Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-09-02 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Ciao Bella! Italy’s Got My Heart, And My Tutu’s Spinning! (Post #1056)

Ciao Bellas!

Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad travel ballerina, landing in the Eternal City - Rome! I know, I know, another epic adventure! I just can’t help myself. My itchy feet (and ballet shoes) get the travel bug every chance I get!

I can't wait to explore the Roman Empire's heritage. Honestly, what better way to celebrate the glory of ancient times than by pirouette-ing around some breathtaking architecture? It's a match made in ballet heaven! And I'm dreaming of cobbled streets, sun-kissed squares, and gelato – oh so much gelato!

I'm writing to you from a quaint little hotel nestled in the heart of Trastevere, with a little terrace overflowing with terracotta pots of geraniums, pink and red of course! It’s like something straight out of a charming, romantic movie. Even the sun seems to be playing hide and seek with the clouds today, a lovely touch that adds to the magic of the moment.

Rome's energy is vibrant and welcoming, full of passionate people. Everywhere I look, I see people's smiles and hear the musical hum of everyday life, something that always fills my heart with joy. And speaking of joy, this is what my trip's all about – taking you all along on this enchanting adventure with me!

This week in #PinkTutuRome is jam-packed! I've got a grand plan of adventures - a whirlwind of culture, a taste of deliciousness, and naturally, plenty of photo-ops (of course, featuring my pink tutu!), for you, my gorgeous readers!

Day 1: Arriving In Rome (With Style, Naturally!)

After a gloriously scenic train journey (who needs planes when you can travel through picturesque landscapes?!) I landed in Rome. I even snagged a window seat – I couldn't help myself! The journey was breathtaking! Italy was just like in the postcards – olive groves, rolling hills, and sun-kissed vineyards. Even a train journey is an adventure when you've got your pink tutu on. (You’ve got to try it, believe me! It's guaranteed to lift your spirits and turn heads!)

First impressions? I’m completely captivated! Rome's beauty is captivating. I arrived right into the bustling heart of the city, Termini Station, buzzing with excitement. It felt like the city was pulsating with history, adventure, and art. And oh, the smell of coffee – it was intoxicating!

I found my hotel with ease – it’s tucked away on a tiny cobbled street, brimming with charm, close to the vibrant Trastevere neighbourhood!

My Rome Debut (and it involved a pizza and pasta galore!)

Naturally, I couldn’t let myself wait a moment longer to don my favourite pink tutu – my travel tutu! So, after a quick change and a spritz of rose perfume (a touch of my own special brand of girly), I set out to explore my new neighbourhood.

My tummy was rumbling (always a great time for a pizza or two), and a delicious pizza with a generous sprinkling of mozzarella and a creamy, comforting pasta (because a girl needs her carbs after a day of travelling), was exactly what I needed! It was pure perfection.

After dinner, I strolled around Trastevere, the cobblestones guiding my way like a magical map. Every corner I turned was like stepping into a Renaissance painting! This area of Rome has such character – the charm, the street vendors, and the people make it an irresistible place to hang out and simply soak in the local vibes!

Look out for tomorrow’s post where I'll be sharing all my favourite Trastevere finds and maybe a few delicious gelato spots too, my lips are sealed for now (for those amazing photo opportunities). Ciao, bellas, until next time!

#PinkTutuRome - Exploring Ancient History with a Touch of Pink! (Post #1057)

Ciao Bellas!

Emma here, back again with a Roman update! It’s day two in the eternal city and my tutu’s still twirling! My, what a beautiful place Rome is. It's just like something out of a history book – with majestic ruins, charming piazzas, and hidden gems just waiting to be discovered.

My trusty pink tutu has already seen some incredible sights, and let me tell you, Rome makes even the most modest pink tutu feel like a magnificent masterpiece! It adds a playful touch to the city’s majestic historical backdrop.

My Journey to the Colosseum (a Pink Tutu Adventure!)

Today, my day was all about exploring the majestic Colosseum, a Roman icon of power, a true testament to the grandeur of ancient architecture. The scale is just staggering – it felt like something out of a fairy tale (with a slightly more violent plot)! But hey, we’re not going to talk about that today. I am going to let my pink tutu’s magic weave a more whimsical tale of my day.

My journey to the Colosseum was an adventure in itself! I opted to go on a relaxed stroll through Rome's historical labyrinthine streets. Just taking it all in. My tutu swirled gracefully with the rhythm of my footsteps. Every corner felt like stepping into a Renaissance masterpiece. It felt so very elegant, as though the Romans had been expecting my arrival.

Then, after my walk through the heart of history, my tummy started growling again! This time, I was in the mood for something Italian! I happened upon a little trattoria in the shadow of the Colosseum. You know, the kind of place where the locals have their coffee and gossip in the mornings! And the smell – oh, the smell! Fresh bread and heavenly pasta sauces – oh the bliss! My heart knew I was about to discover another tasty gem.

A Pink Tutu in The Heart of Roman Majesty

My eyes twinkled when I finally saw the Colosseum – towering, mighty, and grand, all wrapped in stories of gladiators, emperors, and a whole lot of Roman history! With the sun beaming down, and the smell of ancient stones around me, it was easy to imagine gladiators and crowds roaring for a grand spectacle! It was captivating. The sheer scale and engineering of the place took my breath away. I even stood with a handful of tourists, our cameras clicking, capturing a bit of this magic! (And yes, I did spin for a couple of photos, too. Pink Tutu Diaries, remember?)

My Afternoon Indulgence – The Pantheon

But the day didn’t end there! Oh, no, not for your resident Pink Tutu blogger! This girl needs to catch the afternoon sunlight before it disappears – there are some dazzling photo opportunities! So, next on the list, the Pantheon – one of Rome’s oldest and most stunning buildings, a perfect combination of ancient engineering and modern artistry.

It's a circular marvel that sits under a massive, perfect, open dome! And can you imagine the thrill of having a pink tutu twirling in that sacred space! This architectural feat just blew me away – its combination of history and grace is beyond words! It was all I could do to contain myself – a moment for some happy twirls, it’s something every girl should experience – just let loose in that magic circle!

The Pantheon is a sanctuary where my tutu felt so elegant and so much in harmony with its surroundings.

Rome was working its magic – it's captivating every sense with its charm!

Ending my Day the Roman Way – (And You Won't Believe What I Saw)

The night closed with a touch of local magic, a plate of fresh pasta in a trattoria tucked away in the heart of Rome, the people laughing, and the lights twinkling! You know it’s always good when a plate of delicious spaghetti with meatballs comes with an authentic serving of warmth, laughter and a good old-fashioned Italian romance.

*You know, it’s something to write home about, my blog, naturally, is a must, but now, I think even a postcard to Mum and Dad is necessary! *

But the best part was still to come - walking home down cobblestone streets, the lights twirling before my eyes – but that’s a story for another day. Ciao Bellas, until then, it’s Pink Tutu Diaries signing off.

#PinkTutuRome: Art and Grace, Ballet & Gelato – Rome is Where the Heart Twirls (Post #1058)

Ciao Bella!

Welcome back, to the wonderful world of pink tutus, this is your girl Emma, and Rome is filling my heart with grace, gelato, and all things fabulous!

This week in #PinkTutuRome is full of colour, dancing, and the city’s iconic art treasures – an experience for all senses! I am loving every second of it! My pink tutu is twirling its way through the streets and I’m sharing my experiences with you lovely readers!

### The Power of Art – a Romantic Ballet & Pink Tutus!

So, after two days in Rome, my senses were buzzing with inspiration and the power of Italian life! And so I had a little moment with my tutu and I found a perfect place to indulge in an amazing Ballet performance – the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, a gorgeous, decadent theatre right in the heart of the city! (It made even my favourite tutu seem extra glamorous – it’s almost like the tutu knew it was a special day.)

The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma is such an experience! You walk into this incredible space – think chandeliers dripping with jewels and velvet curtains, and you know you're about to witness something extraordinary. I felt a wave of exhilaration!

I spent the day browsing Rome’s art treasures - I have a particular penchant for anything romantic! I fell head-over-heels with Bernini’s masterpiece “The Ecstasy of St. Teresa,” which resides in the Cornaro Chapel at Santa Maria della Vittoria – you know the sculptures – full of passion, love, and so much movement - it made me want to twirl. ( I managed to get a quick photo, if I do say so myself!)

This theatre’s art deco aesthetic made my pink tutu the perfect outfit for a balletic escape into a magical world. My pink tutu – oh, it danced as I floated down the steps, through a flurry of gorgeous fans and fashion-forward people – all making an entrance in their very own fabulous styles! It was a truly inspiring scene.

My Moment to Shine

I took my spot in the theatre and the lights went down. The music swelled – a beautiful piece filled with romance – and the dancers came onto the stage! This was my kind of balletic experience – filled with elegance, emotions and storytelling, a real ballet classic, one that touched my heart and made my toes tap in anticipation. I’m not a big fan of all kinds of dancing, to be honest, but the energy on stage had me caught up and ready to take it all in, especially that iconic pas de deux that made my heart swoon! The ballerina glided and leapt with such graceful beauty. It really was the magic of ballet! And let’s not forget those graceful turns and leaps, my tutu practically flew with the emotion of the ballet!

That show, my heart felt complete! Every twirl, every leap, every passion was captured in the graceful performance. There’s a certain elegance and passion in ballet, an art form that takes me back to the romantic era, especially on this dreamy balletic trip to Rome.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s adventures in Rome – where I am heading to a vintage clothes market in search of the perfect little find for my new look - I’m talking stylish, pink tutu-compatible clothing - can you believe it?! I can’t wait to see if the vintage shops in Rome will offer a few Pink Tutu treasures, the thought makes me want to spin in my tutu all day long. Stay tuned for my finds! Ciao!


## #PinkTutuRome - Fashion, Gelato, and Italian Charm! A Day Of Pure Indulgence (Post #1059)

Ciao Bella!

Another week in #PinkTutuRome – this time, we’re taking a day for a bit of fashionable fun, a whole lot of yummy treats and some pink tutu inspired shopping in Rome’s charming neighbourhoods!

It's time for an indulgence – we’re talking vintage treasures, stylish finds, and delicious gelato – this is how we #PinkTutuRome!

### The Hunt For Vintage Treasures

My day began in a place where dreams meet reality - a hidden little gem, a treasure trove for any stylish soul: the Mercato Monti!

This market, situated in the heart of Rome’s Monte neighbourhood, is full of unique vintage pieces. I practically skipped with excitement into this little haven – all things retro and ready to find a new home. I spent the whole morning amongst gorgeous fashion gems – think vintage jewellery, fabulous 60s style skirts and a pair of dazzling shoes – the ones that were made to twirl. I actually ended up buying a cute pink bow, the perfect accent to my new vintage dress - you’ll have to see it when it arrives! (It even inspired me to try out a new vintage pink tutu inspired outfit.)

The day, well it just continued in the best possible way! It felt like a whimsical scene from a movie, all because I had my pink tutu on, which matched everything! What more could you ask for on a bright and sunny day in Rome?

The Gelato Scene

Speaking of perfect, let’s talk about gelato. Because, for those who know me, you know this gelato obsessed gal had to find a way to combine gelato with my fabulous new vintage dress! Well, here I am, perched on a tiny cobblestone street corner with a delicious concoction of pink strawberry sorbet, hazelnut gelato, and lemon sorbet! What a heavenly way to cool down and refuel.

I know I said “it’s the little things” but Rome seems to be a place where magic lives in the streets – I was practically a ballet dancer on that cobblestone street, every scoop, every step, every twist and twirl with my ice cream had me dancing – and I'm sure a few other people dancing along, too! (It's infectious – you can't help but smile and laugh when you've got delicious gelato, and a pink tutu!).

It’s those little moments – the moments you can’t script but they unfold perfectly as if meant to be – this is Rome and the heart of Italian romance. A city where a pink tutu brings out the sunshine – I am in love.

Evening Reflections

My day in the enchanting city, my #PinkTutuRome has led to some pretty interesting discoveries! This little gem is really about finding those hidden pieces of Italian romance, not just in fashion, not just in food, but the way life is enjoyed – that sense of slow living!

So, until tomorrow my lovelies, this little pink tutu dreamer has a a full wardrobe of amazing things to try, with delicious gelato, and my faithful pink tutu at my side - you just can’t go wrong. Ciao!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-09-02 exploring Rome Italy