise, Pink Tutu Rome. It's Wednesday, the 13th of August, and the air in Rome is buzzing with a delightful mix of cicada song and the happy chatter of holidaymakers. I, Emma, your intrepid pink tutu-wearing explorer, have been embracing every moment of this stunning city. And today? Well, today's a pink-tastic tale of fashion, history, and even a little bit of ballet.

Rome has been a dream. I've been weaving my way through cobbled streets, dodging Vespa scooters (with a tiny pink tutu tucked safely in my handbag, of course), and breathing in the delicious aroma of freshly brewed espresso and baking bread. My Roman adventure began with a thrilling train journey. Nothing beats the magic of a long-distance train journey, you know? I'd had my tutu prepped, and my trusty pink cashmere shawl wrapped around my shoulders (for the air-con, obviously). It's just the right kind of travel for soaking up the scenery. This time, though, it was more than rolling hills and green meadows - it was soaring views of the Italian countryside, the sun dappling through ancient olive groves, and a sky painted with breathtaking blues. It was enough to inspire a whole ballet routine, believe me.

My little hotel, tucked away in a quiet courtyard off the bustling Via dei Fori Imperiali, has become my pink oasis. Every morning, I step out onto the tiny balcony, a symphony of pink unfolding before me. It’s a truly enchanting feeling, being surrounded by this captivating hue, as if the city itself has embraced me with a pink welcome.

Speaking of embracing, this week I ventured into the world of Roman fashion. Now, Rome is a city bursting with incredible style. The shops are like candy stores for fashionistas – silk scarves that you just can't resist, elegant linen shirts, shoes that sing your name in Italian… But I'm happiest amongst the vintage stores, sifting through rails and boxes for unique treasures. I found a beautiful 1950s pink velvet top that screamed, "Viva la vita!" I simply had to take it home.

This afternoon, I had a delightful afternoon at a charming little ballet school in the heart of Trastevere. The teacher was an absolute delight, with fiery eyes and graceful moves. We worked on pliés and pirouettes amidst a backdrop of faded murals and terracotta tiles, a real slice of Italian life. The girls, oh, the girls! All ages, all styles, each with their own pirouette and jeté stories to tell. It was magical, like a glimpse into the beating heart of Roman culture. I even spotted a few tiny ballerina-wannabes, all decked out in tutus (some pink, of course, but many in classic white). I left with a renewed sense of inspiration, my heart brimming with joy and a longing for the next class.

Of course, no visit to Rome would be complete without a visit to the Colosseum. The sheer scale of this historical wonder is awe-inspiring, and I swear, I could almost hear the roars of the crowd in my imagination! The air was heavy with the echoes of a long-lost history, and I found myself drawn to the intricate carvings and ancient stone, my senses overflowing with wonder. I couldn't resist whipping out my pink tutu and performing a few twirls, a pink burst of energy amidst the history, just to get the tourists giggling and smiling! (The odd "Fantastico!" or "Bellissima!" certainly didn't hurt, either).

And then there's the food! It’s enough to tempt any ballet dancer off their diet. Fresh mozzarella that melts in your mouth like butter, spaghetti carbonara with the perfect creamy sauce, delicious gelato served in a cone – this city is truly a culinary dream come true.

Now, this evening, I'm indulging in the ultimate Italian experience. I’m taking in an open-air opera performance under the stars. They are showing Puccini’s Tosca at the stunning Teatro dell’Opera. Just imagine - the soaring melodies echoing through the night, the vibrant costumes, the passion of the opera singers – pure magic! The anticipation has got me a bit jittery, so excuse me while I dust off my finest pink tutu, put on a pair of glittery heels, and head out into the Roman night!

It’s times like these that make me truly appreciate my pink life – the travels, the ballet, the food, the fashion. Rome is definitely adding its unique flavour to this Pink Tutu journey, a delicious combination of history, beauty, and a pinch of Italian sunshine. And for me? It’s just the start of a fabulous Roman adventure. Stay tuned next Wednesday for more pink adventures, dear friends.

Until then, may your week be full of grace, glitz, and of course, a generous dose of pink!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-08-13 exploring Rome Italy