Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-09-09 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #1057)

Buongiorno from the Eternal City! This is Emma from Pink Tutu, signing in live from the heart of Rome, Italy. It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of my Rome adventure, and believe me, you wouldn't believe what's been happening. It feels like I've stepped into a movie set!

Last week, I was whirling through Derbyshire, teaching ballet classes in my signature pink tutu. This week, I’m wearing the same, trusty tutu, but this time I’m sipping cappuccino in the shadow of the Colosseum. My suitcase is packed with the essentials: ballet shoes, my sparkly pink phone case (because I do like to show off!), and of course, several spare tutus – one never knows what adventure awaits!

Speaking of adventure, how did I end up in this stunning city? It all started with a dazzling opportunity to perform in a ballet fundraiser for a local arts school here. Of course, the idea of showcasing my skills in such a magical location was irresistible. Who wouldn’t love a bit of a “Rome-antic” getaway, even if it means packing a little heavier?

The journey by train was an experience in itself. Imagine, the scenery flashing by while I sat in my trusty pink tutu, dreaming of cobbled streets, ancient ruins and Italian gelato! Thankfully, fellow travellers seemed rather enchanted by my sartorial choices. I even had a friendly Italian gentleman compliment me on my tutu! I like to think that little bit of pink cheer brightened everyone's journey.

Speaking of pink, have you seen the vibrant colours of the local shops? The fashion scene here is utterly breathtaking. I picked up a delightful silk scarf in a rich magenta, perfect for those hot Roman afternoons. Let's be honest, pink is the ultimate colour for any Italian holiday - vibrant, passionate, and utterly chic.

Today, my mission was exploring the Forum. Can you imagine? Stepping on stones that Roman emperors once walked on! You can just picture them wearing togas, which are practically the Ancient Roman equivalent of a pink tutu, don’t you think? They certainly added a touch of flamboyance to their daily lives. It felt like a trip back in time. I’m picturing some of Rome’s most notable residents like Caesar and Cleopatra twirling their way through the streets, and I can almost hear the laughter of children running through the forum - perhaps it's a child's voice you hear today? The magic of Rome really comes to life.

But there’s so much more than just historical sites here. This evening, I’m off to the opera at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Yes, you heard right! A chance to see some of the greatest opera singers in the world, a dream come true for a ballerina like me! I hear they put on a real show here, so naturally I’m thinking of adding a few dance moves to the audience participation. We're talking tutus on the balcony, Italian glamour at its finest. I've been practicing my Italian (mostly saying "grazie" and "ciao") but I can already imagine being caught up in the whirlwind of it all - beautiful costumes, moving music, a breathtaking performance - oh, it’s simply magical.

What more could a girl ask for? I have been taking inspiration from this amazing city. Think colourful, feminine, and a touch of drama. I've already decided to add a little "Roman chic" to my ballet performances back in Derbyshire. A little shimmer here, a bit of bold colour there, all set to my own pink tutu magic.

Don't worry, my loves. My journey continues, and I'll be back next Wednesday with more Italian adventures. Stay tuned for tales of hidden Roman cafes, spectacular fashion finds and the secrets to the perfect Italian gelato.

Ciao, for now!

P.S. Remember, my fellow fashionistas: it's all about confidence. Rock that pink tutu, be daring, be brave, be YOU! And who knows, maybe a trip to Rome is just around the corner...

With Love, Emma,

The Pink Tutu Blogger

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-09-09 exploring Rome Italy